EEZ Studio v0.10.2 pre-release

Jul 28, 2023

Estimated reading time: 3 minutes


The pre-release of EEZ Studio Milestone 16 (pre-release version 0.10.2) is complete and it represents the next milestone from the third development phase that we were able to realize thanks to NLnet NGI0 Entrust.

Project Actions documentation

The main task of this milestone was the documentation of all Project Actions. The description of the Actions is now available on the website (Fig. 1), and it has become an integral part of the EEZ Studio User manual. In the process of documentation, bugs found were fixed and some improvements were made.


Figure 1: Project Actions section in the EEZ Studio online documentation



In Fig. 2 shows how the description of an Action looks like (The icons of the project types in which the Action is available are shown on the upper right, in this case they are: Dashboard, EEZ-GUI and LVGL).


Figure 2: Project Action online help

More examples

Several new examples have been added in this milestone, the most important of which is Rigol Waveform Data (Fig. 3) as an example (Dashboard project type) how to connect to an T&M instrument (Rigol) to detect all channels and capture screenshots.


Figure 3: Dashboard project example for collecting screenshots from the T&M instrument

The captured screenshots are stored in the History of the instrument (accessible from the instrument Terminal tab, Fig. 4), from where they can be searched, reviewed and analyzed.


Figure 4: Collected screenshots in instrument history


This project example is actually a Flow implementation of Waveform data (Fig. 5) written in JavaScript which is an integral part of Rigol IEXT (Instrument EXTension).


Figure 5: Waveform data JS for screenshot capturing


In the aforementioned project example, this functionality is fully implemented in Flow (detail in Fig. 6).


Figure 6: Rigol Waveform data project detail


* * *

EEZ Studio is a free and open source project. Its development still depends on donations. If you would like to support our work, please consider making a donation using one of the following methods:


  • Liberapay (PayPal gateway)
  • Become a sponsor on GitHub
  • Bitcoin: bc1qt9r6str2whz9y4nspc922lduqc4fd7ms3y00dn
  • Any ERC-20 token: 0x67B83E8b3BBa10d8A48aF7C6f0C3658F0d54Ba35


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