Let’s Flow into the touchable future…

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Meet EEZ Studio
Created from scratch to give complete freedom to customize every detail of a highly complex embedded GUI with a modular architecture to allow endless future improvements and upgrades. The free and open source EEZ Studio provides to developers a modern and feature-rich development environment that can be enriched as project requirements grow.
… is the graphical user interface (GUI) of choice. It will breathe new life into existing solutions and provide an effective kickstart to new projects.
Low-code / No-code
… is a rapid application development approach that shortens time to market and reduces costs thanks to visual point & click, drag & drop and visual programming that does not require the use of general-purpose programming languages.

OK, it’s EEZ Studio, so what?
Today, there are drag & drop visual GUI tools in all shapes and forms offered to us by micro companies to international corporations. Certain HMI device manufacturers offer their own tools, too. When evaluating which tool might be the most optimal for you, consider the features of EEZ Studio listed below which will put you on the fast-track.
EEZ Flow for a no-code experience
Create an entire project without leaving EEZ Studio – add programming logic of any complexity using flowchart-like programming
Modern UI/UX for more efficient work
Project editor with dockable panels for customizing the desktop according to your choice. Choose Light or Dark appearance depending on your taste
Modular design with pluggable Extensions
The modular architecture and Extension manager enable a simple way of adding new functionality and expanding the possibilities for increasingly demanding projects
Simulator and visual debugger
Speed up prototyping or delivery of the final solution thanks to the built-in debugger and test functionalities on the simulator without the need for a target hardware platform
Various project types with templates
Choose the project type according to purpose: Dashboard (can also be built as a standalone app!), Embedded GUI (LVGL supported) or T&M Instrument Extension (IEXT)

… but wait, there’s more!
EEZ Studio also allows you to add remote control to the device for which you have developed a GUI for e.g. monitoring and management purposes, firmware upgrade, data acquisition, etc. You can create an end-user management dashboard (with cross-platform runtime) without leaving EEZ Studio.
Test and measurement automation
Create complex scenarios in EEZ Flow to automate testing and measurement during development, production, (re)calibration, and more
Free as a bird
EEZ Studio core functionality is guaranteed free and open source supported by the community. This eliminates the “black-box” problems but also other problems that could appear with properiatry development tools such as planned obsolescence, switching to a subscription only licensing model or even liquidation of the company or product retirement.
All source code is available on GitHub. Feel free to clone, fork and do whatever you want with it under the GPL 3.0 license.
Please also note that Envox d.o.o. does not claim any ownership rights to the source code generated by the “Build” command except in the case of a project that uses EEZ Flow when it is given under the MIT license.
The user owns the .eez-project file and all the source code generated from the file template definitions that are part of eez-project file. EEZ Studio may also generate files that are under MIT, BSD 2.0 or Public Domain license.
EEZ Studio origin
We are veterans of developing visual RAD tools with decades of experience (authors of the award-winning Envox CT-Studio). There is a saying that those who take their software seriously build their own hardware. We developed EEZ Studio to speed up the embedded GUI development of H24005 and BB3 and they helped us to equip EEZ Studio with everything that developers and end users need to make the hardware as usable and powerful as possible. Needless to say, both devices became popular and were successfully crowdfunded.

Support and professional services
EEZ Studio is a natural choice for anyone who doesn’t want their tool to become e.g. subject to planned obsolescence, license policy changes, or cease to exist because the original development team no longer exists, because EEZ Studio is a free and open source tool and will remain so.
For support questions, you can ask for assistance from our community on the Discord server. However, if you need our direct technical support, customization or application development, choose one of the support plans that suits you best.
Technical support
Per incident
399 €
Technical support
1599 €
App development
Per project
Call us
- Embedded GUI development for any of the supported platforms
- GUI pages design
- Application development for test and measurement automation
- Custom functionality development (widgets, actions, extensions…)
EEZ Studio
FREE license
- Cross-platform (Linux, macOS, Windows)
- FREE upgrades
- Unlimited projects complexity
- Unlimited devices, unlimited screens
- Unlimited projects Import / Export
- No royalties, no watermark
- For commercial and non-commercial use
- Community support (Discord)

NOTE: All prices are without VAT.
The price of technical support is per developer site (a single contact person only). We offer a special discount to organizations that want to buy support for 5 or more sites. We also offer a special discount to all educational and research institutions.
For all questions and arrangements, please contact us with confidence via the Contact form below.