11. SCPI commands scheduled for upcoming releases
Please note that the following list is preliminary.
SCPI command |
Description |
Requires the client (controller) to send a "DCL\n" string |
*SRE |
Sets the value of the Service Request Enable register |
*WAI |
Waits until all pending commands are completed |
CALibration |
:TEMPerature |
[:DATA] {<new value>} |
Enters the calibration value |
DISPlay |
:CMAP {<palette>} |
Sets color palette (theme) |
:CMAP:COLor:CATalog? |
Returns names and RGB values of all available colors |
:CMAP:COLor[:RGB] {<name>, <red>, <green>, <blue>} |
Sets RGB value for the selected color |
INSTrument |
:COUPle |
:TRIGger {<mode>} |
Selects a coupling between channels trigger systems |
MMEMory |
:CLOSe |
Closes the file specified in NAME |
Sets data handle used to feed data into the file |
:NAME {<filename>} |
Sets the file name ro be opened or closed |
Opens the file specified in NAME |
OUTPut |
:PROTection |
:MEASure {<bool>} |
Enables measuring of output voltage before channel output is turned on |
:AHOur |
:RESet {<channel>} |
Resets the amp-hour (Ah) measurement to zero |
:WHOur |
:RESet {<channel>} |
Resets the watt-hour (Wh) measurement to zero |
[SOURce[<n>]] |
:ARB |
:AMPlitude {<amplitude>} |
Sets the arbitrary waveform amplitude |
:COUNt {<count>} |
Sets the number of arbitrary waveforms |
:FREQuency {<frequency>} |
Sets the arbitrary waveform frequency |
:FUNCtion {<type>} |
Sets the arbitrary waveform parameter type |
:OFFset {<level>} |
Sets the offset level of the arbitrary waveform |
:PHASe[:ADJust] {<angle>} |
Set the arbitrary waveform start phase |
:SHAPe {<waveform>} |
Selects the shape of the arbitrary waveform |
SYSTem |
:CHANnel |
:INFOrmation |
:AHOur |
TOTal? |
Returns channel’s total delivered energy in Ah |
:WHOur |
TOTal? |
Returns channel’s total delivered energy in Wh |
:COMMunicate |
:ETHernet |
:CONTrol? |
Queries communication port for SRQ handling |
:DIGital |
:TOUTput |
:BUS[:ENABle] {<Bool>} |
Enables/disables BUS-generated triggers on digital pins |
:ERRor |
:ALL? |
Queries the error/event queue for all the unread items |
Queries the error/event queue for the next item code |
:KEY |
:DEFine {<key>, <block>} |
Sets the definition of the key |
:DELete {<key>} |
Removes the definition of the key |
:TIMer |
[:STATe] |
Sets the internal timer state |
:COUNt |
Queries the current value of the internal timer |