Premium technical support for EEZ Studio

We are happy to offer you paid technical support starting today for embedded projects and test and measurement automation based on our EEZ Studio visual tool. We believe that this is important news for all those who work professionally on a project and want to have...

Add multilanguage support (i18n)

mverch67 I think basic multi language support would be quite easy to achieve as the text label “label” just would need to be generated as _(“label”) instead, so that lvgl’s _(char*) function is called to translate the string. Either a...

Implement Table Widget

gwiethausI believe it is time to implement the table widget. Squareline Studio has a table design and I have tried it. I have to say that the way it is built is horrible. I believe that the way the objects are built and organized in EEZ Studio can do much better than...

Import from Figma

Explore the possibility of importing and reimporting the project from Figma.Reference: Task Type: New feature...

Rprog output is limited to set voltage or current on DCP405

fietser28Make the rprog (voltage or current) honor the Vset/Iset limits.In normal operation I always set things low to avoid magic smoke. With prog currently the voltage limit is completely off now. Looking into the schematics it doen’t look hard to...