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12. SCPI commands summary


Common command



Clears all status data structures

*ESE {<value>}

Programs the Standard Event Status Enable register bits


Reads the Standard Event Status Register


Returns the UNIQUE identification of the BB3


Operation Complete Command used for program synchronization

*RCL {<profile>}

Recalls the BB3 state stored in the specified storage location


Reset BB3 to the initial state

*SAV {<profile>}

Stores the current BB3 state in the specified storage location


Reads the Status Byte register


Generates a software trigger


Returns Self-Test results


Waits until all pending commands are completed


SCPI Command



Resets the trigger system to the Idle state


Stops the internal data logging session

CALibrate[:MODE] {<bool>, <password>}

Enables/disables calibration mode

:CLEar {<password>}

Clears all calibration parameters



[:DATA] {<new value>}

Enters the calibration value

:LEVel {<level>}

Calibrates the output current programming


Initiates current calibration measurement

:RANGe {<range>}

Sets current range for multiple current range model



:NEW {<old>, <new>}

Changes calibration password

:REMark {<string>}

Saves calibration information


Saves the new cal constants in non-volatile memory

:STATe {<bool>, <password>}

Enables calibration parameters



[:DATA] {<new value>}

Enters the calibration value

:LEVel {<level>}

Calibrates the output voltage programming


Initiates voltage calibration measurement






Returns the latest values acquired by ADC


Returns a list of the calibration parameters


Returns status of the cooling fan.


Returns the information about all protections.


Returns results of the most recent self-test



:BRIGhtness {<value>}

Sets the intensity of the front panel TFT display


Reads screen image data

:VIEW {<mode>}

Sets the front panel TFT display main page appearance



[:STATe] {<bool>}

Sets the front panel TFT display state


Opens DLOG viewer

[:OPEN] {<filename>}

Displays content of the resource file

:ACTIon? [<timeout>]

Returns information about selected item


Closes last opened dialog window

:DATA {<name>}, {<type>}, [{<unit>}], {<value>}

Sets the value of the dialog data item

:DLOG [<filename>]

Opens DLOG viewer

:ERRor {<message>}

Displays message box and generates error beep tone

:INPUt? {<label>}, {<type>} [, <min>, <max>, <value>]

Displays entry form and wait for input on the front panel TFT display

:SELect? {<defaultSelection>, {<optionText>}[, …]

Displays pop-up display with multiple radio buttons

:TEXT {<message>}

Displays a message on the front panel TFT display


Clear a message on the front panel TFT display




Completes one full trigger cycle

:DLOG {<filename>}

Initiates internal data loggging

:TRACe {<filename>}

Initiates internal data logging

:CONTinuous {<bool>}

Enables/disables continuous transient triggers



[:SELect] {<channel>}

Selects the output to be programmed


Returns a quoted string of the list of valid choices for the instrument channels


Returns a list of string – number pairs



:TRACking {<type>}

Selects independent, parallel-tracking, or series-tracking mode



:TRACe[<n>] {<value>}

Selects output value on the specified display trace


Swaps positions of selected output values



:RATE {<duration>}

Selects YT view sample duration

:NSELect {<channel>}

Selects the output to be programmed



:DIGital[:BYTE]? [<channel>]

Takes a measurement; returns digital logic state





[:DC]? [<channel>]

Takes a measurement; returns the average current



[:DC]? [<channel>]

Takes a measurement; returns the average power



[:DC]? [<channel>]

Takes a measurement; returns the average voltage



[:THERmistor][:DC]? {<chanlist>}

Takes a measurement; returns the average temperature




Returns total number of state storage memory locations




Lists the names associated with all ten state storage locations

:DELete {<profile>}

Deletes the contents of a state storage location


Deletes the contents of all state storage locations

:NAME {<profile>, <name>}

Assigns a custom name to a state storage locations



:AUTO {<bool>}

Specifies whether the power-down state is recalled from location 0 on power-on

:SELect {<profile>}

Specifies which BB3 state will be used at power on

:VALid? {<profile>}

Determines whether a storage location contains a valid state



:CATalog [<directory>]

Returns a list of items in the specified directory (folder)

:LENgth [<directory>]

Returns the number of items in the specified directory

:CDIRectory {<directory>}

Changes the current directory

:COPY {<source>}, {<destination>}

Copies <source> to <destination>

:DATE? {<filename>}

Returns date that the specified file was last saved

:DELete {<filename>}

Deletes an existing file




Aborts current download session

:DATA :DATA {#<length>,<encoding>,<block>}

Downloads data from the host computer

:FNAMe {<filename>}

Creates or opens the specified filename for download data

:SIZE {<filesize>}

Sets information about file size used for progress bar



:LIST[<n>] {<filename>}

Loads stored LIST to the specified channel

:PROFile {<filename>}

Loads stored user profile

:STATe {<filename>}

Loads the instrument setup

:LOCK {<password>}

Sets write protection

:MDIRectory {<directory>}

Makes a new directory

:MOVE {<source>}, {<destination>}

Moves or renames <source> to <destination>

:RDIRectory {<directory>}

Removes the specified directory



:LIST[<n>] {<filename>}

Saves specified channel LIST

:PROFile {<filename>}

Saves specified user profile

:STATe {<filename>}

Saves the instrument setup

:TIME? {<filename>}

Returns time that the specified file was last saved

:UNLock {<password>}

Clears write protection

:UPLoad? {<filename>}

Uploads data to the host computer



[:STATe] {<bool>}

Enables the specified output channel(s)

TRIGgered {<bool>} [, <channel>]

Controls channel output state with trigger



:DURation {<duration>} [, <channel>]

Sets the output start delay duration


Returns the channel mode of operation




Resets latched protection

:COUPle {<bool>}

Enables channel coupling for protection faults

:TRACk[:STATe] {<chanlist>}

Defines channels to operate in the tracking mode





:LABel {<label>},{<chanlist>}

Sets labels for relay matrix channels

:CLOSe {<chanlist>}

Closes (turns on) specified relay matrix channels

:OPEN {<chanlist>}

Opens (turns off) specified relay matrix channels




Closes simulator


Starts simulator’s GUI

:LOAD {<value>}

Sets value of the virtual load

:STATe {<bool>}

“Connects” virtual load to the channel output

:PIN1 {<bool>}

Sets value of the PIN1 input

:PWRGood {<bool>}

Sets the PWRGOOD signal state

:RPOL {<bool>}

Sets the RPOL signal state

:TEMP {<value>}

Sets the temperature sensor value

:VOLT:PROG:EXT {<voltage>}

Sets the output voltage when channel is in external programming mode



:RECall {<filename>}

Sets the script to run on the startup

:CONFirmation {<bool>}

Enables/disables startup script confirmation

:RUN {<filename>}

Sets a script to be executed immediately


Forcibly stops the currently active script



:APERture {<period>}

Sets the integration time





RANGe {<range>} [, <channel>]

Selects a DC current measurement range



:RANGe {<pin>}, {<range>}

Set the range of the digital input

:SPEed {<pin>}, {<speed>}

Set the speed of the digital input




Resets DLOG settings



:CURRent {<bool>}, {<channel>}

Enables/disables output current internal data logging



[:INPut] {<pin>}, {<enable>}, {<channel>}

Enables/disables digital input internal data logging

:POWer {<bool>}, {<channel>}

Enables/disables output power internal data logging

:VOLTage {<bool>}, {<channel>}

Enables/disables output voltage internal data logging

:PERiod {<time>}

Sets the sample period for internal data logging

:TIME {<time>}

Sets the sample duration for internal data logging



[:DATA] {<value>}[, …]

Adds new data into log file

:BOOKmark {<bookmark>}

Adds a bookmark into the active DLOG

:REMark {<user remark>}

Adds user description to the log file



:UNIT {<unit>}

Sets DLOG viewer X-axis units

:STEP {<step>}

Sets DLOG viewer X-axis step value

:LABel {<label>}

Sets DLOG viewer X-axis label

[:RANGe]:MIN {<min>}

Sets DLOG viewer X-axis min. value

[:RANGe]:MAX {<max>}

Sets DLOG viewer X-axis max. value



:UNIT {<unit>}

Sets DLOG viewer Y-axis units

:LABel {<label>}

Sets DLOG viewer Y-axis label

[:RANGe]:MIN {<min>}

Sets DLOG viewer Y-axis min. value

[:RANGe]:MAX {<max>}

Sets DLOG viewer Y-axis max. value



[:ON] {<function>}[, <channel>]

Sets the MIO160 module analog outputs mode

:NPLCycles {<cycles>}

Sets the number of power line cycles (NPLC)





:RANGe {<range>} [, <channel>]

Selects a DC voltage measurement range







[:IMMediate][:AMPLitude] {<current>}

Sets the output current

:STEP[:INCRement] {<step>}

Sets the step of the current change

:TRIGgered [:AMPLitude] {<current>}

Sets the triggered output current



:AMPLitude {<amplitude>}

Sets the output current waveform amplitude

:DUTY {<duty>}

Sets the output current waveform duty cycle

:FREQuency {<frequency>}

Sets the output current waveform frequency

:OFFSet {<offset>}

Sets the output current waveform offset

:PHASeshift {<phase>}

Sets the output current waveform phase shift

:SHAPe {<waveform>}

Sets the output current waveform type



[:POSitive][:IMMediate][:AMPLitude] {<current>}

Sets the output current limit

:MODE {<mode>}

Sets the current trigger mode





[:TIME] {<time>}

Sets the over-current protection (OCP) programming delay

:STATe {<bool>}

Enables/disables over-current protection on the selected channel


Returns status of over-current protection activation

:RAMP:DURation {<duration>}

Sets the output current ramp duration



:RANGe {<range>} [, <channel>]

Selects a DC output current range



:DATA[:BYTE] {<value>}

Set output states of the digital output channel



:DUTY {<pin>}, {<duty>}

Sets the digital output waveform duty cycle

:FREQuency {<pin>}, {<frequency>}

Sets the digital output waveform frequency

:PHASeshift {<pin>}, {<phase>}

Sets the digital output waveform phase shift

:SHAPe {<pin>}, {<waveform>}

Sets the digital output waveform type

:MODE {<pin>}, {<mode>}

Sets the digital output trigger mode




Sets the number of times that the list is executed


Specifies the current setting for each list step


Specifies the dwell time for each list step


Specifies the voltage setting for each list step



:LIMit {<power>}

Sets the output power limit


Sets the over-power protection (OPP) level



[:TIME] {<time>}

Sets the over-power protection programming delay

:STATe {<bool>}

Enables/disables over-power protection on the selected channel


Returns status of over-power protection activation



:DUTY {<duty>}

Sets the duty cycle of the output

:FREQuency {<frequency>}

Sets the frequency of the output

:STATe {<bool>}

Enables/disables PWM





[:IMMediate][:AMPLitude] {<voltage>}

Sets the output voltage

:STEP[:INCRement] {<step>}

Sets the step of the voltage change

:TRIGgered [:AMPLitude] {<voltage>}

Sets the triggered output voltage



:AMPLitude {<amplitude>}

Sets the output voltage waveform amplitude

:DUTY {<duty>}

Sets the output voltage waveform duty cycle

:FREQuency {<frequency>}

Sets the output voltage waveform frequency

:OFFSet {<offset>}

Sets the output voltage waveform offset

:PHASeshift {<phase>}

Sets the output voltage waveform phase shift

:SHAPe {<waveform>}

Sets the output voltage waveform type



[:POSitive][:IMMediate][:AMPLitude] {<voltage>}

Sets the output voltage limit

:PROGram[:SOURce] {<source>}

Sets voltage programming source


Sets the over-voltage protection (OVP) level



[:TIME] {<time>}

Sets the over-voltage protection (OVP) programming delay

:STATe {<bool>}

Enables/disables over-voltage protection on the selected channel


Returns status of over-voltage protection activation

:TYPE {<type>}

Selects the over-voltage protection (OVP) type

:RAMP:DURation {<duration>}

Sets the output voltage ramp duration



:RANGe {<range>} [, <channel>]

Selects a DC output voltage range

:SENSe[:SOURce] {<source>}

Sets voltage sense inputs source






Returns the value of the Operation Event register


Returns the value of the Operation Instrument Condition register

:ENABle {<value>}

Enables specific bits in the Operation Event register




Returns the value of the Operation Instrument Event register


Returns the value of the Operation Instrument Condition register

:ENABle {<value>}

Enables specific bits in the Operation Instrument Event register




Returns the value of the Operation Instrument Isummary Event register


Returns the value of the Operation Instrument Isummary Condition register

:ENABle {<value>}

Enables specific bits in the Operation Instrument Isummary Event register


Presets all enable registers to power-on state




Returns the value of the Questionable Event register


Returns the value of the Questionable Condition register

:ENABle {<value>}

Enables specific bits in the Questionable Event register




Returns the value of the Questionable Instrument Event register


Returns the value of the Questionable Instrument Condition register

:ENABle {<value>}

Enables specific bits in the Questionable Instrument Event register




Returns the value of the Questionable Instrument Isummary Event register


Returns the value of the Questionable Instrument Isummary Condition register

:ENABle {<value>}

Enables specific bits in the Questionable Instrument Isummary Event register




Issues a single beep immediately

:STATe {<bool>}

Enables beeper function



:STATe {<bool>}

Enables click tone for local control


Returns an <instrument_specifier>




Returns the number of output channels






Returns channel’s total delivered energy in Ah


Returns output current capability




Returns time passed after last output enable


Returns channel’s total active time


Returns output power capability


Returns output voltage capability




Returns channel’s total delivered energy in Wh


Returns the channel model and version name


Returns the channel slot number


Returns the channel serial number


Returns the channel version number



:ENABle {<bool>, <interface>}

Enables the remote interface



:ADDRess {<ip_address>}

Sets the static LAN (IP) address

:DHCP {<bool>}

Enables the use of the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)

:DNS <ip_address>

Sets the IP address of the DNS server.

:GATEway {<ip_address>}

Sets the IP address of the default gateway


Returns the MAC address

:PORT {<number>}

Sets the port number

:SMASk {<mask>}

Sets the static subnet mask

:NTP {<server>}

Set s NTP service server address


Sets the frequency of connection to the NTP service



:SETTings {<address>, <port>, <user>, <password>, <period>}

Sets MQTT connection parameters


Returns MQTT connection status



:BAUD {<baud>}

Sets UART speed in bits per second

:DATA {<data>}

Sets UART data size in bits

:MODE {<mode>}

Sets UART operation mode

:PARIty {<parity>}

Sets UART partity check


Receive string via UART

:STOP {<stop>}

Sets UART number of stop bits

:TRANsmit {<string>}

Sends string via UART



:CLAss {<usb_class>}

Sets USB class

:MODE {<usb_mode>}

Sets USB mode

:RLSTate {<state>}

Places the instrument in remote or local mode




Returns BB3 firmware version






Returns time passed after last power on


Returns BB3’s total active time


Returns the type of CPU


Returns the control board model name


Returns the BB3 serial number


Returns the channel version number

:DATE {<yyyy>,<mm>,<dd>}

Sets the date of the system clock



:INPut:DATA? [<pin>]

Reads the state of the digital port pins



:DATA {<pin>}, {<state>}

Sets the state of the digital port pins



:DUTY {<pin>}, {<duty>}

Sets square wave generator duty cycle

:FREQuency {<pin>}, {<duty>}

Sets square wave generator frequency



:FUNCtion {<function>}

Sets the selected pin’s function

:POLarity {<polarity>}

Sets the selected pin’s polarity




Queries and clears errors from the error queue


Queries the error/event queue for the number of unread items




Returns speed of the cooling fan


Returns status of the cooling fan




Sets format for displaying date


Sets 12h or 24h clock format


Queries system inhibit state



:DEFine {<key>, <block>}

Sets the definition of the key

:DELete {<key>}

Removes the definition of the key


Disables front panel [lock/unlock] icon

:LFRequency {<frequency>}

Sets the AC mains frequency


Places the BB3 in the local mode







[:DC]? {<sensor>}

Takes a measurement; returns the average temperature



[:DC]? {<device>}

Takes a voltage measurement of the RTC battery






Resets the calibration password to initial value




Resets the front panel lock password to initial value

:NEW {<old>, <new>}

Changes system password

:PON:OUTPut:DISable {<bool>}

Sets output state on power up

:POWer {<bool>}

Enters the BB3 into the standby mode

:PROTection:TRIP {<bool>}

Enters the BB3 into the standby mode in case of protection trip

:RELay:CYCLes? {<chanlist>}

Returns the cycle count on the specified channels


Places the BB3 in the remote mode


Places the BB3 in the remote mode and disables front panel [lock/unlock] icon




Returns the number of available slots

:COLor {<slot>}, {<color>}

Sets module color

:FIRMware? {<slot>}

Returns module firmware version

:LABel {<slot>}, {<label>}

Sets module label name

:MODel? {<slot>}

Returns the module model name

:SNO? {<slot>}, {<sno>}

Returns the module serial number

:STATe {<slot>}, {<bool>}

Enables/disables module on selected slot

:VERSion? {<slot>}

Returns module version number







[:LEVel] {<temperature>[, <sensor>]}

Sets the OTP value

:CLEar [, {<sensor>}]

Clears the latched protection status of the over-temperature protection (OTP)


Sets time-out period

[:TIME] {<delay>[, <sensor>]}

Sets the OTP programming delay

:STATe {<bool>[, <sensor>]}

Enables/disables OTP on the selected temperature sensor

:TRIPped? [<sensor>]

Returns status of OTP activation

:TIME {<hh>,<mm>,<ss>}

Sets the time of the system clock

:DTS {rules}

Defines daylight saving time (DST) rules

:ZONE {zone}

Defines time zone


Returns the SCPI version number







:DELay {<delay>}

Sets the time delay between the detection of a trigger event and the start of any corresponding trigger action



:CONDition {<condition}

Sets channel’s condition when LIST execution stopped

:SOURce {<source>}

Sets the trigger source





:SOURce {<source>}

Sets the internal data logger trigger source



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