The MEMory subsystem works with PSU state files that are saved to (*SAV) and recalled from (*RCL) non-volatile storage locations numbered 0 through 9. The storage location 0 named “Power down state” is used to store the current PSU parameters.
SCPI command |
Description |
MEMory |
Returns total number of state storage memory locations |
:STATe |
Lists the names associated with all ten state storage locations |
Deletes the contents of a state storage location |
:ALL |
Deletes the contents of all state storage locations |
Assigns a custom name to a state storage locations |
:RECall |
Specifies whether the power-down state is recalled from location 0 on power-on |
Specifies which PSU state will be used at power on |
Determines whether a storage location contains a valid state |
Syntax |
MEMory:NSTates? |
Description |
Returns the total number of *SAV/*RCL states available in the PSU. |
Return |
Returns numeric value (NR1) which is one greater than the maximum that can be sent as a parameter to the *SAV and *RCL commands. |
Usage example |
MEM:NST? 10 |
Syntax |
MEMory:STATe:CATalog? |
Description |
This query requests a list of defined names in the MEMory:STATe subsystem. |
Return |
The PSU returns a list of defined <name>’s in a comma separated list. Each <name> is returned in a quoted string. |
Usage example |
MEM:STAT:CAT? "Power down state", "All outputs on", "dual 15V/300mA", "Power protection at 100W", "–Not used–", "–Not used–", "–Not used–", "–Not used–", "–Not used–", "–Not used–" |
Related Commands |
Syntax |
MEMory:STATe:DELete {<profile>} MEMory:STATe:DELete:ALL |
Description |
When used with a profile number this command deletes the contents of the specified storage location. The MEMory:STATe:DELete:ALL deletes the contents of storage locations 1 through 9.
An error is generated on an attempt to recall a deleted state. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<profile> |
NR1 |
1 – 9 |
– |
Return |
None |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
Syntax |
MEMory:STATe:NAME {<profile>}, {<name>} MEMory:STATe:NAME? {<profile>} |
Description |
This command associates a <name> with a *SAV/*RCL register number. May assign same name to different locations and state names are unaffected by *RST. Deleting a storage location’s contents MEMory:STATe:DELete resets associated name to “–Not used–” |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<profile> |
NR1 |
1 – 9 |
– |
<name> |
Quoted string |
0 to 32 characters |
– |
Return |
Returns a *SAV/*RCL register number associates with profile number. |
Usage example |
MEM:STAT:DEF, 2, "All outputs on" MEM:STAT:DEF? 2 "All outputs on" |
Related Commands |
5.9.5. MEMory:STATe:RECall:AUTO
Syntax |
MEMory:STATe:RECall:AUTO {<bool>} MEMory:STATe:RECall:AUTO? |
Description |
This command disables or enables the automatic recall of a specific stored PSU state selected using the MEMory:STATe:RECall:SELect command when power is turned on. Select ON to automatically recall one of the ten stored states or the “power-down” state (location 0) when power is turned on. Select OFF to issue a reset (*RST) when power is turned on. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<bool> |
Boolean |
ON|OFF|0|1 |
– |
Return |
The query command returns 0 (OFF) or 1 (ON). |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
*SAV MEMory:STATe:RECall:SELect SYSTem:POWer |
5.9.6. MEMory:STATe:RECall:SELect
Syntax |
MEMory:STATe:RECall:SELect {<profile>} MEMory:STATe:RECall:SELect? |
Description |
This command selects which PSU state will be used at power on if the automatic recall mode is enabled (see MEMory:STATe:RECall:AUTO ON command). If the automatic recall mode is disabled (MEMory:STATe:RECall:AUTO OFF), then a “factory reset” (return to the default values) is issued when power is turned on. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<profile> |
NR1 |
0 – 9 |
– |
Return |
The query command returns numeric value (NR1) for 0 to 9 indicating which instrument state will be used at power on. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
Syntax |
MEMory:STATe:VALid? {<profile>} |
Description |
This command queries the specified storage location to determine if a valid state is currently stored in this location.
Use this command before sending the *RCL command to determine if a valid state has been previously stored on queried location. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<profile> |
NR1 |
0 – 9 |
– |
Return |
Returns 0 if no state has been stored or if it has been deleted. It returns 1 if a valid state is stored in this location. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |