5. Subsystem command reference
This section summarizes the Standard Commands for Programmable Instruments (SCPI) available to program the BB3 remotely.
5.1. ABORT
Abort commands cancel any triggered actions.
SCPI command |
Description |
Resets the trigger system to the Idle state |
Stops the internal data logging session |
5.1.1. ABORt
Syntax |
Description |
The ABORt command resets the trigger system and places all trigger sequences in the IDLE state. Any actions related to the trigger system that are in progress will be also aborted as quickly as possible. As a result, subsequent triggers have no effect on the input level.
ABORt is also executed at power-on and upon execution of the *RST command. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
*RST INITiate [SOURce[<n>]]:CURRent:TRIGgered [SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage:TRIGgered [SOURce[<n>]]:LIST:COUNt |
5.1.2. ABORt:DLOG
Syntax |
Description |
This command stops the internal data logging session.
ABORt:DLOG is also executed at power-on and upon execution of the *RST command. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
*RST |
5.2. CALibration
This subsystem provides commands for the module output calibration. Only one channel can be calibrated at a time. If calibration mode has not been enabled with CALibration:STATe, the calibration commands will generate an error. Use CALibration:SAVE to save any changes, otherwise all changes will be lost on exit from calibration mode. Within the same calibration session both output voltage and current can be calibrated for the currently selected channel.
Calibration cannot start if channel output is not enabled (OUTPut[:STATe] ON).
During calibration process up to 20 measurement points can be entered within range for selected module and value (e.g. 0 to 40 V for DCP405 power module). The minimum recommended number of measurement points is two to compensate slope and offset errors.
SCPI Command |
Description |
Enables/disables calibration mode |
Clears all calibration parameters |
:CURRent |
Enters the calibration value for set point |
Calibrates the output current programming |
Initiates current calibration measurement |
Sets current range for multiple current range module |
:PASSword |
Changes calibration password |
Saves calibration information |
Saves the new cal constants in non-volatile memory |
Initiates touchscreen calibration procedure |
Enables calibration parameters |
:VOLTage |
Enters the calibration value for set point |
Calibrates the output voltage programming |
Initiates voltage calibration measurement |
5.2.1. CALibration[:MODE]
Syntax |
CALibration[:MODE] {<bool>}, {<password>} CALibration[:MODE]? |
Modules |
Description |
This command enables or disables calibration mode. Calibration mode must be enabled for the channel to accept any calibration commands. The first parameter specifies the ON (1) or OFF (0) state. The second parameter is the password. Successful execution of this command set both output VOLTage and CURRent of the selected channel to the MINimum value (see Section 8.1). Execution of this command also affects bit 0 (CALibrating) of the Operation Instrument Isummary register (see Section 3.3.2).
If both voltage and current calibration parameters exists on calibration mode exit (CALibration[:MODE] OFF) the CALibration:STATe ON command will automatically follows. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<bool> |
Boolean |
ON|OFF|0|1 |
<password> |
Quoted string |
4 to 16 characters |
"eezbb3" |
Return |
The returned parameter is 0 (OFF) or 1 (ON). |
Usage example |
See Section 10.2 |
Errors |
102,"Invalid cal password" 104,"Bad sequence of calibration commands" 312,"Cannot execute when the channels are coupled" |
Related Commands |
CALibration:STATe DIAGnostic[:INFOrmation]:OTIMe? INSTrument:COUPle:TRACking |
5.2.2. CALibration:CLEar
Syntax |
CALibration:CLEar {<password>} |
Modules |
Description |
Clear all calibration parameters stored in the module non-volatile memory for the currently selected channel. After successful execution of this command CALibration:STATe will be set to OFF (0) and further usage of the calibration data will be disabled. This command will be also filled calibration remark with the date and note that calibration data has been cleared. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<password> |
Quoted string |
4 to 16 characters |
"eezbb3" |
Return |
None |
Usage example |
DIAG:CAL? "remark=2020-04-28 new cal", "u_cal_params_exists=1", "u_point1_dac=0.150000", "u_point1_data=0.145000", "u_point1_adc=0.178900", "u_point2_dac=38.000000", "u_point2_data=39.292000", "u_point2_adc=38.032799", "i_5A_cal_params_exists=1", "i_5A_point1_dac=0.050000", "i_5A_point1_data=0.060100", "i_5A_point1_adc=0.059840", "i_5A_point2_dac=4.800000", "i_5A_point2_data=5.072900", "i_5A_point2_adc=4.810040", "i_50mA_cal_params_exists=1", "i_50mA_point1_dac=0.000500", "i_50mA_point1_data=0.000591", "i_50mA_point1_adc=0.000600", "i_50mA_point2_dac=0.048000", "i_50mA_point2_data=0.049897", "i_50mA_point2_adc=0.048100" CAL:STAT? 1 CAL:CLE "eezbb3" CAL:STAT? 0 DIAG:CAL? "remark= Not calibrated", "u_cal_params_exists=0", "i_cal_params_exists=0" |
Errors |
102,"Invalid cal password" |
Related Commands |
CALibration:STATe DIAGnostic[:INFOrmation]:CALibration? |
5.2.3. CALibration:CURRent[:DATA]
Syntax |
CALibration:CURRent[:DATA] {<value>} |
Modules |
Description |
This command can only be used when calibration is enabled and the output state of the currently selected channel is ON. It enters a current value that is obtained by reading an external meter. The calibration level (CALibration:CURRent:LEVel {<point>, <level>}) has to be selected first for the value being entered. The BB3 then computes new current calibration constants. These constants has to be stored in non-volatile memory with CALibration:SAVE command. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<value> |
NR2 |
-0.5 A to MAX +0.5 A The maximum value is dependent on the power module current rating. See Section 8.1 |
– |
Return |
None |
Usage example |
See Section 10.2 |
Errors |
104,"Bad sequence of calibration commands" 107,"Cal value out of range" |
Related Commands |
CALibration:CURRent:LEVel |
5.2.4. CALibration:CURRent:LEVel
Syntax |
CALibration:CURRent:LEVel {<point>}, {<level>} |
Modules |
Description |
This command can only be used when calibration is enabled and the output state of the currently selected channel is ON. It sets the power module to a calibration point that is entered with the CAL:CURR[:DATA] command. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<point> |
NR1 |
1 – 20 |
– |
<level> |
NR2 |
0 to MAX (see also Section 8.1) |
– |
Return |
None |
Usage example |
See Section 10.2 |
Errors |
101,"Calibration state is off" 104,"Bad sequence of calibration commands" |
Related Commands |
CALibration:CURRent[:DATA] CALibration:STATe INSTrument:NSELect INSTrument[:SELect] [SOURce[<n>]]:CURRent |
5.2.5. CALibration:CURRent:MEASure?
Syntax |
CALibration:CURRent:MEASure? |
Modules |
Return |
Use this query to initiate current measurement on the selected analog input of the MIO168 module and store that data for the selected calibration point. |
Usage example |
Errors |
101,"Calibration state is off" 104,"Bad sequence of calibration commands" |
Related Commands |
CALibration:STATe CALibration:VOLTage:MEASure? INSTrument[:SELect] |
5.2.6. CALibration:CURRent:RANGe
Syntax |
CALibration:CURRent:RANGe {<range>} |
Modules |
Description |
When BB3 is equipped with power modules that has multiple current range (e.g. DCP405 that can be find out with the SYSTem:CHANnel:MODel? command) it’s recommended to perform calibration of all ranges. Use this command to select current range on which calibration will be accomplished. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<range> |
Discrete|NR2 |
LOW|HIGH|0.05|5 |
HIGH|5 |
Return |
None |
Usage example |
See Section 10.2 |
Errors |
101,"Calibration state is off" -241,"Hardware missing" |
Related Commands |
CALibration:CURRent:LEVel CALibration:STATe SYSTem:CHANnel:MODel? |
5.2.7. CALibration:PASSword:NEW
Syntax |
CALibration:PASSword:NEW {<old>}, {<new>} |
Modules |
Description |
Enter a new calibration password. To change the password, first unsecure the BB3 using the old password. Then, the new code has to be entered. The calibration code may contain up to 16 characters over the remote interface. Minimum length is 4 characters. The new password is automatically stored in non-volatile memory and does not have to be stored with CALibration:SAVE. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<old> |
Quoted string |
4 to 16 characters |
eezbb3 |
<new> |
Quoted string |
4 to 16 characters |
– |
Return |
None |
Usage example |
CAL:PASS:NEW "eezbb3", "mycal1234" |
Errors |
102,"Invalid cal password" 105,"Cal password too long" 106,"Cal password too short" |
5.2.8. CALibration:REMark
Syntax |
CALibration:REMark {<user remark>} CALibration:REMark? |
Modules |
Description |
Record calibration information about the power module. The BB3 should be in calibration mode before sending a calibration message. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<user remark> |
Quoted string |
0 to 32 characters |
"Calibration passed" |
Return |
Query the calibration message. |
Usage example |
CAL:REM "Calibrated by EEZ" CAL:REM? "Calibrated by EEZ" See also Section 10.2 |
Errors |
The following errors could be generated by command but not query: 101,"Calibration state is off" 104,"Bad sequence of calibration commands" |
Related Commands |
CALibration:STATe |
5.2.9. CALibration:SAVE
Syntax |
CALibration:SAVE |
Modules |
Description |
This command saves calibration constants in non-volatile memory after the calibration procedure has been completed. If calibration mode is exited by programming CALibration:STATe OFF without first saving the new constants, the previous constants are restored. Execution of this command also affects bit 0 (CALibrating) of the Operation Instrument Isummary register (see Section 3.3.2). |
Return |
None |
Usage example |
See Section 10.2 |
Errors |
-340,"Calibration failed" 101,"Calibration state is off" 104,"Bad sequence of calibration commands" 111,"No new cal data exists" |
5.2.10. CALibration:SCReen:INIT
Syntax |
CALibration:SCReen:INIT |
Description |
Use this command to initiate touchscreen calibration procedure when calibration data are lost or corrupted. Calibration has to be performed locally on the BB3.
New calibration procedure can be initiated also by touching the screen and hold for more then 15 seconds. |
Return |
None |
Usage example |
5.2.11. CALibration:STATe
Syntax |
CALibration:STATe {<bool>} CALibration:STATe? |
Modules |
Description |
This command enables or disables usage of calibration parameters if they exists. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<bool> |
Boolean |
OFF|ON|0|1 |
ON |
Return |
The returned parameter is 0 (OFF) or 1 (ON). |
Usage example |
Errors |
110,"Cal params missing or corrupted" |
Related Commands |
DIAGnostic[:INFOrmation]:OTIMe? |
5.2.12. CALibration:VOLTage[:DATA]
Syntax |
CALibration:VOLTage[:DATA] {<value>} |
Modules |
Description |
This command can only be used when calibration is enabled and the output state of the currently selected channel is ON. It enters a voltage value that you obtained by reading an external meter. The calibration level (see CALibration:VOLTage:LEVel {<point>, <level>}) for the value being entered. The BB3 then computes new voltage calibration constants. These constants has to be stored in non-volatile memory with CALibration:SAVE command. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<value> |
NR2 |
-1 V to MAX +1 V The maximum value is dependent on the power module voltage rating. See Section 8.1 |
– |
Return |
None |
Usage example |
See Section 10.2 |
Errors |
104,"Bad sequence of calibration commands" 107,"Cal value out of range" |
Related Commands |
CALibration:SAVE CALibration:STATe CALibration:VOLTage:LEVel INSTrument:NSELect INSTrument[:SELect] |
5.2.13. CALibration:VOLTage:LEVel
Syntax |
CALibration:VOLTage:LEVel {<point>}, {<level>} |
Modules |
Description |
This command can only be used when calibration is enabled and the output state of the currently selected channel is ON. It sets the power module to a calibration point that is entered with the CAL:VOLT[:DATA] command. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<point> |
NR1 |
1 – 20 |
– |
<level> |
NR2 |
0 to MAX (see also Section 8.1) |
– |
Return |
None |
Usage example |
See Section Section 10.2 |
Errors |
101,"Calibration state is off" 104,"Bad sequence of calibration commands" |
Related Commands |
CALibration:STATe CALibration:VOLTage[:DATA] INSTrument:NSELect INSTrument[:SELect] [SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage |
5.2.14. CALibration:VOLTage:MEASure?
Syntax |
CALibration:VOLTage:MEASure? |
Modules |
Return |
Use this query to initiate voltage measurement on the selected analog input of the MIO168 module and store that data for the selected calibration point. |
Usage example |
Errors |
101,"Calibration state is off" 104,"Bad sequence of calibration commands" |
Related Commands |
CALibration:CURRent:MEASure? CALibration:STATe INSTrument[:SELect] |
5.3. DIAGnostic
The purpose of the DIAGnostic subsystem is to provide a tree node for all of the BB3 service and diagnostic routines used in routine maintenance and repair.
SCPI command |
Description |
DIAGnostic |
[:INFOrmation] |
Returns the latest values acquired by ADC |
Returns a list of the calibration parameters |
Returns the information about all protections. |
Returns results of the most recent self-test |
5.3.1. DIAGnostic[:INFOrmation]:ADC?
Syntax |
DIAGnostic[:INFOrmation]:ADC? [<channel>] |
Description |
This query returns the latest values acquired by ADC (Analog-to-Digital Converter) of the currently selected channel. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<channel> |
Channel |
CH1|CH2|CH3|CH4|CH5|CH6 |
n/a |
Return |
Return a list of quoted strings. The U_SET and I_SET are values measure on DAC outputs, and U_MON and I_SET on the channel output terminals. |
Usage example |
DIAG:ADC? CH2 "U_SET=10.1202", "U_MON=10.12", "I_SET=3.00", "I_MON=1.23" |
Related Commands |
MEASure[:SCALar]:CURRent[:DC] MEASure[:SCALar][:VOLTage][:DC] [SOURce[<n>]]:CURRent[:LEVel][:IMMediate][:AMPLitude] [SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage[:LEVel][:IMMediate][:AMPLitude] |
5.3.2. DIAGnostic[:INFOrmation]:CALibration?
Syntax |
DIAGnostic[:INFOrmation]:CALibration? [<channel>] |
Description |
This query returns a list of calibration parameters for the currently selected channel. If the selected channel is in the calibration mode (CALibration[:MODE] ON) then all calibration information collected to the current calibration step will be returned. Otherwise the calibration data stored in non-volatile memory will be returned. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<channel> |
Channel |
CH1|CH2|CH3|CH4|CH5|CH6 |
n/a |
Return |
The information will be returned as a list of quoted strings. |
Usage example |
Calibration parameters for BB3 when the channel 2 is not in the calibration mode: DIAG:INFO:CAL? CH2 "remark=20200123 cert", "u_cal_params_exists=1", "u_min_level=0.15V", "u_min_data=0.08V", "u_min_adc=0.114V", "u_mid_level=20V", "u_mid_data=20.597V", "u_mid_adc=19.9685V", "u_max_level=38V", "u_max_data=39.192V", "u_max_adc=37.973V", "u_min_range=0V", "u_max_range=40V", "i_5A_cal_params_exists=1", "i_5A_min_level=0.05A", "i_5A_min_data=0.0405A", "i_5A_min_adc=0.03695A", "i_5A_mid_level=2.425A", "i_5A_mid_data=2.4757A", "i_5A_mid_adc=2.4125A", "i_5A_max_level=4.8A", "i_5A_max_data=4.9122A", "i_5A_max_adc=4.78855A", "i_5A_min_range=0A", "i_5A_max_range=5A", "i_50mA_cal_params_exists=1", "i_50mA_min_level=0.0005A", "i_50mA_min_data=0.00041A", "i_50mA_min_adc=0.000371A", "i_50mA_mid_level=0.02425A", "i_50mA_mid_data=0.02545A", "i_50mA_mid_adc=0.0240945A", "i_50mA_max_level=0.048A", "i_50mA_max_data=0.05052A", "i_50mA_max_adc=0.047887A", "i_50mA_min_range=0A", "i_50mA_max_range=0A" The query results when a channel is just entered the calibration mode: DIAG:INFO:CAL? "u_level=none", "i_level=none" The query results when a channel is at the step MIDdle of the voltage calibration: DIAG:INFO:CAL? "u_min=0.11V", "u_level=mid", "u_level_value=24.05V", "u_adc=24.14V", "i_level=none" |
Related Commands |
CALibration:REMark CALibration:SAVE |
5.3.3. DIAGnostic[:INFOrmation]:PROTection?
Syntax |
DIAGnostic[:INFOrmation]:PROTection? |
Description |
This query returns information about all supported output protection mechanisms. |
Return |
The information will be returned as a list of quoted strings. |
Usage example |
DIAG:PROT? "CH1 u_tripped=0", "CH1 u_state=0", "CH1 u_type=1", "CH1 u_delay=5 ms", "CH1 u_level=38V", "CH1 i_tripped=0", "CH1 i_state=0", "CH1 i_delay=20 ms", "CH1 p_tripped=0", "CH1 p_state=0", "CH1 p_delay=10 s", "CH1 p_level=155W", "CH2 u_tripped=0", "CH2 u_state=0", "CH2 u_type=0", "CH2 u_delay=5 ms", "CH2 u_level=40V", "CH2 i_tripped=0", "CH2 i_state=0", "CH2 i_delay=20 ms", "CH2 p_tripped=0", "CH2 p_state=1", "CH2 p_delay=10 s", "CH2 p_level=155W" |
Related Commands |
[SOURce[<n>]]:CURRent:PROTection:DELay[:TIME] [SOURce[<n>]]:CURRent:PROTection:STATe [SOURce[<n>]]:CURRent:PROTection:TRIPped? [SOURce[<n>]]:POWer:PROTection [SOURce[<n>]]:POWer:PROTection:DELay[:TIME] [SOURce[<n>]]:POWer:PROTection:STATe [SOURce[<n>]]:POWer:PROTection:TRIPped? [SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage:PROTection:DELay[:TIME] [SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage:PROTection:STATe [SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage:PROTection:TRIPped? SYSTem:TEMPerature:PROTection[:HIGH][:LEVel] SYSTem:TEMPerature:PROTection[:HIGH]:DELay[:TIME] SYSTem:TEMPerature:PROTection[:HIGH]:STATe SYSTem:TEMPerature:PROTection[:HIGH]:TRIPped? |
5.3.4. DIAGnostic[:INFOrmation]:TEST?
Syntax |
DIAGnostic[:INFOrmation]:TEST? [<resource>] |
Description |
This query returns results of the most recent self-test (see *TST? Command) for all or specified resource. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<resource> |
Discrete |
EEProm|SDCard|ETHernet|RTC| DATEtime|FAN|AUXTemp| CH1Temp|CH2Temp|CH3Temp| CH4Temp|CH5Temp|CH6Temp| CH1|CH2|CH3|CH4|CH5|CH6|SLOT1|SLOT2|SLOT3 |
– |
Return |
The information will be returned in the following format: "<return code, device name, installed, return message>" where the return code could be one of the following values:
This information format will repeat with as many iterations as the number of devices found in configuration parameters of the BB3. |
Usage example |
Return self-test results when SD card is not found: DIAG:TEST? "2, EEPROM, installed, passed", "2, SD card, installed, passed", "2, Ethernet, installed, passed", "2, RTC, installed, passed", "2, DateTime, installed, passed", "2, Fan, installed, passed", "2, AUX temp, installed, passed", "2, CH1 temp, installed, passed", "2, CH2 temp, installed, passed", "2, CH3 temp, installed, passed", "2, CH4 temp, installed, passed", "2, SLOT1, installed, passed", "2, SLOT2, installed, passed", "2, SLOT3, installed, passed"
Check status of specified device, e.g. channel 2: DIAG:TEST? CH2 2 |
Related Commands |
*TST? SYSTem:CHANnel:OPTion? |
5.4. DISPlay
The DISPlay commands are used to set the display mode, turn on or off the front panel TFT display, select main page appearance, display and clear the text sent using a controller application. DISPlay is independent of, and does not modify, how data is returned to the controller application.
SCPI command |
Description |
DISPlay |
Sets the intensity of the front panel TFT display |
Reads screen image data |
Sets the front panel TFT display main page appearance |
[:WINdow] |
Sets the front panel TFT display state |
:DIALog |
Displays content of the resource file |
Returns information about selected item |
Closes last opened dialog window |
Sets the value of the dialog data item |
Opens DLOG viewer |
Displays message box and generates error beep tone |
Displays entry form and waits for input on the front panel TFT display |
Displays pop-up display with multiple radio buttons |
Displays a message on the front panel TFT display |
Clear a message on the front panel TFT display |
5.4.1. DISPlay:BRIGhtness
Syntax |
DISPlay:BRIGhtness {<value>} DISPlay:BRIGhtness? |
Description |
Controls the intensity of the front panel TFT display. The range of the parameter is 1 to 20, where 20 is full intensity and 1 is fully blanked. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<value> |
NR1 |
1 – 20 |
20 |
Return |
This query returns set front panel’s TFT display brightness value. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
*RST |
5.4.2. DISPlay:DATA?
Syntax |
Description |
This query reads screen image data (i.e. create screenshot). The image is formatted as a .png file. Use the HCOPy[:IMMediate] or HCOPy:SDUMp[:IMMediate] command to capture screen image and save it as a file on the SD card.
An attempt to reads screen image data while DLOG recording is in progress will generate an execution error. |
Return |
Screen image data is returned in the IEEE-488.2 # data block format (see Section 2.10). |
Usage example |
DISP:DATA? #<length-digits><length><block> |
-200,"Execution error" |
Related Commands |
HCOPy[:IMMediate] HCOPy:SDUMp[:IMMediate] MMEMory:FEED |
5.4.3. DISPlay:VIEW
Syntax |
DISPlay:VIEW {<mode>} DISPlay:VIEW? |
Description |
Use this command to set front panel TFT display main page appearance. The following modes are available:
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<mode> |
NR1|Discrete |
1 – 5|DEFault |
DEFault |
Return |
This query returns set front panel’s TFT display main page appearance numeric value (NR1). |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
*RST |
5.4.4. DISPlay[:WINdow][:STATe]
Syntax |
DISPlay[:WINdow][:STATe] {<bool>} DISPlay[:WINdow][:STATe]? |
Description |
Turn the front panel TFT display off or on. When the display is turned off, outputs are not sent to the display and all indicators are disabled except the Event view indicator. The display state is automatically turned on when you return to the local mode. Press and hold the display for about a second to return to the LOCal from the REMote control. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<bool> |
Boolean |
ON|OFF|0|1 |
– |
Return |
DISPlay? query the front panel TFT display state. Returns 0 (OFF) or 1 (ON). |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
SYSTem:LOCal SYSTem:REMote |
5.4.5. DISPlay[:WINdow]:DIALog[:OPEN]
Syntax |
DISPlay[:WINdow]:DIALog[:OPEN] {<filename>} |
Description |
Use this command to draw new page defined with resource file created in EEZ Studio and contains page widgets, actions and data items. The resource file has to be located on the SD card (see MMEMory subsystem) and the full path to the file must be specified. The new displayed page can be closed (removed) by using the DISPlay[:WINdow]:DIALog:CLOSe to close the page. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<filename> |
Quoted string |
– |
– |
Usage example |
DISP:DIAL "/Scripts/Diode Tester.res"
Related Commands |
DISPlay[:WINdow]:DIALog:CLOSe DISPlay[:WINdow]:DIALog:DATA |
5.4.6. DISPlay[:WINdow]:DIALog:ACTIon
Syntax |
DISPlay[:WINdow]:DIALog:ACTIon? [<timeout>] |
Description |
This command waits for timeout (in seconds) to get information about what action item is selected on the currently displayed page as defined in resource file activated with the DISPlay[:WINdow]:DIALog[:OPEN] command. The default timeout value is 0 and command will wait until user select one of the action items. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<timeout> |
NR1 |
– |
0 |
Return |
Returns name of the latest action item selected by user. 0 will be returned if currently opened page does not contain any action dialog. 1 is returned when timeout parameter is used and set time expired without user action. |
Usage example |
DISP:DIAL:ACTI? "input_diode_name" |
Related Commands |
DISPlay[:WINdow]:DIALog[:OPEN] |
5.4.7. DISPlay[:WINdow]:DIALog:CLOSe
Syntax |
DISPlay[:WINdow]:DIALog:CLOSe |
Description |
Use this command to close last dialog window opened with the DISPlay[:WINdow]:DIALog[:OPEN] command. |
Parameters |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
DISPlay[:WINdow]:DIALog[:OPEN] |
5.4.8. DISPlay[:WINdow]:DIALog:DATA
Syntax |
DISPlay[:WINdow]:DIALog:DATA {<name>}, {<type>}, [{<unit>}], {<value>} |
Description |
Use this command to set the value of the dialog data item defined as <name>. The list of possible data items is defined within the dialog resource file created in the EEZ Studio and specified with the DISPlay[:WINdow]:DIALog:OPEN command.
If <type> is FLOat then <unit> has to be specified, too. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<name> |
Quoted string |
– |
<type> |
NR1|NR3|Quoted string |
INTeger|FLOat|STRing |
– |
<unit> |
Discrete |
– |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
DISPlay[:WINdow]:DIALog:OPEN |
5.4.9. DISPlay[:WINdow]:DLOG
Syntax |
DISPlay[:WINdow]:DLOG [<filename>] |
Description |
This command opens DLOG viewer and displays specified by filename. If filename is omitted it displays the last log file during or after recording is finished. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<filename> |
Quoted string |
1 – 255 characters |
– |
Usage example |
DISP:DLOG "Recording/test_log.dlog" |
Related Commands |
5.4.10. DISPlay[:WINdow]:ERRor
Syntax |
DISPlay[:WINdow]:ERRor {<message>} |
Description |
Use this command to display message box and generates error beep tone. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<message> |
Quoted string |
1 – 128 characters |
– |
Usage example |
DISP:ERR "Test message!" |
Related Commands |
DISPlay[:WINdow]:TEXT SYSTem:BEEPer[:IMMediate] |
5.4.11. DISPlay[:WINdow]:INPut
Syntax |
DISPlay[:WINdow]:INPut? {<label>}, {<type>} [, <min>, <max>, <value>] |
Description |
Use this command to define input field on the display that can returns a value of type <type> which can be TEXT | NUMBer | INTeger | MENU. The following variants are possible:
<min> and <max> values should be defined for TEXT, NUMBer and INTeger. For NUMBer and INTeger this is the minimum and maximum allowable value, and for STRing it is the minimum and maximum allowable text length. NUMBer should also be set to <unit> (see above which units are allowed). If <type> is MENU then you should set <menu_type> (which can only be BUTTon) and up to max. 4 menu items (button texts) to be offered for selection. A numeric keypad will be open for NUMBer and INTeger, and a full keypad will be open for TEXT. The default <label> (quoted string) will be displayed on the screen. In all variants except MENU (where no need to be specified), the <value> parameter is the initial (or default) value. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<label> |
Quoted string |
– |
– |
<type> |
Discrete |
Return |
This query returns value of defined type. |
Usage example |
DISP:INP? "Enter you text", TEXT, 2, 10, "Hello" "Test" |
5.4.12. DISPlay[:WINdow]:SELect?
Syntax |
DISPlay[:WINdow]:SELect? {<defaultSelection>, {<optionText>}[, …] |
Description |
Display pop-up display with multiple radio buttons. The <defaultSelection> specify which of the presented option will be selected by default. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<defaultSelection> |
NR1 |
1 to the total number of options |
– |
<optionText> |
Quoted string |
– |
– |
Return |
The query returns NR1 value of the selected option. |
Usage example |
Default option is 2 and query returns 3 when "Option 3" is selected: DISP:SEL? 2, "Option 1", "Option 2", "Option 3" 3 |
Related Commands |
DISPlay[:WINdow]:DIALog:CLOSe DISPlay[:WINdow]:DIALog:DATA DISPlay[:WINdow]:INPut |
5.4.13. DISPlay[:WINdow]:TEXT
Syntax |
DISPlay[:WINdow]:TEXT {<text message>} DISPlay[:WINdow]:TEXT? |
Description |
Display a message on the front panel TFT display. The BB3 will display up to 32 characters in a message. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<text message> |
Quoted string |
– |
– |
Return |
Query the message sent to the front panel TFT display and returns a quoted string. |
Usage example |
Send "Hello world" textual message: DISP:TEXT "Hello world" |
Related Commands |
DISPlay[:WINdow]:TEXT:CLEar |
5.4.14. DISPlay[:WINdow]:TEXT:CLEar
Syntax |
DISPlay[:WINdow]:TEXT:CLEar |
Description |
Clear the message displayed on the front panel TFT display. |
Return |
None |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
DISPlay[:WINdow]:TEXT |
5.5. FETCh (not implemented yet)
Fetch commands return measurement data that has been previously acquired. FETCh queries do not generate new measurements, but allow additional measurement calculations from the same acquired data.
5.6. HCOPy (not implemented yet)
The Hardcopy commands are used to print the entire display to a specified file rather than “printing” to an external device.
5.7. INITiate
INITiate commands initialize the trigger system. This enables the trigger system to receive triggers.
SCPI command |
Description |
INITiate |
Completes one full trigger cycle |
Initiates automated internal data log session |
Enables/disables continuous transient triggers |
5.7.1. INITiate
Syntax |
INITiate[:IMMediate] |
Description |
The INITiate command is used to initialize the trigger system of the BB3. This command completes one full trigger cycle when the trigger source is an IMMediate and initiates the trigger subsystem when the trigger source is BUS.
For example, when the IMMediate is selected as a trigger source, an INITiate command immediately transfers the VOLTage:TRIGgered[:AMPLitude] and CURRent:TRIGgered[:AMPLitude] values to VOLTage[:LEVel][:IMMediate][:AMPLitude] and CURRent[:LEVel][:IMMediate][:AMPLitude] values. Any delay is ignored.
Execution of this command also affects bit 5 (Waiting for TRIGger) of the Operation Instrument Isummary register (see Section 3.3.2). |
Usage example |
Generate a trigger operation after 5 seconds: TRIG:SOUR BUS TRIG:DEL 5 INIT *TRG |
Errors |
-213,"Init ignored" 307,"List lengths are not equivalent" 308,"Cannot be changed while transient trigger is initiated" 309,"Cannot initiate while in fixed mode" |
Related Commands |
*TRG INSTrument:COUPle:TRIGger |
5.7.2. INITiate:DLOG
Syntax |
INITiate:DLOG {<filename>} |
Description |
The command starts automated internal data logging session. All selected measurements defined with SENSe:DLOG:FUNCtion:CURRent, SENSe:DLOG:FUNCtion:POWer and SENSe:DLOG:FUNCtion:VOLTage commands will be recorded periodically in the specified log filename that is formatted as described below. The data logging session will last until time specified with the SENSe:DLOG:TIME not expired or is not interrupted prematurely using the e.g. ABORt:DLOG, SYSTem:REStart or *RST command.
Log file format
Data log structure allows recording of multiple values simultaneously that can be also viewed simultaneously on the same X-Y graph as in case of e.g. curve tracer when each Y-axis data set (column) represents one trace. This minimizes the required size of the data log file because the X-axis content is common for multiple values to be displayed on the Y-axis. Data log file contains fixed header, flexible header and data section.
Fixed header The fixed header includes the following information in little-endian format, i.e. the least significant byte (LSB) value is at the lowest address:
Position |
Type |
Description |
0 – 7 |
Always contains “EEZ-DLOG” text in ASCII format |
8 – 9 |
UINT16 |
File format version (e.g. 0x00 0x02) |
10 – 11 |
UINT16 |
Number of columns |
12 – 15 |
UINT32 |
File offset to data rows |
Flexible header The flexible header contains meta information about data that follows. The number of fields defined in the flexible header is arbitrary (hence the name flexible header) formatted as follows:
<Field 1 length><Field 1 ID><Field 1 data> <Field 2 length><Field 2 ID><Field 2 data> <Field 3 length><Field 3 ID><Field 3 data> … <Field N length><Field N ID><Field N data>
Name |
Length |
Description |
Field length |
UINT16 |
Total length of the field. |
Field ID |
Field unique identification number (see below the list of currently supported fields). |
Field data |
For example if the <Field ID> is 14 or "X-axis label", then the field is of type String. Text string begins with UINT16 that contains its length, followed by length * UINT8 data. |
Field data as specified below in the list of currently supported fields. |
List of currently supported fields:
ID |
Name |
Data type |
Description |
1 |
Comment |
String |
Data log user comment. Max. length is 128 characters. |
10 |
Unit |
0 – Unknown 1 – Volt 3 – Ampere 6 – Watt 8 – Second 12 – Ohm 16 – Hertz 17 – Joule/Ws 21 – Farad |
11 |
X-axis step |
Float |
X-axis resolution in units as specified in ID10. For example, if X-axis unit is 8 (seconds), when period of data logger is set to 20 ms this field will contains 0.02. |
12 |
X-axis range min value |
Float |
X-axis minimal or starting value which is 0 in most of the cases. |
13 |
X-axis range max value |
Float |
X-axis maximal or ending value. |
14 |
X-axis label |
String |
X-axis data description |
15 |
X-axis scale |
0 – Linear 1 – Logarithmic |
30 |
Y-axis unit |
First UINT8 value specifies column number and second UINT8 contains Y-axis unit similar as X-axis unit specified under ID10. |
32 |
Y-axis range min value |
UINT8 + Float |
UINT8 value specifies column number followed by minimum recorded value. |
33 |
Y-axis range max value |
UINT8 + Float |
UINT8 value specifies column number followed by maximum recorded value. For example for uncoupled DCP405 module that will be 40 V and 5 A or for coupled in series or parallel 80 V or 10 A. This parameter is used by Auto-scale option in BB3 built-in log viewer. |
34 |
Y-axis label |
UINT8 + String |
UINT8 value specifies column number followed by Y-axis data description. This field is optional and if its value is not defined, the data log viewer (e.g. BB3 built-in viewer) could generate it from the channel number and unit symbol, for example: U1 for recorded voltage on the channel 1. |
35 |
Y-axis channel |
First UINT8 value specifies column number and second UINT8 contains instrument channel that is recorded |
36 |
Y-axis scale |
Similar to X-axis scale: first UINT8 value specifies column number and second UINT8 can contains: 0 – Linear 1 – Logarithmic |
50 |
Channel module type |
UINT8 + UINT16 |
UINT8 value specifies channel number, and UINT16 contains module type ID as follows: 220 – DCM220 405 – DCP405 |
51 |
Channel revision |
UINT8 + UINT16 |
UINT8 value specifies channel number, and UINT16 contains module version number, for example 0x0206 for “R2B6”. |
Logged data |
For the each X-axis step the series of Y values (columns) are recorded. All Y values are of type float.
<Y1 value><Y2 value>…<Yn value> <Y1 value><Y2 value>…<Yn value> …
This command will automatically set the following fields:
For example when voltage and current are logged for channel 1 and 2 on two DCP405 modules, additional fields will be populated as follows:
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<filename> |
Quoted string |
File name, either / (slash) or \ (backslash) can be used as the path separator. 1 to 255 characters |
– |
Usage example |
Start data logging of channel 1 voltage and current with resolution of 0.1 seconds that lasts 60 seconds: SENS:DLOG:PER 0.1 SENS:DLOG:TIME 60 SENS:DLOG:FUNC:VOLT ON, CH1 SENS:DLOG:FUNC:CURR ON, CH1 INIT:DLOG "Recordings/test_log.dlog" |
Related Commands |
5.7.3. INITiate:DLOG:TRACe
Syntax |
INITiate:DLOG:TRACe {<filename>} |
Description |
The command starts internal data logging session. Single X-axis and multiple Y-axis are allowed as in case on the INITiate:DLOG:TRACe command, but offering more flexibility in defining recording parameters. The duration of data logging is not defined in advance and new data can be added until termination command is not executed e.g. ABORt:DLOG, SYSTem:REStart or *RST command. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<filename> |
Quoted string |
File name, either / (slash) or \ (backslash) can be used as the path separator. 1 to 255 characters |
– |
Usage example |
Data logging is a four step process as follows:
1. Define X- and Y-axis parameters. Number of Y-axis is arbitrary and two is used in this example. Data log file remark is not mandatory. SENS:DLOG:TRAC:X:UNIT SECO SENS:DLOG:TRAC:X:STEP 0.01 SENS:DLOG:TRAC:X:RANG:MIN 0 SENS:DLOG:TRAC:X:RANG:MAX 20 SENS:DLOG:TRAC:X:LAB "t" SENS:DLOG:TRAC:Y1:UNIT VOLT SENS:DLOG:TRAC:Y1:LAB "U" SENS:DLOG:TRAC:Y1:RANG:MIN 0 SENS:DLOG:TRAC:Y1:RANG:MAX 40 SENS:DLOG:TRAC:Y2:UNIT AMPE SENS:DLOG:TRAC:Y2:LAB "I" SENS:DLOG:TRAC:Y2:RANG:MIN 0 SENS:DLOG:TRAC:Y2:RANG:MAX 5 SENS:DLOG:TRAC:X:SCAL LIN SENS:DLOG:TRAC:Y:SCAL LIN 2. Define data log filename and comment/description. SENS:DLOG:TRAC:REM "data log test" INIT:DLOG:TRAC "Recordings/test_log.dlog" 3. Add arbitrary number of recordings: SENS:DLOG:TRAC:DATA 10.1,2.55 SENS:DLOG:TRAC:DATA 12.0,2.66 SENS:DLOG:TRAC:DATA 16.34,3.63 … 4. Close data logging session. ABOR:DLOG |
Related Commands |
5.7.4. INITiate:CONTinuous
Syntax |
INITiate:CONTinuous {<bool>} INITiate:CONTinuous? |
Description |
This command is used to select whether the trigger system is continuously initiated or not. With CONTinuous set to OFF, the trigger system remain in the IDLE state until CONTinuous is set to ON or INITiate:IMMediate is received. Once CONTinuous is set to ON, the trigger system will be initiated and exit the IDLE state. On completion of each trigger cycle, with CONTinuous ON, the trigger system immediately commence another trigger cycle without entering the IDLE state. When INITiate:CONTinuous is set to OFF, the current trigger cycle will be completed before entering the IDLE state. The return to IDLE also occur as the result of an ABORt or *RST command.
The ABORt command force the trigger system to the IDLE state; however, the value of INITiate:CONTinuous is unaffected.
If INITiate:CONTinuous was set to ON prior to receiving ABORt, it remains ON and the trigger system immediately exit the IDLE state. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<bool> |
Boolean |
OFF|ON|0|1 |
Return |
The query command returns 0 if continuous transients are disabled (OFF), and 1 if continuous transients are enabled (ON). |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
5.8. INSTrument
Each channel of the BB3 is considered as separate (logical) instrument, which is required by the SCPI standard. The INSTrument subsystem provides a mechanism to identify and select instruments and establish coupling to simplify programming of more channels at once.
SCPI command |
Description |
INSTrument |
Selects the output to be programmed |
Returns a quoted string of the list of valid choices for the instrument channels |
Returns a list of string – number pairs |
:COUPle |
Selects independent, common ground-tracking, split rail-tracking, parallel-tracking, or series-tracking mode |
Selects a coupling between channels trigger systems |
:DISPlay |
Sets full scale value |
Selects output value on the specified display trace |
Swaps positions of selected output values |
:YT |
Selects YT view sample duration |
Selects the output to be programmed |
5.8.1. INSTrument[:SELect]
Syntax |
INSTrument[:SELect] {<channel>} INSTrument[:SELect]? |
Description |
This command selects the output to be programmed by the output identifier. The outputs of the BB3 are considered as separate logical instruments. The INSTrument command provides a mechanism to identify and select an output. When one output is selected, the other output is unavailable for programming until selected. The following commands are affected by the INSTrument command: SOURce, MEASure, and CALibration. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<channel> |
Channel |
CH1|CH2|CH3|CH4|CH5|CH6 |
– |
Return |
Query returns the currently selected output by the INSTrument[:SELect] or INSTrument:NSELect command. The returned value is (@ncc), where n is the instrument slot number and cc is the instrument channel number. |
Usage example |
Select power channel and determine its position in slot 1: INST CH1 INST:SEL? (@101)
Select AO1 channel on the SMX46 module installed in slot 3: INST (@301) |
Related Commands |
INSTrument:CATalog? INSTrument:CATalog:FULL? INSTrument:NSELect |
5.8.2. INSTrument:CATalog?
Syntax |
INSTrument:CATalog? |
Description |
This query returns a comma-separated list of strings which contains the names of all logical instruments. If no logical instruments are defined, a single null string is returned.
Returned names can only be used with the INSTrument[:SELect] command. |
Usage example |
INST:CAT? "CH1","CH2","CH3","CH4" |
Related Commands |
INSTrument[:SELect] INSTrument:CATalog:FULL? INSTrument:NSELect |
5.8.3. INSTrument:CATalog:FULL?
Syntax |
INSTrument:CATalog:FULL? |
Description |
Use this query to get a list of string – number pairs. The string contains the name of the logical instrument. The immediately following NR1-formatted number is its associated logical instrument number. All response data elements are comma separated. If no logical instrument is defined, a null string followed by a zero is returned.
Returned logical instrument numbers can only be used with the INSTrument:NSELect command. |
Usage example |
INST:CAT:FULL? "CH1",1,"CH2",2 |
Related Commands |
INSTrument[:SELect] INSTrument:CATalog? INSTrument:NSELect |
5.8.4. INSTrument:COUPle:TRACking
Syntax |
INSTrument:COUPle:TRACking {<type>} INSTrument:COUPle:TRACking? |
Description |
This command selects how channel’s outputs will be internally connected:
When channels are coupled, resulting output will be present on different output terminals as indicated with red module’s OE LED instead of green OE LED. Coupled channels in series or parallel will be seen as single channel. Therefore the following commands will affect the both channel regardless of which channel is currently selected using the INSTrument[:SELect] or INSTrument:NSELect command):
The following channel specific commands will generate a device specific error 312 when channels are coupled:
Channels coupled in parallel could have only one down-programmer circuit active that is on the channel 1. State of the channel 2 down-programmer will always be off regardless of what is set with the OUTPut:DPRog command.
If channels are calibrated (CAL:STAT? 1) a max. value of the channel that has lower calibrated value will be used as a reference and multiplied by two. For example, if channel 1 max. voltage is 39.98 V and channel 2 max. voltage is 40.00 V the new max. value for the SERies-tracking will become 79.96 V instead of 80.00 V.
Two conditions requires special attention: that is entering CC mode while channels are coupled in SERies or entering CV mode when PARallel coupling is active. For example when coupled in SERies and output voltage is set to 60 V and current to 1.7 A with connected load of 1 Ω the power module will enters the CC mode of operation (see OUTPut:MODE?) and output voltage will drop to 1.7 V. Coupling mechanism will set both channels to 30 V (initally set value divided by two) but that value cannot be maintained on any output and there is no warranty that new voltage will be equally shared between channels (i.e. 1.7 / 2 = 1.35 V per channel). It’s even possible that outputs become unbalanced in a way that one of the channels becomes negative like -0.6 V on one channel and +2.3 V on another that still resulting in required +1.7 V limited by max. current. To avoid such situation coupling mechanism also include balancing to ensure that such deviation when one channel is pushed to sink instead of source power is rectified. That is accomplished by calculating and set more appropriate output voltage values during the CC mode of operation. The measured output voltage (using the MEASure[:SCALar][:VOLTage][:DC]? Command) will return that newly programmed value, that could be e.g. 30.93 V instead of 60 V. When output come back to CV mode of operation (e.g. load is disconnected), initial set 60 V will be measured again.
Execution of this command also affects bit 8 (PARAlell) or bit 9 (SERies) of the Operation status register (see Section 3.3).
At *RST, channels will be uncoupled (NONE). |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<type> |
Discrete |
Return |
Query returns the currently selected output coupling state. |
Usage example |
Errors |
312,"Cannot execute when the channels are coupled" |
Related Commands |
5.8.5. INSTrument:DISPlay:SCALe[<n>]
Syntax |
INSTrument:DISPlay:SCALe[<n>] {<value>} INSTrument:DISPlay:SCALe[<n>]? |
Description |
This command sets the full scale vale of YT and bar graph views on the display position (trace) defined with [<n>]. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<value> |
Discrete|NR2 |
AUTO|LIMit|MAXimum |
– |
Return |
Query returns the currently selected full scale value on the selected display position (trace). |
Usage example |
Errors |
-222,"Data out of range" |
Related Commands |
5.8.6. INSTrument:DISPlay:TRACe[<n>]
Syntax |
INSTrument:DISPlay:TRACe[<n>] {<value>} INSTrument:DISPlay:TRACe[<n>]? |
Description |
This command sets the output value that will be displayed on the display position (trace) defined with [<n>]. This command affects only display modes 2, 3 and 4 (see the DISPlay:VIEW command). An attempt to select the same value on both positions (traces) will generate an execution error. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<value> |
Discrete |
VOLTage|CURRent|POWer |
– |
Return |
Query returns the currently selected displayed output value on the selected display position (trace). |
Usage example |
Errors |
-200,"Execution error" |
Related Commands |
5.8.7. INSTrument:DISPlay:TRACe:SWAP
Syntax |
Description |
Use this command to swap output values display positions. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
DISPlay:VIEW INSTrument:DISPlay:TRACe[<n>] {<value>} INSTrument:DISPlay:YT:RATE |
5.8.8. INSTrument:DISPlay:YT:RATE
Syntax |
INSTrument:DISPlay:YT:RATE {<duration>} INSTrument:DISPlay:YT:RATE? |
Description |
This command sets the sample duration in seconds when YT (mode 4, see the DISPlay:VIEW command) display view is selected. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<duration> |
NR2 |
0.02 – 300 |
0.1 |
Return |
The query command returns the programmed sample duration in seconds. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
DISPlay:VIEW INSTrument:DISPlay:TRACe[<n>] {<value>} INSTrument:DISPlay:TRACe:SWAP |
5.8.9. INSTrument:COUPle:TRIGger
Syntax |
INSTrument:COUPle:TRIGger {<mode>} INSTrument:COUPle:TRIGger? |
Description |
Not implemented yet
This command defines a coupling between channels trigger systems. Use ALL parameter to couple or NONE to remove coupling.
At *RST, trigger systems are uncoupled. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<mode> |
ChannelList |
Return |
This query returns the currently coupled output. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
*RST INSTrument:COUPle:TRACking |
5.8.10. INSTrument:NSELect
Syntax |
INSTrument:NSELect {<channel>} INSTrument:NSELect? |
Description |
This command is used in conjunction with the SELect command. It serves the same purpose, except that it uses a numeric value instead of the identifier used in the SELect command. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<channel> |
NR1 |
1 – 6 |
– |
Return |
When queried it returns the logical instrument number of the currently selected BB3 channel. Note that the numbering used for logical instruments directly corresponds to the numbers used in status reporting for multiple instruments; specifically the STATus:QUEStionable:INSTrument and STATus:OPERation:INSTrument commands. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
STATus:QUEStionable:INSTrument STATus:OPERation:INSTrument |
5.9. MEASure
Measure commands return back the output voltage, current, power or temperature. They trigger the acquisition of new data before returning the reading. Measurements are performed by digitizing the instantaneous output voltage, current or temperature. Output power is calculated as product of measured voltage and current. Keyword [:DC] is optional since all measurement are by default of the DC level of the signal.
SCPI command |
Description |
MEASure |
Takes a measurement; returns digital logic state |
[:SCALar] |
:CURRent |
Takes a measurement; returns the average current |
:POWer |
Takes a measurement; returns the average power |
[:VOLTage] |
Takes a measurement; returns the average voltage |
:TEMPerature |
Takes a measurement; returns the average temperature |
5.9.1. MEASure:DIGital[:BYTE]
Syntax |
MEASure:DIGital[:BYTE]? [<channel>] |
Modules |
Description |
Query the digital logic state of the all 8 digital inputs on the MIO168 module. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<channel> |
Channel |
(@n01) where n is the slot number |
– |
Return |
Returns a binary-weighted decimal representing the bits set on the selected digital input channel. |
Usage example |
MEAS:DIG? (@101) 3 |
Related Commands |
SOURce:DIGital:SPEed SOURce:DIGital:RANGe |
5.9.2. MEASure[:SCALar]:CURRent[:DC]
Syntax |
MEASure[:SCALar]:CURRent[:DC]? [<channel>] |
Modules |
Description |
Query the current measured across the current sense resistor inside the power module. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<channel> |
Channel |
CH1|CH2|CH3|CH4|CH5|CH6 |
– |
Return |
Returns the average output current in amperes as decimal number (NR2). |
Usage example |
Measure current on the currently selected channel (CH1) and CH2: MEAS:CURR?;:MEAS:CURR? CH2 1.23;0.12 |
Related Commands |
INSTrument:COUPle:TRACking |
5.9.3. MEASure[:SCALar]:POWer[:DC]
Syntax |
MEASure[:SCALar]:POWer[:DC]? [<channel>] |
Modules |
Description |
Query the output power calculated as product of measured voltage and current value. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<channel> |
Channel |
CH1|CH2|CH3|CH4|CH5|CH6 |
– |
Return |
Returns the average output power in watts as decimal number (NR2). |
Usage example |
MEAS:POW? CH2 80.44 |
Related Commands |
5.9.4. MEASure[:SCALar][:VOLTage][:DC]
Syntax |
MEASure[:SCALar][:VOLTage][:DC]? [<channel>] |
Modules |
Description |
Query the voltage measured at the sense terminals of the selected channel. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<channel> |
Channel |
CH1|CH2|CH3|CH4|CH5|CH6 |
– |
Return |
Returns the average output voltage in volts as decimal number (NR2). |
Usage example |
MEAS:VOLT? CH1 43.25 Query voltage of the channel 2 that is currently selected: INST CH2 MEAS? 12.40 |
Related Commands |
INSTrument:COUPle:TRACking |
5.9.5. MEASure[:SCALar]:TEMPerature[:THERmistor][:DC]
Syntax |
MEASure[:SCALar]:TEMPerature[:THERmistor][:DC]? [<chanlist>] |
Modules |
Description |
Query the temperature measured on the temperature sensor of the selected channel. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<chanlist> |
ChannelList |
MUX: (@n31) where n is the slot number |
– |
Return |
Returns the average output voltage in volts as decimal number (NR2). |
Usage example |
MEAS:TEMP? (@131) 29 |
Related Commands |
SYSTem:MEASure[:SCALar]:TEMPerature[:THERmistor][:DC] |
5.10. MEMory
The MEMory subsystem works with BB3 state files that are saved to (*SAV) and recalled from (*RCL) non-volatile storage locations numbered 0 through 9. The storage location 0 named “Power down state” is used to store the current BB3 parameters.
SCPI command |
Description |
MEMory |
Returns total number of state storage memory locations |
:STATe |
Lists the names associated with all ten state storage locations |
Deletes the contents of a state storage location |
:ALL |
Deletes the contents of all state storage locations |
Freezes saving changes into profile 0 |
Assigns a custom name to a state storage locations |
:RECall |
Specifies whether the power-down state is recalled from location 0 on power-on |
Specifies which BB3 state will be used at power on |
Determines whether a storage location contains a valid state |
5.10.1. MEMory:NSTates
Syntax |
MEMory:NSTates? |
Description |
Returns the total number of *SAV/*RCL states available in the BB3. |
Return |
Returns numeric value (NR1) which is one greater than the maximum that can be sent as a parameter to the *SAV and *RCL commands. |
Usage example |
MEM:NST? 10 |
5.10.2. MEMory:STATe:CATalog
Syntax |
MEMory:STATe:CATalog? |
Description |
This query requests a list of defined names in the MEMory:STATe subsystem. |
Return |
The BB3 returns a list of defined <name>’s in a comma separated list. Each <name> is returned in a quoted string. |
Usage example |
MEM:STAT:CAT? "", "12V/1A", "list V", "4ch", "tracking", "parallel", "long lists", "list all channels", "Saved at 2019-10-22 09:33:55", "–Empty–" |
Related Commands |
5.10.3. MEMory:STATe:DELete
Syntax |
MEMory:STATe:DELete {<profile>} MEMory:STATe:DELete:ALL |
Description |
When used with a profile number this command deletes the contents of the specified storage location. The MEMory:STATe:DELete:ALL deletes the contents of storage locations 1 through 9.
An error is generated on an attempt to recall a deleted state. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<profile> |
NR1 |
1 – 9 |
– |
Return |
None |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
5.10.4. MEMory:STATe:FREEze
Syntax |
MEMory:STATe:FREEze {<bool>} MEMory:STATe:FREEze? |
Description |
This command prohibits saving any further changes to profile 0. It can be used, for example, to freeze program states before running the MicroPython script because the script will change some of the parameters. Once the script is complete, saving changes caused by further user activity can be re-enabled. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<bool> |
Boolean |
ON|OFF|0|1 |
– |
Return |
The command returns 0 if saving changes to profiles 0 is enabled, or returns 1 if saving changes to profiles 0 is disabled. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
*SAV |
5.10.5. MEMory:STATe:NAME
Syntax |
MEMory:STATe:NAME {<profile>}, {<name>} MEMory:STATe:NAME? {<profile>} |
Description |
This command associates a <name> with a *SAV/*RCL register number. May assign same name to different locations and state names are unaffected by *RST. Deleting a storage location’s contents MEMory:STATe:DELete resets associated name to “–Empty–” |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<profile> |
NR1 |
1 – 9 |
– |
<name> |
Quoted string |
0 to 32 characters |
– |
Return |
Returns a *SAV/*RCL register number associates with profile number. |
Usage example |
MEM:STAT:DEF, 2, "All outputs on" MEM:STAT:DEF? 2 "All outputs on" |
Related Commands |
5.10.6. MEMory:STATe:RECall:AUTO
Syntax |
MEMory:STATe:RECall:AUTO {<bool>} MEMory:STATe:RECall:AUTO? |
Description |
This command disables or enables the automatic recall of a specific stored BB3 state selected using the MEMory:STATe:RECall:SELect command when power is turned on. Select ON to automatically recall one of the ten stored states or the “power-down” state (location 0) when power is turned on. Select OFF to issue a reset (*RST) when power is turned on. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<bool> |
Boolean |
ON|OFF|0|1 |
– |
Return |
The query command returns 0 (OFF) or 1 (ON). |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
*SAV MEMory:STATe:RECall:SELect SYSTem:POWer |
5.10.7. MEMory:STATe:RECall:SELect
Syntax |
MEMory:STATe:RECall:SELect {<profile>} MEMory:STATe:RECall:SELect? |
Description |
This command selects which BB3 state will be used at power on if the automatic recall mode is enabled (see MEMory:STATe:RECall:AUTO ON command). If the automatic recall mode is disabled (MEMory:STATe:RECall:AUTO OFF), then a “factory reset” (return to the default values) is issued when power is turned on. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<profile> |
NR1 |
0 – 9 |
– |
Return |
The query command returns numeric value (NR1) for 0 to 9 indicating which instrument state will be used at power on. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
5.10.8. MEMory:STATe:VALid
Syntax |
MEMory:STATe:VALid? {<profile>} |
Description |
This command queries the specified storage location to determine if a valid state is currently stored in this location.
Use this command before sending the *RCL command to determine if a valid state has been previously stored on queried location. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<profile> |
NR1 |
0 – 9 |
– |
Return |
Returns 0 if no state has been stored or if it has been deleted. It returns 1 if a valid state is stored in this location. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
5.11. MMEMory
The MMEMory commands are used to store, read or delete file in the BB3’s SD card. It can also query SD card information. In addition it is used for storing and recalling values used by [SOURce[<n>]]:LIST subsystem. File and directory (folder) names cannot contain the following characters:\ / : * ? " < > |
SCPI command |
Description |
MMEMory |
Returns a list of items in the specified directory (folder) |
Returns the number of items in the specified directory |
Changes the current directory |
Copies <source> to <destination> |
Returns date that the specified file was last saved |
Deletes an existing file |
:DOWNload |
Aborts current download session |
Downloads data from the host computer |
Creates or opens the specified filename for download data |
Sets information about file size used for progress bar |
Sets data handle used to feed data into the file |
Returns used and free space |
Loads stored LIST to the specified channel |
Loads stored user profile |
Sets write protection |
Makes a new directory |
Moves or renames <source> to <destination> |
Sets the file name ro be opened or closed |
Removes the specified directory |
:STORe |
Saves specified channel LIST |
Saves specified user profile |
Returns time that the specified file was last saved |
Clears write protection |
Uploads data to the host computer |
5.11.1. MMEMory:CATalog
Syntax |
MMEMory:CATalog? [<directory>] |
Description |
Returns the list of files and directories (folders) names, types and sizes in the current or specified directory. Number of items (files/directories) corresponds to the value returned by the MMEMory:CATalog:LENgth? command.
To read out the information in the root directory (folder), specify "\" (backslash) or "/". If <directory> is not set, this function is applied to the current directory. If directory=<path>, this function is applied to <current directory>\<path>.
Error occurs if the specified directory does not exist. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<directory> |
Quoted string |
Directory name, either / (slash) or \ (backslash) can be used as the path separator. 1 to 255 characters |
– |
Return |
Returns all files in the directory as list of comma delimited quoted strings of <filename>, <filetype> and <filesize>. The following file types are supported:
Usage example |
MMEM:CAT? "USER,FOLD,0","SCPI.PDF,BIN,1274844","SCH5B13A.PDF,BIN,296589",
MMEM:CAT? "USER" "LST_2_3.CSV,BIN,88","FERY2.PDF,BIN,2443" |
Errors |
-250,"Mass storage error" -251,"Missing mass storage" -252,"Missing media" -256,"File name not found" |
Related Commands |
MMEMory:CATalog:LENgth? MMEMory:INFOrmation? MMEMory:DATE? MMEMory:TIME? |
5.11.2. MMEMory:CATalog:LENgth
Syntax |
MMEMory:CATalog:LENgth? [<directory>] |
Description |
This command returns the number of items in the current or specified directory (folder). The result corresponds to the number of files returned by the MMEMory:CATalog? command. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<directory> |
Quoted string |
Directory name, either / (slash) or \ (backslash) can be used as the path separator. 1 to 255 characters |
– |
Return |
The query command returns number (NR1) of items (files and directories). |
Usage example |
Errors |
-256,"File name not found" |
Related Commands |
MMEMory:CATalog? |
5.11.3. MMEMory:CDIRectory
Syntax |
MMEMory:CDIRectory {<directory>} MMEMory:CDIRectory? |
Description |
Changes the current directory to the specified directory (folder). This directory must exist otherwise an error will be generated.
At *RST, this value is set to the root path. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<directory> |
Quoted string |
Directory name, either / (slash) or \ (backslash) can be used as the path separator. 1 to 255 characters |
– |
Return |
This query returns the full path of the current directory. |
Usage example |
MMEM:CDIR "TEST/Test folder2" MMEM:CDIR? "TEST/Test folder2" |
Errors |
-256,"File name not found" |
Related Commands |
*RST MMEMory:CATalog? MMEMory:MDIRectory MMEMory:RDIRectory |
5.11.4. MMEMory:COPY
Syntax |
MMEMory:COPY {<source>}, {<destination>} |
Description |
Makes a copy of an existing file in the current directory. The file names must include any file extension. If <destination> is a file name, the copy file is created in the current directory. When <destination> is a <path> (e.g. “test lists/test022”) the source file is duplicated in <current directory>/<path>. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<source> |
Quoted string |
Source file name, 1 to 255 characters |
– |
<destination> |
Quoted string |
Copy file name or directory name, either / (slash) or \ (backslash) can be used as the path separator. 1 to 255 characters |
– |
Usage example |
MMEM:COPY "test.bin", "new2/test_new.bin" |
Errors |
-253,"Corrupt media" -254,"Media full" -256,"File name not found" -258,"Media protected" |
Related Commands |
MMEMory:CATalog? MMEMory:CDIRectory MMEMory:LOCK MMEMory:MDIRectory MMEMory:MOVE |
5.11.5. MMEMory:DATE
Syntax |
MMEMory:DATE? {<filename>} |
Description |
Returns the (year, month, day) that the specified file was last saved. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<filename> |
Quoted string |
File name or directory name, either / (slash) or \ (backslash) can be used as the path separator. 1 to 255 characters |
– |
Return |
Comma-separated numbers (NR1) of year, month, day formated as yyyy, mm, dd |
Usage example |
MMEM:DATE? "test.002" 2017, 10, 1 |
Errors |
-256,"File name not found" |
Related Commands |
5.11.6. MMEMory:DELete
Syntax |
MMEMory:DELete {<filename>} |
Description |
Use this command to delete a file in the current directory. If SD card is locked using the MMEMory:LOCK command, an error -258 will be generated. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<filename> |
Quoted string |
File name, either / (slash) or \ (backslash) can be used as the path separator. 1 to 255 characters |
– |
Usage example |
MMEM:DEL "test.002" |
Errors |
-256,"File name not found" -258,"Media protected" |
Related Commands |
MMEMory:CATalog? MMEMory:CDIRectory MMEMory:RDIRectory MMEMory:LOCK |
5.11.7. MMEMory:DOWNload:ABORt
Syntax |
MMEMory:DOWNload:ABORt |
Description |
Use this command to abort currenlty running file transfer from the host initiated with the MMEMory:DOWNload:DATA command. If not active file transfer exists, the command will be ignored without generating any error. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
5.11.8. MMEMory:DOWNload:DATA
Syntax |
MMEMory:DOWNload:DATA {<block>} |
Description |
Downloads data from the host computer to a file in the SD card. This is a multiple steps process:
Use MMEMory:INFOrmation? command first to check available space. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<block> |
Data block |
– |
– |
Usage example |
Downloads text Hello world and store into the file "test file" in the current directory. Digit 2 denotes two digits of data length (11). MMEM:DOWN:FNAM "test file" MMEM:DOWN:DATA #211Hello world MMEM:DOWN:FNAM "" |
Errors |
-253,"Corrupt media" -254,"Media full" -258,"Media protected" |
Related Commands |
MMEMory:DOWNload:FNAMe MMEMory:INFOrmation? MMEMory:LOCK |
5.11.9. MMEMory:DOWNload:FNAMe
Syntax |
MMEMory:DOWNload:FNAMe {<filename>} |
Description |
Creates or opens the specified filename prior to writing data to that file with MMEMory:DOWNload:DATA. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<filename> |
Quoted string |
File name, either / (slash) or \ (backslash) can be used as the path separator. 1 to 255 characters |
– |
Usage example |
MMEMory:DOWNload:FNAMe "new_list.bin" |
Errors |
-258,"Media protected" |
Related Commands |
5.11.10. MMEMory:DOWNload:SIZE
Syntax |
MMEMory:DOWNload:SIZE {<filesize>} |
Description |
This command define filesize used by progress bar displayed on the local console during the file transfer. If filesize is not provided, progress bar will not be displayed. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<filesize> |
NR1 |
0 to 2.147.483.648 (2 GiB) as limited by SD Card FAT |
0 |
Usage example |
MMEMory:DOWNload:SIZE 124000 |
Related Commands |
5.11.11. MMEMory:INFOrmation
Syntax |
MMEMory:INFOrmation? |
Description |
Use this command to find out total amount of storage currently used and storage available on the SD card. The sum of that two amounts represents SD card capacity in bytes. |
Return |
The command returns used space and free space as two comma separated integers. |
Usage example |
MMEM:INFO? 3932160,7732461568 |
Related Commands |
5.11.12. MMEMory:LOAD:LIST
Syntax |
MMEMory:LOAD:LIST<n> {<filename>} |
Description |
Load stored LIST program from SD card location defined by <filename> to the channel defined with <n>. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<filename> |
Quoted string |
File name, either / (slash) or \ (backslash) can be used as the path separator. 1 to 255 characters |
– |
Usage example |
MMEM:LOAD:LIST1 "DC_DC conv testing.list" MMEM:LOAD:LIST2 "DC_DC conv testing.list" TRIG:SOUR BUS INIT *TRG |
Errors |
-200,"Execution error" -256,"File name not found" |
Related Commands |
MMEMory:STORe:LIST[<n>] [SOURce[<n>]]:LIST:COUNt [SOURce[<n>]]:LIST:CURRent[:LEVel] [SOURce[<n>]]:LIST:DWELl [SOURce[<n>]]:LIST:VOLTage[:LEVel] |
5.11.13. MMEMory:LOAD:PROFile
Syntax |
MMEMory:LOAD:PROFile {<filename>} |
Description |
This command loads data from user profile file to the user profile 0. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<filename> |
Quoted string |
File name, either / (slash) or \ (backslash) can be used as the path separator. 1 to 255 characters |
– |
Usage example |
MMEM:LOAD:PROF "old settings.profile" |
Errors |
-256,"File name not found" |
Related Commands |
5.11.14. MMEMory:LOCK
Syntax |
MMEMory:LOCK {<password>} MMEMory:LOCK? |
Description |
Use this command to enable write protection of SD card. All writing, deleting or modifying attempts on files or directories will generate an error if SD card is locked. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<password> |
Quoted string |
System password (4 to 16 characters) |
– |
Return |
This query returns 0 if SD card is unlocked, or 1 if SD card is locked. |
Usage example |
MMEM:LOCK "test123" MMEM:LOCK? 1 |
Errors |
122,"Invalid sys password" |
Related Commands |
MMEMory:UNLock SYSTem:PASSword:NEW |
5.11.15. MMEMory:MDIRectory
Syntax |
MMEMory:MDIRectory {<directory>} |
Description |
This command creates a new directory. If directory=<path>, this command creates a <current directory>/<path> directory. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<directory> |
Quoted string |
Directory name, either / (slash) or \ (backslash) can be used as the path separator. 1 to 255 characters |
– |
Usage example |
MMEM:MDIR "test folder" |
Errors |
-258,"Media protected" |
Related Commands |
MMEMory:CDIRectory MMEMory:RDIRectory |
5.11.16. MMEMory:MOVE
Syntax |
MMEMory:MOVE {<source>}, {<destination>} |
Description |
This command moves or renames an existing file. If destination is a file name, the source file is renamed to the new file name in the current directory. When destination=<path>, the source file is moved to <current directory>/<path>.
Error occurs if the source file does not exist or the destination file already exists. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<source> |
Quoted string |
Source file name, 1 to 255 characters |
– |
<destination> |
Quoted string |
New file name or directory name, either / (slash) or \ (backslash) can be used as the path separator. 1 to 255 characters |
– |
Usage example |
Rename file: MMEM:MOVE "old name","new name" Move file from current directory to “/Test” directory: MMEM:MOVE "new name","/Test/new name" Move and rename file: MMEM:MOVE "/Test/new name","/Documents/new doc" |
Errors |
-256,"File name not found" -258,"Media protected" |
Related Commands |
MMEMory:CDIRectory MMEMory:COPY |
5.11.17. MMEMory:MDIRectory
Syntax |
MMEMory:MDIRectory {<directory>} |
Description |
This command creates a new directory. If directory=<path>, this command creates a <current directory>/<path> directory. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<directory> |
Quoted string |
Directory name, either / (slash) or \ (backslash) can be used as the path separator. 1 to 255 characters |
– |
Usage example |
MMEM:MDIR "test folder" |
Errors |
-258,"Media protected" |
Related Commands |
MMEMory:CDIRectory MMEMory:RDIRectory |
5.11.18. MMEMory:STORe:LIST
Syntax |
MMEMory:STORe:LIST<n> {<filename>} |
Description |
Store LIST program of channel defined with <n> to SD card location defined by <filename>. Stored file type will be TRAC. Default file extension is .list |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<filename> |
Quoted string |
File name, either / (slash) or \ (backslash) can be used as the path separator. 1 to 255 characters |
– |
Usage example |
MMEM:STOR:LIST1 "DC_DC conv testing.list" |
Errors |
-258,"Media protected" |
Related Commands |
MMEMory:LOAD:STATe [SOURce[<n>]]:LIST:COUNt [SOURce[<n>]]:LIST:CURRent[:LEVel] [SOURce[<n>]]:LIST:DWELl [SOURce[<n>]]:LIST:VOLTage[:LEVel] |
5.11.19. MMEMory:STORe:PROFile
Syntax |
MMEMory:STORe:PROFile {<filename>} |
Description |
This command stores the BB3 state (i.e. user profile 0) to SD card location defined by <filename>. Stored file type will be STAT. Default file extension is .conf |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<filename> |
Quoted string |
File name, either / (slash) or \ (backslash) can be used as the path separator. 1 to 255 characters |
– |
Usage example |
MMEM:STOR:PROF "Both channels 5V_3A.profile" |
Errors |
-258,"Media protected" |
Related Commands |
5.11.20. MMEMory:TIME
Syntax |
MMEMory:TIME? {<filename>} |
Description |
Returns the (hours, minute, seconds) that the specified file was last saved. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<filename> |
Quoted string |
File name or directory name, either / (slash) or \ (backslash) can be used as the path separator. 1 to 255 characters |
– |
Return |
Comma-separated numbers (NR1) of hours, minute, seconds formatted as hh, mm, ss |
Usage example |
MMEM:TIME? "test.002" 22, 10, 14 |
Errors |
-256,"File name not found" |
Related Commands |
5.11.21. MMEMory:UNLock
Syntax |
MMEMory:UNLock {<password>} |
Description |
Disable write protection of SD card activated by the MMEMory:LOCK command. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<password> |
Quoted string |
System password (4 to 16 characters) |
– |
Usage example |
MMEM:LOCK? 1 MMEM:UNL "test123" MMEM:LOCK? 0 |
Errors |
122,"Invalid sys password" |
Related Commands |
5.11.22. MMEMory:UPLoad
Syntax |
MMEMory:UPLoad? {<filename>} |
Description |
This command uploads the contents of a file from the instrument to the host computer. The format for <file> is "[<path>]<file_name>", where <path> must be an absolute folder path. If <path> is omitted, the folder specified by the MMEMory:CDIRectory command is used. Absolute paths begin with a "\" or "/" and start at the root folder of SD card. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<filename> |
Quoted string |
File name or directory name, either / (slash) or \ (backslash) can be used as the path separator. 1 to 255 characters |
– |
Return |
The query returns the file contents are returned as an IEEE 488.2 definite-length block. |
Usage example |
MMEM:UPL? "test file" #211Hello world |
Errors |
-257,"File name error" |
Related Commands |
5.12. OUTPut
The OUTPut subsystem controls the output state, coupling outputs and protections, protection clear and tracking state.
SCPI command |
Description |
OUTPut |
Controls the specified channel output state |
Controls channel output state with trigger |
:DELay |
Sets the output start delay duration |
Controls down-programmer circuit |
Returns the channel mode of operation |
:PROTection |
Resets latched protection |
Enables channel coupling for protection faults |
Enables measuring of output voltage before channel output is turned on |
Enables channels to operate in the track mode |
5.12.1. OUTPut[:STATe]
Syntax |
OUTPut[:STATe] {<bool>} [, <chanlist>] OUTPut[:STATe]? [<chanlist>] |
Description |
This command enables or disables the specified output channel(s). The enabled state is ON (1); the disabled state is OFF (0). The state of a disabled output is a condition of zero output voltage and zero source current. Execution of this command also affects bit 10 (OE) and bit 11 (DP) of the Operation Instrument Isummary register (see Section 3.3.2). Self-test operation initiated by *TST? command will put all BB3 modules into disable state. When channels are not coupled together (INSTrument:COUPle:TRACking) this command activate green OE LED indicator between output terminals.
Execution of the OUTP ON command on the channel which has one or more protection tripped (OCP, OVP, OPP or OTP) will generate error 201. Use OUTPut:PROTection:CLEar command to clear all tripped protections. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<bool> |
Boolean |
ON|OFF|0|1 |
– |
<chanlist> |
ChannelList |
– |
Return |
The query command returns 0 if the output is OFF, and 1 if the output is ON. |
Usage example |
Set and check output on channel 1: OUTP ON, CH1 OUTP? CH1 1 Set outputs on channels 1,2 and 4, and check all outputs state: OUTP ON, (@1:2,4) OUTP? ALL 1,1,0,1 |
Errors |
108,"Cal output disabled" 201,"Cannot execute before clearing protection" |
Related Commands |
*TST INSTrument:COUPle:TRACking OUTPut:PROTection:CLEar [SOURce:]VOLTage:SENSe[:SOURce] |
5.12.2. OUTPut[:STATe]:TRIGgered
Syntax |
OUTPut[:STATe]:TRIGgered {<bool>} [, <channel>] OUTPut[:STATe]:TRIGgered? [<channel>] |
Description |
This command programs the pending triggered channel’s output state. The pending triggered output state is a stored value that is transferred to the output terminals when a trigger occurs. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<bool> |
Boolean |
ON|OFF|0|1 |
– |
<channel> |
Channel |
CH1|CH2|CH3|CH4|CH5|CH6 |
– |
Return |
Query the triggered output state presently programmed. If no triggered level is programmed, the OUTPut? state is returned. |
Usage example |
Errors |
108,"Cal output disabled" 201,"Cannot execute before clearing protection" |
Related Commands |
*TST OUTPut:PROTection:CLEar [SOURce:]VOLTage:SENSe[:SOURce] |
5.12.3. OUTPut:DELay:DURation
Syntax |
OUTPut:DELay:DURation {<duration>} [, <channel>] OUTPut:DELay:DURation? [<channel>] |
Description |
This command sets the power output turn on delay in seconds on the specified output channel. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<duration> |
NR2 |
0.002 – 10 |
– |
<channel> |
Channel |
CH1|CH2|CH3|CH4|CH5|CH6 |
– |
Return |
The query command returns the programmed output turn on delay in seconds. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
OUTPut:DELay[:STATe] |
5.12.4. OUTPut:DPRog
Syntax |
OUTPut:DPRog {<DprogState>} OUTPut:DPRog? |
Modules |
Description |
A down-programmer is a circuit built into the channel’s output of a power module that actively pulls the output voltage down when the programmed output voltage value is moving from a higher setting to a lower setting. The down-programmer circuit is active by default and only rare situation requires to be turned off. One such situation is when battery is connected as a load. Another one is connecting two channel in parallel when only one down-programmer circuit is enough for actively pulls the output voltage down while lower voltage is set. Execution of this command also affects bit 11 (DP) of the Operation Instrument Isummary register (see Section Section 3.3.2).
Despite of the down-programmer state programmed by this command, it will be deactivated when the channel output is turned off (i.e. OUTPut[:STATe] OFF) after DP_OFF_DELAY_PERIOD in seconds). When the channel output is turned on again, down-programmer will be set back to the state programmed with this command.
If negative output power (DP_NEG_LEV) is measured and last more then DP_NEG_DELAY seconds the down-programmer will be switched off and an error 500 will be generated. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<DprogState> |
Discrete |
ON |
Return |
This query returns 0 (OFF) if down-programmer is disabled, or 1 (ON) when down-programmer is enabled. |
Usage example |
Errors |
500,"Down-programmer on CH1 switched off" 501,"Down-programmer on CH2 switched off" |
Related Commands |
OUTPut[:STATe] |
5.12.5. OUTPut:MODE?
Syntax |
OUTPut:MODE? [<channel>] |
Description |
This command simplify resolving a results that can be obtained reading the bit 8 (CV) and 9 (CC) of the read-only Instrument Isummary Operation Status register for a specific channel (see table in the Section 3.3.2). The power module can works in one of the three output modes:
The UR mode is not supported by DCM220 module and in software simulator. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<channel> |
Channel |
CH1|CH2|CH3|CH4|CH5|CH6 |
– |
Return |
The query returns CV, CC or UR. |
Usage example |
Set output voltage to 20 V and max. current, check that output voltage is as defined that indicate the constant voltage mode of operation: VOLT 20; CURR MAX MEAS:VOLT? 20.0 OUTP:MODE? CV |
Related Commands |
STATus:OPERation:INSTrument:ISUMmary[<n>][:EVENt] STATus:OPERation:INSTrument:ISUMmary[<n>]:CONDition STATus:OPERation:INSTrument:ISUMmary[<n>]:ENABle |
5.12.6. OUTPut:PROTection:CLEar
Syntax |
OUTPut:PROTection:CLEar [<channel>] |
Description |
This command clears the latched protection status that disables the output when an over-voltage, over-current or a power-limit condition is detected. All conditions that generate the fault must be removed before the latched status can be cleared. The output is restored to the state it was in before the fault condition occurred. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<channel> |
Channel |
CH1|CH2|CH3|CH4|CH5|CH6 |
– |
Usage example |
The following command clears the latched protection status on all channels: OUTP:PROT:CLE |
Related Commands |
[SOURce[<n>]]:CURRent:PROTection:STATe [SOURce[<n>]]:POWer:PROTection:STATe [SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage:PROTection:STATe |
5.12.7. OUTPut:PROTection:COUPle
Syntax |
OUTPut:PROTection:COUPle {<bool>} OUTPut:PROTection:COUPle? |
Description |
This command enables or disables output coupling for protection faults. When enabled, all output channels are disabled when a protection fault occurs on any output channel. When disabled, only the affected output channel is disabled when a protection fault is triggered. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<bool> |
Boolean |
ON|OFF|0|1 |
Return |
The query command returns 0 if the protection coupling is OFF (disabled), and 1 if the protection coupling is ON (enabled). |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
OUTPut:PROTection:CLEar |
5.12.8. OUTPut:PROTection:MEASure
Syntax |
OUTPut:PROTection:MEASure {<bool>} OUTPut:PROTection:MEASure? |
Modules |
Description |
This command enables or disables the voltage on the output terminals to be monitored even when the output is disabled. When it is active, the output cannot be turned on as long as the measured voltage is greater than 500 mV. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<bool> |
Boolean |
ON|OFF|0|1 |
ON |
Return |
The query command returns 0 if the output voltage monitoring is OFF (disabled), and 1 if the output voltage monitoring is ON (enabled). |
Usage example |
5.12.9. OUTPut:TRACk[:STATe]
Syntax |
OUTPut:TRACk[:STATe] {<chanlist>} OUTPut:TRACk[:STATe]? |
Description |
This command enables or disables two or more channels to operate in the track mode defined with the channel list. Once enabled, any change on any of the channel from the channel list will be applied to the whole channel list.
The OUTPut:TRACk OFF command returns all affected channels to the non-track mode.
A device-specific error 312 will be generated if this command is tried to executed when channels are in any of coupled mode.
The following commands will affect the both channel regardless of which channel is currently selected using the INSTrument[:SELect] or INSTrument:NSELect command):
The following channel specific commands will generate a device-specific error 313 when channels are in tracking mode:
At *RST, the tracking mode is disabled. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<chanlist> |
Boolean|ChannelList |
List of channels, OFF|0 |
Return |
Query the tracking mode state of the power modules. The returned value is 0 (OFF) or 1 (ON). |
Usage example |
Define track group that contains channel 1, 3 and 4:
OUTP:TRAC (@1,3:4) VOLT 12 MEAS? 12.00 MEAS? CH3 12.00 |
Errors |
312,"Cannot execute when the channels are coupled" 313,"Cannot execute in tracking mode" |
Related Commands |
*RST INSTrument:COUPle:TRACking |
5.13. ROUTe
The ROUTe command subsystem controls switching operations for relay modules such as SMX46 and PREL6 and defines channel labels.
Please note that when list of channels separated with comma is specified no space is allowed. For example (@111,121) instead of (@111, 121) or (@111 , 121).
SCPI command |
Description |
Closes (turns on) specified relay channels |
Closes exclusively specified relay channel |
:LABel |
Sets relay matrix column label |
Sets relay matrix row label |
Opens (turns off) specified relay channels |
5.13.1. ROUTe:CLOSe
Syntax |
ROUTe:CLOSe {<chanlist>} ROUTe:CLOSe? {<chanlist>} |
Modules |
Description |
This command closes (turns it on) the relay channels specified by <chanlist>. The <chanlist> on the SMX module has the form (@nrc) where n is the module slot number, r is the channel row number and c is the column number. On other modules <chanlist> has a form (@nxx) where n is the module slot number, and xx is channel number. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<chanlist> |
ChannelList |
SMX: (@n03) and (@n11) to (@n46), PREL: (@n01) to (@n06), MUX: (@n01) to (@n03), (@n11) to (@n17) and (@n21) to (@n27) where n is the slot number |
– |
Return |
Returns the current state of the channel(s) queried. The command returns "1" if channel(s) are closed (relay is energized) or returns "0" if channel(s) are open (relay is idle). |
Usage example |
Closing (activating) four crosspoints (X1Y1, X2Y1, X3Y1, X4Y1) at once on the SMX46 inserted into slot 1: ROUT:CLOS (@111,112,113,114) Closing all crosspoints in row 3 (X3Y1 to X3Y6) at once on the SMX46 inserted into slot 1: ROUT:CLOS (@113:163) Closing power relay on SMX46 inserted in slot 2: ROUT:CLOS (@203) |
Errors |
-200,"Execution error" |
Related Commands |
5.13.2. ROUTe:CLOSe:EXCLusive
Syntax |
ROUTe:CLOSe:EXCLusive {<chanlist>} |
Modules |
Description |
Use this command to close relay channel specified by <chanlist> and open all currently closed channels on the destionation module. <chanlist> has the form (@nxx) where n is the module slot number, and xx is channel number.
If the EXT channel (@n03) is closed on the MUX module, then the scope of this command is extended to another multiplexer (P2). |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<chanlist> |
ChannelList |
PREL: (@n01) to (@n06), MUX: (@n11) to (@n17) and (@n21) to (@n27) where n is the slot number |
– |
Usage example |
Closing (activating) three channels (@211, @212, @213) at once on the MUX module on slot 2: ROUT:CLOS (@211:213) Channel @214 closes exclusively, which will open three previously closed channels: ROUT:CLOS:EXCL (@214) ROUT:CLOS? (@211:213) 0,0,0 |
Errors |
-200,"Execution error" |
Related Commands |
5.13.3. ROUTe:LABel:COLumn
Syntax |
ROUTe:LABel:COLumn {<slot>}, {<column>}, {<label>} ROUTe:LABel:COLumn? {<slot>}, {<column>} |
Modules |
Description |
Use this command to define the column label of the relay specified by <slot> and <column>. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<slot> |
NR1 |
1 – 3 |
– |
<column> |
NR1 |
1 – 6 |
– |
<label> |
Quoted string |
Max. 5 characters |
– |
Return |
Returns the label of the column queried on the specified slot as a quoted string. |
Usage example |
Set label “Sense” for the fifth column of the SMX46 inserted into slot 2: ROUT:LAB:COL 2, 5, "Sense" |
Errors |
-200,"Execution error" |
Related Commands |
5.13.4. ROUTe:LABel:ROW
Syntax |
ROUTe:LABel:ROW {<slot>}, {<row>}, {<label>} ROUTe:LABel:ROW? {<slot>}, {<row>} |
Modules |
Description |
Use this command to define the column label of the relay specified by <slot> and <row>. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<slot> |
NR1 |
1 – 3 |
– |
<row> |
NR1 |
1 – 4 |
– |
<label> |
Quoted string |
Max. 5 characters |
– |
Return |
Returns the label of the row queried on the specified slot as a quoted string. |
Usage example |
Set label “Bias” for the third row of the SMX46 inserted into slot 2: ROUT:LAB:COL 2, 3, "Bias" |
Errors |
-200,"Execution error" |
Related Commands |
5.13.5. ROUTe:OPEN
Syntax |
ROUTe:OPEN {<chanlist>} ROUTe:OPEN? {<chanlist>} |
Modules |
Description |
This command closes (turns it off) the relay channels specified by <chanlist>. The <chanlist> on the SMX module has the form (@nrc) where n is the module slot number, r is the channel row number and c is the column number. On other modules <chanlist> has a form (@nxx) where n is the module slot number, and xx is channel number.
The *RST command will open all channels of all modules. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<chanlist> |
ChannelList |
SMX: (@n03) and (@n11) to (@n46), PREL: (@n01) to (@n06), MUX: (@n01) to (@n03), (@n11) to (@n17) and (@n21) to (@n27) where n is the slot number |
– |
Return |
Returns the current state of the channel(s) queried. The command returns "1" if channel(s) are open (relay is idle) or returns "0" if channel(s) are closed (relay is energized). |
Usage example |
Open (deactivate) two crosspoints (X1Y3 and X4Y2) at once on the SMX46 inserted into slot 1: ROUT:OPEN (@131,124) Open two sequence of crosspoints (X2Y2 to X4Y2 and X2Y4 to X4Y4, i.e. six crosspoints in total) at once on the SMX46 inserted into slot 1: ROUT:OPEN (@122:124,142:144) Open power relay on SMX46 inserted in slot 2: ROUT:OPEN (@203) |
Errors |
-200,"Execution error" |
Related Commands |
5.14. SCRipt
The SCRipt subsystem allows you to start and stop MicroPython scripts. It is also possible to define scripts that will be executed during startup.
SCPI command |
Description |
SCRipt |
Sets the script to run on the startup |
Clear currently selected startup script |
Enables/disables startup script confirmation |
Sets a script to be executed immediately |
Forcibly stops the currently active script |
5.14.1. SCRipt:RECall
Syntax |
SCRipt:RECall {<filename>} SCRipt:RECall? |
Description |
Use this command to select the MicroPython script to run on the startup. The full path to the file must be specified. This filename must exist on the SD card otherwise an error will be generated. Use the MMEMory:CATalog? command to check which scripts exist in the specified folder. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<filename> |
Quoted string |
– |
– |
Return |
The query command returns the full path of the script that will be run at startup. |
Usage example |
SCR:REC "/Scripts/AutoStart.py" |
Errors |
-256,"File name not found" |
Related Commands |
MMEMory:CATalog SCRipt:RECall:CONFirmation SCRipt:RUN SCRipt:STOP |
5.14.2. SCRipt:RECall:CLEar
Syntax |
SCRipt:RECall:CLEar |
Description |
Use this command to clear currently defined startup script. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
SCRipt:RECall SCRipt:RECall:CONFirmation |
5.14.3. SCRipt:RECall:CONFirmation
Syntax |
SCRipt:RECall:CONFirmation {<bool>} SCRipt:RECall:CONFirmation? |
Description |
Use this command to specify whether a dialog box will appear on the screen during startup with information about the name of the script whose execution will need to be confirmed. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<bool> |
Boolean |
ON|OFF|0|1 |
– |
Return |
The query command returns 0 if the script confirmation mode is OFF, and 1 if the confirmation mode is ON. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
SCRipt:RECall |
5.14.4. SCRipt:RUN
Syntax |
SCRipt:RUN {<filename>} SCRipt:RUN? |
Description |
Use this command to run the MicroPython script specified with the full path name to the file. This filename must exist on the SD card otherwise an error will be generated. Use the MMEMory:CATalog? command to check which scripts exist in the specified folder. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<bool> |
Boolean |
– |
– |
Return |
The query command returns the present setting of the integration time. |
Usage example |
SCR:RUN "/Scripts/Hello world.py" SCR:RUN? "/Scripts/Hello world.py" |
Errors |
310,"File not found" 770,"Script engine is already running" |
Related Commands |
MMEMory:CATalog SCRipt:RECall |
5.14.5. SCRipt:STOP
Syntax |
Description |
Use this command to forcibly stop currently active script. Useful in case when script got stuck without need to restart the BB3. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
SCRipt:RECall SCRipt:RUN |
5.15. SENSe
The SENSe control the current measurement range, energy counting/window, the data acquisition sequence and DLOG viewer parameters.
SCPI command |
Description |
Sets the integration time |
:CURRent |
[:DC] |
Selects a DC current measurement range |
:DIGital |
Set the range of the digital input |
Set the speed of the digital input |
Resets DLOG settings |
:FUNCtion |
Enables/disables output current internal data logging |
:DIGital |
Enables/disables digital input internal data logging |
Enables/disables output power internal data logging |
Enables/disables output voltage internal data logging |
Sets the sample period for internal data logging |
Sets the sample duration for internal data logging |
:TRACe |
Adds new data into log file |
Adds a bookmark into the active DLOG |
Adds user description to the log file |
:X |
Sets X-axis label |
Sets X-axis min. value |
Sets X-axis max. value |
Sets X-axis step value |
Sets X-axis units |
:Y<n> |
Sets Y-axis<n> label |
Sets Y-axis<n> min. value |
Sets Y-axis<n> max. value |
Sets Y-axis<n> units |
:FUNCtion |
Sets the MIO160 module analog outputs mode |
Sets the number of power line cycles (NPLC) |
:VOLTage |
[:DC] |
Selects a DC voltage measurement range |
5.15.1. SENSe:APERture
Syntax |
SENSe:APERture {<period>} SENSe:APERture? |
Modules |
Description |
This command sets the integration time for one point measurement.
The APERture value is coupled to NPLCycles by the equation: APERture = NPLCycles / selected AC line frequency. For example, for NPLC of 5 and 50 Hz the integration time is 100 ms.
The AC line frequency is not detected automatically, therefore it has to be set with the SYSTem:LFRequency command.
Using an integer number of power line cycles can reduce measurement noise from line frequency sources. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<period> |
NR2 |
0 – 0.5 |
– |
Return |
The query command returns the present setting of the integration time. |
Usage example |
Errors |
-241,"Hardware missing" |
Related Commands |
SENSe:NPLCycles SYSTem:LFRequency |
5.15.2. SENSe:CURRent[:DC]:RANGe
Syntax |
SENSe:CURRent[:DC]:RANGe {<range>} [, <channel>] SENSe:CURRent[:DC]:RANGe? [<channel>] |
Modules |
Description |
This command selects a DC current measurement range when module with multiple current ranges is installed (e.g. DCP405 that can be find out with the SYSTem:CHANnel:MODel? Command). The entered range must be higher than the maximum current that you expect to measure. Units are in amperes.
When used on the MIO168 (i.e. its AFE) use range 0 for auto-ranging function. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<range> |
NR2|Discrete |
DCP: 0.5, 5, LOW|HIGH|BEST, |
<channel> |
Channel |
DCP: CH1|CH2|CH3|CH4|CH5|CH6, |
– |
Return |
The query returns the presently selected current range. |
Usage example |
Errors |
-241,"Hardware missing" |
Related Commands |
5.15.3. SENSe:DIGital:RANGe
Syntax |
SENSe:DIGital:RANGe {<pin>}, {<range>} SENSe:DIGital:RANGe? |
Modules |
Description |
Use this command to set the voltage range of the input specified by <pin> on the 8-bit digital port (@n01) where n is the MIO168 module slot number:
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<pin> |
NR1 |
1 – 8 |
– |
<range> |
Discrete |
– |
Return |
The query command returns the voltage range of the selected digital input. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
MEASure:DIGital[:BYTE] SENSe:DIGital:SPEed |
5.15.4. SENSe:DIGital:SPEed
Syntax |
SENSe:DIGital:SPEed {<pin>}, {<speed>} SENSe:DIGital:SPEed? |
Modules |
Description |
Use this command to set the speed of the input specified by <pin> on the digital port (@n01) where n is the MIO168 module slot number. This command is applicable only to pin 1 and 2. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<pin> |
NR1 |
1 – 2 |
– |
<speed> |
Discrete |
– |
Return |
The query command returns the speed of the selected digital input. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
MEASure:DIGital[:BYTE] SENSe:DIGital:RANGe |
5.15.5. SENSe:DLOG:CLEar
Syntax |
Description |
This command resets all DLOG parameters. |
Usage example |
Errors |
-241,"Hardware missing" |
5.15.6. SENSe:DLOG:FUNCtion:CURRent
Syntax |
SENSe:DLOG:FUNCtion:CURRent {<bool>}, {<channel>} SENSe:DLOG:FUNCtion:CURRent? {<channel>} |
Description |
Use this command to enable or disable output current internal data logging on the specified channel. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<bool> |
Boolean |
ON|OFF|0|1 |
<channel> |
Channel |
CH1|CH2|CH3|CH4|CH5|CH6 |
– |
Return |
The query command returns the status (0 or 1) of the output current internal data logging enabled on the specified channel |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
5.15.7. SENSe:DLOG:FUNCtion:DIGital[:INPut]
Syntax |
SENSe:DLOG:FUNCtion:DIGital[:INPut] {<pin>}, {<enable>}, {<channel>} SENSe:DLOG:FUNCtion:DIGital[:INPut]? {<pin>}, {<channel>} |
Modules |
Description |
Use this command to enable or disable digital input internal data logging on the specified channel. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<pin> |
NR1 |
1 – 8 |
– |
<enable> |
Boolean |
ON|OFF|0|1 |
<channel> |
Channel |
(@n02) where n is the slot number |
– |
Return |
The query command returns the status (0 or 1) of the digital input internal data logging enabled on the specified channel |
Usage example |
SENS:DLOG:FUNC:DIG 1, ON, (@302) |
Related Commands |
5.15.8. SENSe:DLOG:FUNCtion:POWer
Syntax |
SENSe:DLOG:FUNCtion:POWer {<bool>}, {<channel>} SENSe:DLOG:FUNCtion:POWer? {<channel>} |
Description |
Use this command to enable or disable output power internal data logging on the specified channel. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<bool> |
Boolean |
ON|OFF|0|1 |
<channel> |
Channel |
CH1|CH2|CH3|CH4|CH5|CH6 |
– |
Return |
The query command returns the status (0 or 1) of the output power internal data logging enabled on the specified channel |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
5.15.9. SENSe:DLOG:FUNCtion:VOLTage
Syntax |
SENSe:DLOG:FUNCtion:VOLTage {<bool>}, {<channel>} SENSe:DLOG:FUNCtion:VOLTage? {<channel>} |
Description |
Use this command to enable or disable output voltage internal data logging on the specified channel. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<bool> |
Boolean |
ON|OFF|0|1 |
<channel> |
Channel |
CH1|CH2|CH3|CH4|CH5|CH6 |
– |
Return |
The query command returns the status (0 or 1) of the output voltage internal data logging enabled on the specified channel |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
5.15.10. SENSe:DLOG:PERiod
Syntax |
SENSe:DLOG:PERiod {<time>} SENSe:DLOG:PERiod? |
Description |
Use this command to set the data logging sample period in seconds. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<time> |
NR2 |
0.005 – 120 |
0.02 |
Return |
The query command returns the sample period in seconds. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
5.15.11. SENSe:DLOG:TIME
Syntax |
Description |
This command sets the data logging sample duration, the entered value is in seconds. For sample duration, the maximum is 86 400 000 seconds or 24 000 hours or 1000 days (depending of the available space on the installed SD Card, see the MMEMory:INFOrmation? command). |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<time> |
NR1 |
1 – 86400000 |
60 |
Return |
The query command returns the sample duration in seconds. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
INITiate:DLOG MMEMory:INFOrmation? SENSe:DLOG:PERiod |
5.15.12. SENSe:DLOG:TRACe:BOOKmark
Syntax |
SENSe:DLOG:TRACe:BOOKmark {<bookmark>} |
Description |
Use this command to add a bookmark into the active DLOG. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<bookmark> |
Quoted string |
1 to 25 characters |
– |
Usage example |
SENS:DLOG:BOOK "start fan" |
Related Commands |
ABORt:DLOG INITiate:DLOG {<filename>} |
5.15.13. SENSe:DLOG:TRACe[:DATA]
Syntax |
SENSe:DLOG:TRACe[:DATA] {<value>}[, …] |
Description |
When the X-axis and all Y-axes is defined, and when the DLOG file name is specified, it remains to add points (data) into DLOG. Use this command to do this as many times as needed. The first time this command is called, the Y-axis values are set for the first point (as many <value> parameters as the Y-axis should be set), the second time for the second point, etc. When the values of all points are defined, execute the ABORt:DLOG command and the creation of the DLOG file is complete. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<value> |
NR2 |
Y:RANGe:MINimum to Y:RANGe:MAXimum |
– |
Usage example |
SENS:DLOG:TRAC 10.2, 33.34, 0.022 |
Related Commands |
5.15.14. SENSe:DLOG:TRACe:REMark
Syntax |
SENSe:DLOG:TRACe:REMark {<user remark>} SENSe:DLOG:TRACe:REMark? |
Description |
Use this command to add description to the log file. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<user remark> |
Quoted string |
0 to 128 characters |
– |
Return |
The query command returns log file description as a quoted string. |
Usage example |
SENS:DLOG:TRAC:REM "Test data log" |
Related Commands |
5.15.15. SENSe:DLOG:TRACe:X:LABel
Syntax |
Description |
Use this command to set DLOG X-axis label name. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<label> |
Quoted string |
0 to 32 characters |
– |
Return |
The query returns X-axis label name as quoted string. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
Syntax |
Description |
This command specifies DLOG X-axis unit, typically this is the time, or SECond. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<unit> |
Discrete |
– |
Return |
The query command returns log file X-axis units name as quoted string. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
Syntax |
Description |
Use this command to set step or ∆x, i.e. the distance between two points on the X-axis of the DLOG. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<step> |
NR2 |
Greater then zero |
– |
Return |
The query command returns X-axis step value. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
Syntax |
Description |
Use this command to set the first point of the DLOG X-axis. The next point has the value MIN + STEP, then MIN + 2 * STEP, etc. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<min> |
NR2 |
– |
– |
Return |
The query command returns set X-axis minimal value. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
Syntax |
Description |
Optional command to set the value of the last point on the DLOG X-axis. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<max> |
NR2 |
– |
– |
Return |
The query command returns set X-axis maximum value. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
Syntax |
Description |
Use this command to set the X-axis scale.
Currently, only linear (LINear) scale is supported.
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<scale> |
Discrete |
LINear|LOGarithmic |
– |
Return |
The query command returns X-axis scale type. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
5.15.21. SENSe:DLOG:TRACe:Y<n>:LABel
Syntax |
SENSe:DLOG:TRACe:Y<n>:LABel {<label>} SENSe:DLOG:TRACe:Y<n>:LABel? |
Description |
Use this command to set DLOG Y-axis label name. DLOG file could contains up to 18 Y-axis defined by <n>. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<label> |
Quoted string |
0 to 32 characters |
– |
Return |
The query returns label name as quoted string of the selected Y-axis. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
5.15.22. SENSe:DLOG:TRACe:Y<n>[:RANGe]:MIN
Syntax |
Description |
Use this command to set the first point of the <n> Y-axis. The next point has the value MIN + STEP, then MIN + 2 * STEP, etc. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<min> |
NR2 |
– |
– |
Return |
The query command returns set <n> Y-axis minimal value. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
5.15.23. SENSe:DLOG:TRACe:Y<n>[:RANGe]:MAX
Syntax |
Description |
Optional command to set the value of the last point on the <n> Y-axis. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<max> |
NR2 |
– |
– |
Return |
The query command returns set <n> Y-axis maximum value. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
Syntax |
Description |
Use this command to set the Y-axis scale. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<scale> |
Discrete |
LINear|LOGarithmic |
– |
Return |
The query command returns Y-axis scale type. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
5.15.25. SENSe:DLOG:TRACe:Y<n>:UNIT
Syntax |
Description |
This command specifies DLOG <n> Y-axis unit. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<unit> |
Discrete |
– |
Return |
The query command returns <n> Y-axis units name as quoted string. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
5.15.26. SENSe:FUNCtion[:ON]
Syntax |
SENSe:FUNCtion[:ON] {<function>}[, <channel>] SENSe:FUNCtion[:ON]? [<channel>] |
Modules |
Description |
This command defines AIN1 to AIN4 input mode of the MIO168 module with AFE1 that could be current or voltage. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<function> |
Discrete |
CURRent|VOLTage |
– |
<channel> |
channel |
(@n03) to (@n06) where n is the slot number |
Return |
The query command returns set analog input mode. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
5.15.27. SENSe:NPLCycles
Syntax |
SENSe:NPLCycles {<cycles>} SENSe:NPLCycles? |
Modules |
Description |
Use this command to specify the number of AC power line cycles (NPLC) that the measurement will span (i.e. integration time where 1 NPLC=20 ms for 50 Hz, or 16.67 ms for 60 Hz AC power line). It insures better measurement accuracy and reduces measurement noise on low current and voltage measurements.
The AC line frequency is not detected automatically, therefore it has to be set with the SYSTem:LFRequency command.
The NPLC value is coupled to APERture by the equation: NPLCycles = APERture x selected AC line frequency. For example, for APERture of 0.1 and 50 Hz the NPLC is 5.
Using an integer number of power line cycles can reduce measurement noise from line frequency sources. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<cycles> |
NR2 |
0 – 25 |
– |
Return |
Returns the present setting of the number of power line cycles. |
Usage example |
Errors |
-241,"Hardware missing" |
Related Commands |
SENSe:APERture SYSTem:LFRequency |
5.15.28. SENSe:VOLTage[:DC]:RANGe
Syntax |
SENSe:VOLTage[:DC]:RANGe {<range>} [, <channel>] SENSe:VOLTage[:DC]:RANGe? [<channel>] |
Modules |
Description |
This command selects a DC voltage measurement range. The entered range must be higher than the maximum voltage that you expect to measure. Units are in volts.
Use range 0 for auto-ranging function. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<range> |
NR1 |
MIO+AFE3: 0 – 3 |
– |
<channel> |
Channel |
MIO+AFE3: (@n03), (@n05) |
– |
Return |
The query returns the presently selected voltage range. |
Usage example |
Errors |
-241,"Hardware missing" |
Related Commands |
5.16. SOURce
The SOURce commands are used to set the output voltage, current and power values, remote voltage sensing, and implemented protection mechanisms on the specified channel. Although the APPLy command provides the most straightforward method to program the BB3 over the remote interfaces, the SOURce commands give you more flexibility to change individual parameters.
SCPI command |
Description |
[SOURce[<n>]] |
:CURRent |
[:LEVel] |
Sets the output current |
Sets the step of the current change |
Sets the triggered output current |
:FUNCtion |
Sets the output current waveform amplitude |
Sets the output current waveform duty cycle |
Sets the output current waveform frequency |
Sets the output current waveform offset |
Sets the output current waveform phase shift |
Sets the output current waveform type |
:LIMit |
Sets the output current limit |
Sets the current trigger mode |
:PROTection |
:DELay |
Sets the over-current protection (OCP) programming delay |
Enables/disables the over-current protection on the selected channel |
Returns the status of over-current protection activation |
Sets the output current ramp duration |
[:DC] |
Selects a DC output current range |
:DIGital |
Set output states of the digital output channel |
:FUNCtion |
Sets the digital output waveform duty cycle |
Sets the digital output waveform frequency |
Sets the digital output waveform phase shift |
Sets the digital output waveform type |
Sets the digital output trigger mode |
Sets the number of times that the list is executed |
Specifies the current setting for each list step |
Specifies the dwell time for each list step |
Specifies the voltage setting for each list step |
:POWer |
Sets the output power limit |
Sets the over-power protection (OPP) level |
:DELay |
Sets the over-power protection programming delay |
Enables/disables over-power protection on the selected channel |
Returns the status of over-power protection activation |
:PWM |
Sets the duty cycle of the output |
Sets the frequency of the output |
Enables/disables PWM |
:VOLTage |
[:LEVel] |
Sets the output voltage |
Sets the step of the voltage change |
Sets the triggered output voltage |
:FUNCtion |
Sets the output voltage waveform amplitude |
Sets the output voltage waveform duty cycle |
Sets the output voltage waveform frequency |
Sets the output voltage waveform offset |
Sets the output voltage waveform phase shift |
Sets the output voltage waveform type |
:LIMit |
Sets the output voltage limit |
Sets the voltage trigger mode |
Sets the voltage programming source |
Sets the over-voltage protection (OVP) level |
:DELay |
Sets the over-voltage protection (OVP) programming delay |
Enables/disables over-voltage protection on the selected channel |
Returns status of over-voltage protection activation |
Selects the over-voltage protection (OVP) type |
Sets the output voltage ramp duration |
[:DC] |
Selects a DC output voltage range |
Sets the voltage sense inputs source |
5.16.1. [SOURce[<n>]]:CURRent
Syntax |
[SOURce[<n>]]:CURRent[:LEVel][:IMMediate][:AMPLitude] {<current>} [SOURce[<n>]]:CURRent[:LEVel][:IMMediate][:AMPLitude]? [<query current>] |
Modules |
Description |
This command sets the immediate current level of the channel. Units are in amperes. When [:SOURce[<n>]] or [<n>] is omitted, the currently selected channel will be affected by this command.
This command also increases or decreases the immediate current level using the ‘UP’ or DOWN parameter by a predetermined amount. The command CURRent:STEP sets the amount of increase or decrease. A new increment setting will not cause an execution error -222,"Data out of range" when the maximum or the minimum rated current is exceeded – the output value will be set to the maximum or the minimum value instead.
At *RST, the signal being sourced will be set to a "safe" condition. This is achieved by setting the amplitude to its MINimum value (see Section 8.1). |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<current> |
NR2|Discrete |
0 to MAXimum, MIN|DEF|MAX|UP|DOWN The maximum value is dependent on the module current rating. See Section 8.1 |
– |
<query current> |
Discrete |
– |
Return |
The query command returns the programmed current level. CURR? MIN, CURR? DEF and CURR? MAX can be used to obtain minimum, default and maximum current level on the currently selected channel. For actual output current value use MEASure:CURRent command. |
Usage example |
A 10 Ω load is connected and voltage is set to 20 V. With MAX current set measured current will be 2 A. When new current value is set to 1.2 A, voltage will drop to 12 V (the channel enters the CC mode of operation): INST CH1 VOLT 20 CURR MAX MEAS:VOLT? 20.00 CURR 1.2 MEAS:VOLT? 12.00 Query that returns maximum current of the currently selected channel: CURR? MAX 5.00 |
Errors |
150,"Power limit exceeded" -222,"Data out of range" |
Related Commands |
*SAV *RST APPLy MEASure[:SCALar]:CURRent[:DC]? [SOURce[<n>]]:CURRent[:LEVel][:IMMediate]:STEP[:INCRement] |
5.16.2. [SOURce[<n>]]:CURRent:STEP
Syntax |
[SOURce[<n>]]:CURRent[:LEVel][:IMMediate]:STEP[:INCRement] {<step>} [SOURce[<n>]]:CURRent[:LEVel][:IMMediate]:STEP[:INCRement]? [<query step>] |
Description |
Set the step of the current change of the channel. When [SOURce[<n>]] or [<n>] is omitted, the currently selected channel will be affected by this command. Step change is performed by using UP and DOWN as parameter for the [SOURce[<n>]]:CURRent command. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<step> |
NR2|Discrete |
0.01 to 1|DEFault |
0.05 |
<query step> |
Discrete |
DEFault |
– |
Return |
The query returns the step of the current change of the specified channel. |
Usage example |
Return default step value: CURR:STEP? DEF 0.05 When a 10 Ω load is connected with voltage set to 20 V and current to 1 A the first channel enters CC mode of operation. Current is then increased from 1 A in two steps to 1.2 A: APPL CH1, 20,1 MEAS:VOLT? 10.00 CURR:STEP 0.1 CURR UP MEAS:CURR? 1.10 CURR UP MEAS:CURR? 1.20 MEAS:VOLT? 12.00 |
Related Commands |
*SAV [SOURce[<n>]]:CURRent |
5.16.3. [SOURce[<n>]]:CURRent:TRIGgered
Syntax |
[SOURce[<n>]]:CURRent[:LEVel]:TRIGgered[:AMPLitude] {<current>} [SOURce[<n>]]:CURRent[:LEVel]:TRIGgered[:AMPLitude]? [<query current>] |
Modules |
Description |
This command programs the pending triggered current level. The pending triggered current level is a stored value that is transferred to the output terminals when a trigger occurs.
A pending triggered level is not affected by subsequent CURRent commands. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<current> |
NR2|Discrete |
0 to maximum, MIN|DEF|MAX The MAXimum value is dependent on the module current rating. See Section 8.1 |
0.00 |
<query current> |
Discrete |
– |
Return |
Query the triggered current level presently programmed. If no triggered level is programmed, the CURRent level is returned. CURR:TRIG? MIN and CURR:TRIG? MAX return the lowest and highest programmable triggered current levels. |
Usage example |
On the currently selected channel voltage will be set to 3.3 V and current to 1 A when INITiate command is executed: VOLT:TRIG 3.3 CURR:TRIG 1 TRIG:SOUR IMM INIT |
Related Commands |
5.16.4. [SOURce[<n>]]:CURRent:LIMit[:POSitive][:IMMediate][:AMPLitude]
Syntax |
[SOURce[<n>]]:CURRent:LIMit[:POSitive][:IMMediate][:AMPLitude] {<current>} [SOURce[<n>]]:CURRent:LIMit[:POSitive][:IMMediate][:AMPLitude]? [<query current>] |
Description |
This command sets the channel’s output current limit. Units are in amperes. When [:SOURce[<n>]] or [<n>] is omitted, the currently selected channel will be affected by this command. This command could be used as mean of protection against incidental programming of too high output current that can be set for example with [SOURce[<n>]]:CURRent:STEP command.
Maximum limit value will be affected with detected failure of cooling fan or channel’s temperature sensor. Use CURR:LIM? MAX to query actual value. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<current> |
NR2|Discrete |
0 to MAXimum, MIN|DEF|MAX The MAXimum value is dependent on the module current rating. See Section 8.1 |
MAXimum |
<query current> |
Discrete |
– |
Return |
The query returns the max. allowed output current of the specified channel. Querying MAX on an output channel returns the maximum current limit. |
Usage example |
Normal mode of operation for 5 A module: CURR:LIM MAX? 5.00 Max. allowable current with faulty cooling fan or temperature sensor: CURR:LIM MAX? 1.00 |
Related Commands |
*SAV [SOURce[<n>]]:CURRent:STEP [SOURce[<n>]]:POWer:LIMit [SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage:LIMit[:POSitive][:IMMediate][:AMPLitude] |
5.16.5. [SOURce[<n>]]:CURRent:FUNCtion:AMPLitude
Syntax |
[SOURce[<n>]]:CURRent:FUNCtion:AMPLitude {<amplitude>} [SOURce[<n>]]:CURRent:FUNCtion:AMPLitude? |
Modules |
Description |
Use this command to set the output current waveform amplitude in amperes when the trigger mode is set to the function generator. When [SOURce[<n>]] or [<n>] is omitted, the currently selected channel will be affected by this command. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<amplitude> |
NR2 |
MINimum to MAXimum of the selected resource |
– |
Return |
The query command returns the set output current waveform amplitude. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
[SOURce[<n>]]:CURRent:MODE [SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage:FUNCtion:AMPLitude |
5.16.6. [SOURce[<n>]]:CURRent:FUNCtion:DUTY
Syntax |
[SOURce[<n>]]:CURRent:FUNCtion:DUTY {<duty>} [SOURce[<n>]]:CURRent:FUNCtion:DUTY? |
Modules |
Description |
Use this command to set the output current waveform duty cycle in percentages when the trigger mode is set to the function generator. When [SOURce[<n>]] or [<n>] is omitted, the currently selected channel will be affected by this command. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<duty> |
NR2 |
0 – 100 |
25 |
Return |
The query command returns the set output current waveform duty cycle. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
[SOURce[<n>]]:CURRent:MODE [SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage:FUNCtion:DUTY |
5.16.7. [SOURce[<n>]]:CURRent:FUNCtion:FREQuency
Syntax |
[SOURce[<n>]]:CURRent:FUNCtion:FREQuency {<frequency>} [SOURce[<n>]]:CURRent:FUNCtion:FREQuency? |
Modules |
Description |
Use this command to set the output current waveform frequency in Hertz when the trigger mode is set to the function generator. When [SOURce[<n>]] or [<n>] is omitted, the currently selected channel will be affected by this command. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<frequency> |
NR2 |
0 to MAXimum of the selected resource |
– |
Return |
The query command returns the set output current waveform frequency. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
[SOURce[<n>]]:CURRent:MODE [SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage:FUNCtion:FREQuency |
5.16.8. [SOURce[<n>]]:CURRent:FUNCtion:OFFSet
Syntax |
[SOURce[<n>]]:CURRent:FUNCtion:OFFSet {<offset>} [SOURce[<n>]]:CURRent:FUNCtion:OFFSet? |
Modules |
Description |
Use this command to set the output current waveform offset in amperes when the trigger mode is set to the function generator. When [SOURce[<n>]] or [<n>] is omitted, the currently selected channel will be affected by this command. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<offset> |
NR2 |
MINimum to MAXimum of the selected resource |
– |
Return |
The query command returns the set output current waveform offset. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
[SOURce[<n>]]:CURRent:MODE [SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage:FUNCtion:OFFSet |
5.16.9. [SOURce[<n>]]:CURRent:FUNCtion:PHASeshift
Syntax |
[SOURce[<n>]]:CURRent:FUNCtion:PHASeshift {<phase>} [SOURce[<n>]]:CURRent:FUNCtion:PHASeshift? |
Modules |
Description |
Use this command to set the output current waveform phase shift in degrees when the trigger mode is set to the function generator. When [SOURce[<n>]] or [<n>] is omitted, the currently selected channel will be affected by this command. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<phase> |
NR2 |
0 – 360 |
0 |
Return |
The query command returns the set output current waveform phase shift. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
[SOURce[<n>]]:CURRent:MODE [SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage:FUNCtion:PHASeshift |
5.16.10. [SOURce[<n>]]:CURRent:FUNCtion:SHAPe
Syntax |
[SOURce[<n>]]:CURRent:FUNCtion:SHAPe {<waveform>} [SOURce[<n>]]:CURRent:FUNCtion:SHAPe? |
Modules |
Description |
Use this command to set the output current waveform type when the trigger mode is set to the function generator. When [SOURce[<n>]] or [<n>] is omitted, the currently selected channel will be affected by this command. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<waveform> |
Discrete |
DC|SINe|HALFrectified|FULLrectified|TRIangle|SQUare|PULSe|SAWTooth |
DC |
Return |
The query command returns the set output current waveform type as a quoted string. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
[SOURce[<n>]]:CURRent:MODE [SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage:FUNCtion:SHAPe |
5.16.11. [SOURce[<n>]]:CURRent:MODE
Syntax |
[SOURce[<n>]]:CURRent:MODE {<mode>} [SOURce[<n>]]:CURRent:MODE? |
Modules |
Description |
This command determines what happens to the output current when the transient system is initiated and triggered:
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<mode> |
Discrete |
FIXed |
Return |
The query command returns the current mode of the currently selected channel. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
[SOURce[<n>]]:LIST:CURRent[:LEVel] [SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage:MODE |
5.16.12. [SOURce[<n>]]:CURRent:PROTection:DELay[:TIME]
Syntax |
[SOURce[<n>]]:CURRent:PROTection:DELay[:TIME] {<time>} [SOURce[<n>]]:CURRent:PROTection:DELay[:TIME]? [<query time>] |
Description |
This command sets the over-current protection delay. The over-current protection function will not be triggered on the selected output channel during the delay time. After the delay time has expired, the over-current protection function will be active. This prevents momentary changes in output status from triggering the over-current protection function. Programmed values can range from 0 to 10 seconds. See also Section 8.1 |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<time> |
NR2|Discrete |
0 – 10|DEFault |
20 ms |
<query time> |
Discrete |
DEFault |
– |
Return |
The query command returns the programmed delay time. |
Usage example |
Get default OCP delay of 20 milliseconds: CURR:PROT:DEL? DEF 0.02 |
Related Commands |
*SAV OUTPut:PROTection:CLEar |
5.16.13. [SOURce[<n>]]:CURRent:PROTection:STATe
Syntax |
[SOURce[<n>]]:CURRent:PROTection:STATe {<bool>} [SOURce[<n>]]:CURRent:PROTection:STATe? |
Description |
This command enables or disables the over-current protection (OCP) function. The enabled state is ON (1); the disabled state is OFF (0). Since the power modules do not have a dedicated over-current protection circuit that can be programmed independently of output current level, entering the CC (constant current) mode of operation is used as a trigger to start OCP sequence. When delay time specified with the [SOURce[<n>]]:CURRent:PROTection:DELay[:TIME] command expired the output turns off and the Questionable Condition status register OCP bit 9 is set. An error tone will also follow if beeper is enabled (see SYSTem:BEEPer:STATe). [SOURce[<n>]]:CURRent:PROTection:TRIPped? command can be used to query whether over-current protection occurred on the selected channel. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<bool> |
Boolean |
ON|OFF|0|1 |
Return |
The query command returns 0 if the current protection state is OFF, and 1 if the current protection state is ON. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
*SAV OUTPut:PROTection:CLEar OUTPut:PROTection:COUPle [SOURce[<n>]]:CURRent:PROTection:DELay[:TIME] [SOURce[<n>]]:CURRent:PROTection:TRIPped SYSTem:BEEPer:STATe |
5.16.14. [SOURce[<n>]]:CURRent:PROTection:TRIPped?
Syntax |
[SOURce[<n>]]:CURRent:PROTection:TRIPped? |
Description |
Query whether OCP occurred on the currently selected channel. When protection is tripped bit 9 (OCP) of the Questionable Instrument Isummary register will be set (see Section 3.4.2). The OUTPut:PROTection:CLEar command can be send to clear OCP condition on the selected channel. |
Return |
This query returns a 1 if the protection circuit is tripped and a 0 if it is untripped. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
OUTPut:PROTection:CLEar |
5.16.15. [SOURce[<n>]]:CURRent:RAMP:DURation
Syntax |
[SOURce[<n>]]:CURRent:RAMP:DURation {<duration>} [SOURce[<n>]]:CURRent:RAMP:DURation? |
Description |
Use this command to configures a constant rise of output current limit on the channel <n> within a set duration. The output current limit can be increased continuously within a 0 to 10 seconds with 1 ms step size. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<duration> |
NR2 |
0 – 10 |
– |
Return |
The query command returns set duration in seconds of the output current start ramp. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
[SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage:RAMP:DURation |
5.16.16. SOURce:CURRent[:DC]:RANGe
Syntax |
SOURce:CURRent[:DC]:RANGe {<range>} [, <channel>] SOURce:CURRent[:DC]:RANGe? [<channel>] |
Modules |
Description |
This command selects a DC output current range on AOUT1 and OUT2 of the MIO168 module. Units are in amperes. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<range> |
NR1 |
1 – 3 |
– |
<channel> |
Channel |
(@n07), (@n08) |
– |
Return |
The query returns the presently selected output current range. |
Usage example |
Errors |
-241,"Hardware missing" |
Related Commands |
5.16.17. SOURce:DIGital:DATA[:BYTE]
Syntax |
SOURce:DIGital:DATA[:BYTE] {<value>} SOURce:DIGital:DATA[:BYTE]? |
Modules |
Description |
Use this command to set output states of the digital output channel on the MIO168. Value is binary-weighted decimal representing the bits, for example if we want to set bit 1,2 and 8, set value has to be 1+2+128=131.
Please note that (@n02) resource, where n is the slot number, on the MIO168 module are low-side switches. Therefore changes cannot be noticed on outputs without connected load. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<value> |
NR1 |
0 – 255 |
– |
Return |
Returns a binary-weighted decimal representing the bits set on the selected digital output channel. |
Usage example |
Set DOUT1 and DOUT2 on the MIO168 module installed in slot 2: INST (@302) SOUR:DIG:DATA 3 |
5.16.18. SOURce:DIGital:FUNCtion:DUTY
Syntax |
SOURce:DIGital:FUNCtion:DUTY {<pin>}, {<duty>} SOURce:DIGital:FUNCtion:DUTY? {<pin>} |
Modules |
Description |
Use this command to set the digital output voltage waveform duty cycle in percentages when the trigger mode is set to the function generator. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<pin> |
NR1 |
1 – 8 |
– |
<duty> |
NR2 |
0 – 100 |
25 |
Return |
The query command returns the set output voltage waveform duty cycle. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
5.16.19. SOURce:DIGital:FUNCtion:FREQuency
Syntax |
SOURce:DIGital:FUNCtion:FREQuency {<pin>}, {<frequency>} SOURce:DIGital:FUNCtion:FREQuency? {<pin>} |
Modules |
Description |
Use this command to set the digital output voltage waveform frequency in Hertz when the trigger mode is set to the function generator. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<pin> |
NR1 |
1 – 8 |
– |
<frequency> |
NR2 |
0 to MAXimum of the selected resource |
– |
Return |
The query command returns the set output voltage waveform frequency. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
SOURce:VOLTage:FUNCtion:FREQuency |
5.16.20. SOURce:DIGital:FUNCtion:PHASeshift
Syntax |
SOURce:DIGital:FUNCtion:PHASeshift {<pin>}, {<phase>} SOURce:DIGital:FUNCtion:PHASeshift? {<pin>} |
Modules |
Description |
Use this command to set the digital output voltage waveform phase shift in degrees when the trigger mode is set to the function generator. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<pin> |
NR1 |
1 – 8 |
– |
<phase> |
NR2 |
0 – 360 |
0 |
Return |
The query command returns the set output voltage waveform phase shift. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
SOURce:VOLTage:FUNCtion:PHASeshift |
5.16.21. SOURce:DIGital:FUNCtion:SHAPe
Syntax |
SOURce:DIGital:FUNCtion:SHAPe {<pin>}, {<waveform>} SOURce:DIGital:FUNCtion:SHAPe? {<pin>} |
Modules |
Description |
Use this command to set the digital output voltage waveform type when the trigger mode is set to the function generator. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<pin> |
NR1 |
1 – 8 |
– |
<waveform> |
Discrete |
DC |
Return |
The query command returns the set output voltage waveform type as a quoted string. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
5.16.22. SOURce:DIGital:MODE
Syntax |
SOURce:DIGital:MODE {<pin>}, {<mode>} SOURce:DIGital:MODE? {<pin>} |
Modules |
Description |
This command determines what happens to the digital output when the transient system is initiated and triggered:
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<pin> |
NR1 |
1 – 8 |
– |
<mode> |
Discrete |
FIXed|FUNCgen |
FIXed |
Return |
The query command returns the mode of the currently selected digital output. |
Usage example |
5.16.23. SOURce:FUNCtion[:ON]
Syntax |
SOURce:FUNCtion[:ON] {<function>} SOURce:FUNCtion[:ON]? |
Modules |
Description |
This command defines AOUT1 and AOUT2 output mode of the MIO168 module that could be current or voltage. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<function> |
Discrete |
CURRent|VOLTage |
– |
<channel> |
channel |
(@n03), (@n04) where n is the slot number |
Return |
The query command returns set output mode. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
SENSe:FUNCtion[:ON] |
5.16.24. [SOURce[<n>]]:LIST:COUNt
Syntax |
[SOURce[<n>]]:LIST:COUNt {<count>} [SOURce[<n>]]:LIST:COUNt? |
Description |
This command sets the number of times that the list is executed before it is completed. The list count range is 1 through 65535. Use the INFinity parameter or 0 to execute a list continuously.
Use ABORt to stop the list at any time. When the list is aborted, the output returns to the settings that were in effect before the list started. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<count> |
NR1|Discrete |
0|1 – 65535|INFinity |
1 |
Return |
The query command returns the list count. Multiple responses are separated by commas. If a repeat count of 0 is returned, it means the list is set to repeat continuously. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
ABORt INITiate[:IMMediate] MMEMory:LOAD:LIST[<n>] MMEMory:STORe:LIST[<n>] |
5.16.25. [SOURce[<n>]]:LIST:CURRent[:LEVel]
Syntax |
[SOURce[<n>]]:LIST:CURRent[:LEVel] {<current>}[, …] [SOURce[<n>]]:LIST:CURRent[:LEVel]? |
Description |
This command specifies the current setting for each list step in amperes. A comma-delimited list of up to 256 steps may be programmed. The order in which the current values are entered determines the sequence when the list executes. To create a valid list, the VOLTage, CURRent and DWELl lists must either all be the same length, or have a length of 1, which is interpreted as having the same length as the list with the maximum length. This command overwrites any previously programmed current list; it does not append to the previous list. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<current> |
NR2|Discrete |
0 to maximum, MIN|DEF|MAX|UP|DOWN The MAXimum value is dependent on the power module current rating. See Section 8.1 |
– |
Return |
The query command returns the programmed current level. Multiple responses are separated by commas. |
Usage example |
LIST:CURR 0.25 |
Errors |
306,"Too many list points" |
Related Commands |
MMEMory:LOAD:LIST[<n>] MMEMory:STORe:LIST[<n>] [SOURce[<n>]]:CURRent:MODE [SOURce[<n>]]:LIST:COUNt |
5.16.26. [SOURce[<n>]]:LIST:DWELl
Syntax |
[SOURce[<n>]]:LIST:DWELl {<time>}[, …] [SOURce[<n>]]:LIST:DWELl? |
Description |
This command specifies the dwell time for each list step. A comma-delimited list of up to 256 steps may be programmed. Dwell time is the time that the output will remain at a specific step. Dwell times can be programmed from 0 through 65535 seconds.
Note that min. dwell time that can be achieved during the list execution depends of MCU activity and waveform shape. Therefore one have to find that out experimentally while list is executed on desired number of channels (one or two). Usage of oscilloscope is recommended for fast transitions since e.g. YT view resolution cannot be set to less then 20 ms. The expected usable min. dwell time goes well below 10 ms (down to 1 ms). |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<time> |
NR2 |
0 – 65535 |
– |
Return |
The query command returns the programmed dwell times. Multiple responses are separated by commas. |
Usage example |
LIST:DWEL 20ms,10ms,10ms,50ms |
Errors |
306,"Too many list points" |
Related Commands |
MMEMory:LOAD:LIST[<n>] MMEMory:STORe:LIST[<n>] [SOURce[<n>]]:LIST:COUNt |
5.16.27. [SOURce[<n>]]:LIST:VOLTage[:LEVel]
Syntax |
[SOURce[<n>]]:LIST:VOLTage[:LEVel] {<voltage>}[, …] [SOURce[<n>]]:LIST:VOLTage[:LEVel]? |
Description |
This command specifies the voltage setting for each list step in volts. A comma-delimited list of up to 256 steps may be programmed. The order in which the voltage values are entered determines the sequence when the list executes. To create a valid list, the VOLTage, CURRent and DWELl lists must either all be the same length, or have a length of 1, which is interpreted as having the same length as the list with the maximum length. This command overwrites any previously programmed voltage list; it does not append to the previous list. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<voltage> |
NR2|Discrete |
0 to maximum, MIN|DEF|MAX|UP|DOWN The maximum value is dependent on the power module voltage rating. See Section 8.1 |
– |
Return |
The query command returns the programmed voltage level. Multiple responses are separated by commas. |
Usage example |
Programming the list that contain 4 steps and will be executed 20 times on the channel 2. Execution will start by receiving remote command (*TRG) since BUS is selected as a trigger source: INST CH2 LIST:COUN 20 LIST:VOLT 0,1.5,3,4.5 LIST:CURR 0.25 LIST:DWEL 20ms,10ms,10ms,50ms OUTP ON *OPC? 0 TRIG:SOUR BUS INIT *TRG |
Errors |
306,"Too many list points" |
Related Commands |
MMEMory:LOAD:LIST[<n>] MMEMory:STORe:LIST[<n>] [SOURce[<n>]]:LIST:COUNt [SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage:MODE |
5.16.28. [SOURce[<n>]]:POWer:LIMit
Syntax |
[SOURce[<n>]]:POWer:LIMit {<power>} [SOURce[<n>]]:POWer:LIMit? [<query power>] |
Modules |
Description |
This command sets the channel’s output power limit. Units are in Watts. Such limitation is required if AC/DC power module cannot provides the same power as connected channel power module. For example, if power module can deliver 200 W but AC/DC power module offers only 155 W then MAXimum allowable continuous power is only 155 W. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<power> |
NR2|Discrete |
0 to MAXimum, MIN|DEF|MAX The MAXimum value is dependent on the power module power rating. See Section 8.1 |
MAXimum |
<query power> |
Discrete |
– |
Return |
The query returns the max. allowed output power of the specified channel. Querying MAX on an output channel returns the maximum rated power limit. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
*SAV [SOURce[<n>]]:CURRent:LIMit[:POSitive][:IMMediate][:AMPLitude] [SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage:LIMit[:POSitive][:IMMediate][:AMPLitude] |
5.16.29. [SOURce[<n>]]:POWer:PROTection[:LEVel]
Syntax |
[SOURce[<n>]]:POWer:PROTection[:LEVel] {<power>} [SOURce[<n>]]:POWer:PROTection[:LEVel]? |
Description |
Set the over-power protection (OPP) value of the channel. When [:SOURce[<n>]] or [<n>] is omitted, the currently selected channel will be affected by this command. When the over-power protection function of the specified channel is enabled ([SOURce[<n>]]:POWer:PROTection:STATe), the output turns off automatically when the output power exceeds the over-power protection value currently set. [SOURce[<n>]]:POWer:PROTection:TRIPped? command can be used to query whether over-power protection occurred on the selected channel. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<power> |
NR2|Discrete |
0 to MAXimum, MIN|DEF|MAX The maximum value is dependent on the power module power rating. See Section 8.1 |
DEFault |
Return |
Query the over-power protection (OPP) value of the selected channel. |
Usage example |
Set power protection to 50 W on the channel 2: SOUR2:POW:PROT 50 |
Related Commands |
*SAV OUTPut:PROTection:COUPle [SOURce[<n>]]:POWer:PROTection:TRIPped? [SOURce[<n>]]:POWer:PROTection:STATe |
5.16.30. [SOURce[<n>]]:POWer:PROTection:DELay[:TIME]
Syntax |
[SOURce[<n>]]:POWer:PROTection:DELay[:TIME] {<time>} [SOURce[<n>]]:POWer:PROTection:DELay[:TIME]? [<query time>] |
Description |
This command sets the over-power protection (OPP) delay. The over-power protection function will not be triggered on the selected output channel during the delay time. After the delay time has expired, the over-power protection function will be active. This prevents momentary changes in output status from triggering the over-power protection function. Programmed values can range from 0 to 300 seconds. See also Section 8.1 |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<time> |
NR2|Discrete |
0 – 300|DEFault |
10 |
<query time> |
Discrete |
DEFault |
– |
Return |
The query command returns the programmed delay time. |
Usage example |
Get default OPP delay of 10 seconds: POW:PROT:DEL? DEF 10 |
Related Commands |
*SAV OUTPut:PROTection:CLEar |
5.16.31. [SOURce[<n>]]:POWer:PROTection:STATe
Syntax |
[SOURce[<n>]]:POWer:PROTection:STATe {<bool>} [SOURce[<n>]]:POWer:PROTection:STATe? |
Description |
This command enables or disables the over-power protection (OPP) function. The enabled state is ON (1); the disabled state is OFF (0). If the over-power protection function is enabled and the measure output power reach value set by [SOURce[<n>]]:POWer:PROTection[:LEVel] the output is disabled and the Questionable Condition status register OPP bit 10 is set. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<bool> |
Boolean |
ON|OFF|0|1 |
Return |
The query command returns 0 if the current protection state is OFF, and 1 if the current protection state is ON. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
*SAV OUTPut:PROTection:CLEar [SOURce[<n>]]:POWer:PROTection[:LEVel] |
5.16.32. [SOURce[<n>]]:POWer:PROTection:TRIPped?
Syntax |
[SOURce[<n>]]:POWer:PROTection:TRIPped? |
Description |
Query whether OPP occurred on the currently selected channel. When protection is tripped bit 10 (OPP) of the Questionable Instrument Isummary register will be set (see Section 3.4.2). The OUTPut:PROTection:CLEar command can be send to clear OPP condition on the selected channel. |
Return |
This query returns a 1 if the protection circuit is tripped and a 0 if it is untripped. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
OUTPut:PROTection:CLEar |
5.16.33. SOURce:PWM:DUTY
Syntax |
Modules |
DCM224 MIO |
Description |
Use this command to set duty cycle of the fast digital output on the MIO168 module or DCM224 when PWM control (dimming) is enabled with the SOURce:PWM:STATe command. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<duty> |
NR2 |
0 – 100 |
– |
Return |
The query command returns the set duty cycle. |
Usage example |
INST (@311) SOUR:PWM:DUTY 10 |
Related Commands |
5.16.34. SOURce:PWM:FREQuency
Syntax |
SOURce:PWM:FREQuency {<frequency>} SOURce:PWM:FREQuency? |
Modules |
DCM224 MIO |
Description |
Use this command to set frequency of the fast digital output on the MIO168 module or DCM224 when PWM control (dimming) is enabled with the SOURce:PWM:STATe command. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<frequency> |
NR2 |
1 – 2 |
– |
Return |
The query command returns the set frequency. |
Usage example |
Set the PWM frequency of 1 kHz on the MIO168 module installed in slot 3: INST (@311) SOUR:PWM:FREQ 1000
Set the PWM dimming frequency of 10 Hz on the first channel of the DCM224 module installed in slot 2: INST (@201) SOUR:PWM:FREQ 10 |
Related Commands |
5.16.35. SOURce:PWM:STATe
Syntax |
SOURce:PWM:STATe {<bool>} SOURce:PWM:STATe? |
Modules |
DCM224 |
Description |
Use this command to enable or disabled PWM generation on the DCM224 power channel. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<bool> |
Boolean |
– |
Return |
The query command returns the PWM state. |
Usage example |
INST (@301) SOUR:PWM;STAT? 1 |
Related Commands |
5.16.36. [SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage
Syntax |
[SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage[:LEVel][:IMMediate][:AMPLitude] {<voltage>} [SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage[:LEVel][:IMMediate][:AMPLitude]? [<query voltage>] |
Modules |
Description |
This command sets the immediate voltage level of the output channel. Units are in volts. When [:SOURce[<n>]] or [<n>] is omitted, the currently selected channel will be affected by this command.
This command also increases or decreases the immediate voltage level using the ‘UP’ or DOWN parameter by a predetermined amount. The command VOLTage:STEP sets the amount of increase or decrease. A new increment setting will not cause an execution error -222,"Data out of range" when the maximum or the minimum rated current is exceeded – the output value will be set to the maximum or the minimum value instead.
At *RST, the signal being sourced will be set to a "safe" condition. This is achieved by setting the amplitude to its MINimum value (see Section 8.1).
The SMX46 has the following two channels that can be programmed with VOLTage command (n is the slot number):
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<voltage> |
NR2|Discrete |
0 to MAXimum, MIN|DEF|MAX|UP|DOWN The maximum value is dependent on the power module voltage rating. See Section 8.1 |
– |
<query voltage> |
Discrete |
– |
Return |
The query command returns the programmed voltage level. VOLT? MIN, VOLT? DEF and VOLT? MAX can be used to obtain minimum, default and maximum voltage level on the currently selected channel. For actual output voltage value use MEASure:VOLTage? command. |
Usage example |
A 10 Ω load is connected and current is set to 1 A. With MAX voltage set measured voltage will be 10 V. When new voltage value is set to 5 V, current will drop to 0.5 A (the channel enters the CV mode of operation): INST CH1 VOLT MAX CURR 1 MEAS:CURR? 1.00 VOLT 5 MEAS:CURR? 0.50 Query that returns maximum voltage of the currently selected channel: VOLT? MAX 40.00
Set 2 V and 5 V respectively for AO1 and AO2 channels of SMX46 installed in slot 2: INST (@201) VOLT 2 INST (@202) VOLT 5 |
Errors |
150,"Power limit exceeded" -222,"Data out of range" |
Related Commands |
*SAV *RST APPLy MEASure[:SCALar]:VOLTage[:DC]? [SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage[:LEVel][:IMMediate]:STEP[:INCRement] |
5.16.37. [SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage:FUNCtion:AMPLitude
Syntax |
[SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage:FUNCtion:AMPLitude {<amplitude>} [SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage:FUNCtion:AMPLitude? |
Modules |
Description |
Use this command to set the output voltage waveform amplitude in volts when the trigger mode is set to the function generator. When [SOURce[<n>]] or [<n>] is omitted, the currently selected channel will be affected by this command. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<amplitude> |
NR2 |
MINimum to MAXimum of the selected resource |
– |
Return |
The query command returns the set output voltage waveform amplitude. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
[SOURce[<n>]]:CURRent:FUNCtion:AMPLitude [SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage:MODE |
5.16.38. [SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage:FUNCtion:DUTY
Syntax |
[SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage:FUNCtion:DUTY {<duty>} [SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage:FUNCtion:DUTY? |
Modules |
Description |
Use this command to set the output voltage waveform duty cycle in percentages when the trigger mode is set to the function generator. When [SOURce[<n>]] or [<n>] is omitted, the currently selected channel will be affected by this command. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<duty> |
NR2 |
0 – 100 |
25 |
Return |
The query command returns the set output voltage waveform duty cycle. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
[SOURce[<n>]]:CURRent:FUNCtion:DUTY [SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage:MODE |
5.16.39. [SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage:FUNCtion:FREQuency
Syntax |
[SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage:FUNCtion:FREQuency {<frequency>} [SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage:FUNCtion:FREQuency? |
Modules |
Description |
Use this command to set the output voltage waveform frequency in Hertz when the trigger mode is set to the function generator. When [SOURce[<n>]] or [<n>] is omitted, the currently selected channel will be affected by this command. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<frequency> |
NR2 |
0 to MAXimum of the selected resource |
– |
Return |
The query command returns the set output voltage waveform frequency. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
[SOURce[<n>]]:CURRent:FUNCtion:FREQuency [SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage:MODE |
5.16.40. [SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage:FUNCtion:OFFSet
Syntax |
[SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage:FUNCtion:OFFSet {<offset>} [SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage:FUNCtion:OFFSet? |
Modules |
Description |
Use this command to set the output voltage waveform offset in volts when the trigger mode is set to the function generator. When [SOURce[<n>]] or [<n>] is omitted, the currently selected channel will be affected by this command. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<offset> |
NR2 |
MINimum to MAXimum of the selected resource |
– |
Return |
The query command returns the set output voltage waveform offset. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
[SOURce[<n>]]:CURRent:FUNCtion:OFFSet [SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage:MODE |
5.16.41. [SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage:FUNCtion:PHASeshift
Syntax |
[SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage:FUNCtion:PHASeshift {<phase>} [SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage:FUNCtion:PHASeshift? |
Modules |
Description |
Use this command to set the output voltage waveform phase shift in degrees when the trigger mode is set to the function generator. When [SOURce[<n>]] or [<n>] is omitted, the currently selected channel will be affected by this command. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<phase> |
NR2 |
0 – 360 |
0 |
Return |
The query command returns the set output voltage waveform phase shift. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
[SOURce[<n>]]:CURRent:FUNCtion:PHASeshift [SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage:MODE |
5.16.42. [SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage:FUNCtion:SHAPe
Syntax |
[SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage:FUNCtion:SHAPe {<waveform>} [SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage:FUNCtion:SHAPe? |
Modules |
Description |
Use this command to set the output voltage waveform type when the trigger mode is set to the function generator. When [SOURce[<n>]] or [<n>] is omitted, the currently selected channel will be affected by this command. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<waveform> |
Discrete |
DC|SINe|HALFrectified|FULLrectified|TRIangle|SQUare|PULSe|SAWTooth |
DC |
Return |
The query command returns the set output voltage waveform type as a quoted string. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
[SOURce[<n>]]:CURRent:FUNCtion:SHAPe [SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage:MODE |
5.16.43. [SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage:LIMit[:POSitive][:IMMediate][:AMPLitude]
Syntax |
[SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage:LIMit[:POSitive][:IMMediate][:AMPLitude] {<voltage>} [SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage:LIMit[:POSitive][:IMMediate][:AMPLitude]? [<query voltage>] |
Description |
This command sets the channel’s output voltage limit. Units are in volts. When [:SOURce[<n>]] or [<n>] is omitted, the currently selected channel will be affected by this command. This command could be used as mean of protection against incidental programming of too high output voltage that can be set for example with [SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage:STEP command. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<voltage> |
NR2|Discrete |
0 to MAXimum, MIN|DEF|MAX The MAXimum value is dependent on the power module current rating. See Section 8.1 |
MAXimum |
<query voltage> |
Discrete |
– |
Return |
The query returns the max. allowed output voltage of the specified channel. Querying MAX on an output channel returns the maximum voltage limit. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
*SAV [SOURce[<n>]]:CURRent:STEP [SOURce[<n>]]:POWer:LIMit [SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage:LIMit[:POSitive][:IMMediate][:AMPLitude] |
5.16.44. [SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage:STEP
Syntax |
[SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage[:LEVel][:IMMediate]:STEP[:INCRement] {<step>} [SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage[:LEVel][:IMMediate]:STEP[:INCRement]? [<query step>] |
Description |
Set the step of the voltage change of the channel. When [SOURce[<n>]] or [<n>] is omitted, the currently selected channel will be affected by this command. Step change is performed by using UP and DOWN as parameter for the [SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage command. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<step> |
NR2|Discrete |
0.01 to 10|DEFault |
0.1 |
<query step> |
Discrete |
DEFault |
– |
Return |
The query returns the step of the voltage change of the specified channel. |
Usage example |
Return default step value: VOLT:STEP? DEF 0.10 By connecting a 10 Ω load and current set to 2 A and voltage to 10 V the first channel enters the CV mode of operation. Voltage is then decreased from 10 V in two steps to 6 V: APPL CH1, 10,2 MEAS:CURR? 1.0 VOLT:STEP 2 VOLT DOWN VOLT DOWN MEAS:VOLT? 6.0 MEAS:CURR? 0.60 |
Related Commands |
*SAV [SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage |
5.16.45. [SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage:TRIGgered
Syntax |
[SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage[:LEVel]:TRIGgered[:AMPLitude] {<voltage>} [SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage[:LEVel]:TRIGgered[:AMPLitude]? [<query voltage>] |
Description |
This command programs the pending triggered voltage level. The pending triggered current level is a stored value that is transferred to the output terminals when a trigger occurs.
A pending triggered level is not affected by subsequent VOLTage commands. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<voltage> |
NR2|Discrete |
0 to maximum, MIN|DEF|MAX The maximum value is dependent on the power module voltage rating. See Section 8.1 |
0.00 |
<query voltage> |
Discrete |
Return |
Query the triggered voltage level presently programmed. If no triggered level is programmed, the VOLTage level is returned. VOLT:TRIG? MIN and VOLT:TRIG? MIN return the lowest and highest programmable triggered voltage levels. |
Usage example |
On the currently selected channel voltage will be set to 3.3V and current to 1A when INITiate command is executed: VOLT:TRIG 3.3 CURR:TRIG 1 TRIG:SOUR IMM INIT |
Related Commands |
5.16.46. [SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage:MODE
Syntax |
[SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage:MODE {<mode>} [SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage:MODE? |
Description |
This command determines what happens to the output voltage when the transient system is initiated and triggered:
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<mode> |
Discrete |
FIXed |
Return |
The query command returns the voltage mode of the currently selected channel. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
[SOURce[<n>]]:LIST:VOLTage[:LEVel] [SOURce[<n>]]:CURRent:MODE |
5.16.47. [SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage:PROGram[:SOURce]
Syntax |
[SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage:PROGram[:SOURce] {<source>} [SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage:PROGram[:SOURce]? |
Modules |
Description |
Use this command to define source for output voltage programming if channel support this option (use the SYSTem:CHANnel[:INFOrmation]:PROGram? to query channel programming capability). A channel’s D/A converter controlled by CPU is used by default for voltage output programming. That source can be calibrated (see the CALibrate subsystem) and provide output within safe limits. The external voltage programming could be used when fast interaction with an external process is required. For example, if tracking output of the connected D.U.T. (i.e. a power supply) is needed the BB3’s power module like DCP405 effectively becomes a pre-regulator keeping its output voltage in relation with changes of the D.U.T. output keeping constant difference between connected D.U.T input and output and in that way its max. power dissipation.
Max. D/A converter programmed voltage of 2.5 V would results with MAXimal voltage output regardless of the channel’s voltage range (see Section 8.1). Therefore if EXTernal programming source is selected, any voltage value higher then 2.5 V could produce unexpected results and eventually damage the power module and/or connected load. To limit possible damage when programming source is set to EXTernal, the over-voltage protection (OVP) will be activated and set to MAXimum ([SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage:PROTection[:LEVel]) with protection delay time set to zero ([SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage:PROTection:DELay[:TIME]). Further adjustment of OVP level and delay is also allowed (e.g. to decrease OVP level or increase delay time).
The enabled state is EXTernal (1); the disabled state is INTernal (0). Execution of this command also affects bit 13 (RPROG) of the Operation Instrument Isummary register (see Section 3.3.2) and activate dedicated LED indicatior (Rprog) on the module’s front panel. Self-test operation initiated by *TST? command will reset voltage programming on all channels to the internal/local source. If external programming source is selected the DIAGnostic[:INFOrmation]:ADC? Query returns 0.00 value for U_SET. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<source> |
Discrete |
INTernal|EXTernal |
INTernal |
Return |
The query command returns 0 if the local (internal) voltage programming is selected, and 1 if the remote (external) sense is selected. |
Usage example |
Errors |
-241,"Hardware missing" 312,"Cannot execute when the channels are coupled" |
Related Commands |
*TST DIAGnostic[:INFOrmation]:ADC? INSTrument:COUPle:TRACking OUTPut:[:STATe] [SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage:PROTection[:LEVel] [SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage:PROTection:DELay[:TIME] [SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage:PROTection:TRIPped? SYSTem:CHANnel[:INFOrmation:PROGram? |
5.16.48. [SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage:PROTection[:LEVel]
Syntax |
[SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage:PROTection[:LEVel] {<voltage>} [SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage:PROTection[:LEVel]? |
Description |
Set the over-voltage protection (OVP) value of the channel. When [:SOURce[<n>]] or [<n>] is omitted, the currently selected channel will be affected by this command. When the over-votlage protection function of the specified channel is enabled ([SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage:PROTection:STATe), the output turns off automatically when the output voltage exceeds the over-voltage protection value currently set. [SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage:PROTection:TRIPped? command can be used to query whether over-voltage protection occurred on the selected channel.
An execution error -222,"Data out of range" will be generated when output voltage is controlled internally ([SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage:PROGram[:SOURce]) and OVP value is set below programmed output voltage ([SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage). |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<voltage> |
NR2|Discrete |
0 to maximum, MIN|DEF|MAX The maximum value is dependent on the power module voltage rating. See Section 8.1 |
– |
Return |
Query the over-voltage protection (OVP) value of the selected channel. |
Usage example |
Set voltage protection to 10.2 V on the channel 1: SOUR1:VOLT:PROT 10.2 |
Errors |
-222,"Data out of range" |
Related Commands |
*SAV OUTPut:PROTection:COUPle [SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage [SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage:PROGram[:SOURce] [SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage:PROTection:TRIPped? [SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage:PROTection:STATe |
5.16.49. [SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage:PROTection:DELay[:TIME]
Syntax |
[SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage:PROTection:DELay[:TIME] {<time>} [SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage:PROTection:DELay[:TIME]? [<query time>] |
Description |
This command sets the over-voltage protection delay. The over-voltage protection function will not be triggered on the selected output channel during the delay time. After the delay time has expired, the over-voltage protection function will be active. This prevents momentary changes in output status from triggering the over-voltage protection function. Programmed values can range from 0 to 10 seconds. See also Section 8.1 |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<time> |
NR2|Discrete |
0 – 10|DEFault |
5 ms |
<query time> |
Discrete |
DEFault |
– |
Return |
The query command returns the programmed delay time. |
Usage example |
Get default OVP delay of 50 milliseconds: VOLT:PROT:DEL? DEF 0.050 |
Related Commands |
*SAV OUTPut:PROTection:CLEar |
5.16.50. [SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage:PROTection:STATe
Syntax |
[SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage:PROTection:STATe {<bool>} [SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage:PROTection:STATe? |
Description |
This command enables or disables the over-voltage protection (OVP) function. The enabled state is ON (1); the disabled state is OFF (0). Power modules that do not have a dedicated over-voltage protection circuit can be programmed independently of output current level, entering the CV (constant voltage) mode of operation is used as a trigger to start OVP sequence. When delay time specified with the [SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage:PROTection:DELay[:TIME] command expired the output turns off and the Questionable Condition status register OCP bit 8 is set. An error tone will also follow if beeper is enabled (see SYSTem:BEEPer:STATe). [SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage:PROTection:TRIPped? command can be used to query whether over-voltage protection occurred on the selected channel. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<bool> |
Boolean |
ON|OFF|0|1 |
Return |
The query command returns 0 if the voltage protection state is OFF, and 1 if the voltage protection state is ON. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
*SAV OUTPut:PROTection:CLEar [SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage:PROTection:DELay[:TIME] [SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage:PROTection:TRIPped SYSTem:BEEPer:STATe |
5.16.51. [SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage:PROTection:TRIPped?
Syntax |
[SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage:PROTection:TRIPped? |
Description |
Query whether OVP occurred on the currently selected channel. When protection is tripped bit 8 (OVP) of the Questionable Instrument Isummary register will be set (see Section 3.4.2). When channel’s output voltage is controlled remotely ([SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage:PROGram[:SOURce]) this protection will change voltage control back to INTernal source. The OUTPut:PROTection:CLEar command can be send to clear OVP condition on the selected channel. |
Return |
This query returns a 1 if the protection circuit is tripped and a 0 if it is untripped. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
OUTPut:PROTection:CLEar [SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage:PROGram[:SOURce] |
5.16.52. [SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage:PROTection:TYPE
Syntax |
[SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage:PROTection:TYPE {<type>} [SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage:PROTection:TYPE? |
Modules |
Description |
Use this command to select one of the following types of over-voltage protection mechanism:
The HW OVP circuit will cause that output terminals be shorted, and that could damage one or both of the on-board fuses. If that happened be sure to use new fuse with the same current rating. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<type> |
Discrete |
SW |
Return |
The query command returns type of currenlty active OVP mechanism. |
Usage example |
Errors |
-241,"Hardware missing" |
Related Commands |
*RST [SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage[:LEVel][:IMMediate][:AMPLitude] {<voltage>} [SOURce[<n>]]:POWer:PROTection[:LEVel] [SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage:PROTection:STATe |
5.16.53. [SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage:RAMP:DURation
Syntax |
[SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage:RAMP:DURation {<duration>} [SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage:RAMP:DURation? |
Description |
Use this command to configures a constant rise of output voltage on the channel <n> within a set duration. The output voltage can be increased continuously within a 0 to 10 seconds with 1 ms step size. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<duration> |
NR2 |
0 – 10 |
– |
Return |
The query command returns set duration in seconds of the output voltage start ramp. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
[SOURce[<n>]]:CURRent:RAMP:DURation |
5.16.54. SOURce:VOLTage[:DC]:RANGe
Syntax |
SOURce:VOLTage[:DC]:RANGe {<range>} [, <channel>] SOURce:VOLTage[:DC]:RANGe? [<channel>] |
Modules |
Description |
This command selects a DC output voltage range on AOUT1 and OUT2 of the MIO168 module. Units are in volts. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<range> |
NR1 |
1 – 4 |
– |
<channel> |
Channel |
(@n07), (@n08) |
– |
Return |
The query returns the presently selected output voltage range. |
Usage example |
Errors |
-241,"Hardware missing" |
Related Commands |
5.16.55. [SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage:SENSe[:SOURce]
Syntax |
[SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage:SENSe[:SOURce] {<source>} [SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage:SENSe[:SOURce]? |
Modules |
Description |
This command enables or disables remote sensing. The enabled state is EXTernal (1); the disabled state is INTernal (0). Execution of this command also affects bit 12 (RSENSE) of the Operation Instrument Isummary register (see Section 3.3.2). Self-test operation initiated by *TST? command will put remote sense on all channels into disable state. When channels are not coupled together (INSTrument:COUPle:TRACking) this command turn on a dedicated LED indicator (Rsense) mounted on the power module’s front panel.
Remote sensing has no effect during CC (Constant Current) operation. Rsense indicator will not be affected if output state is off (OUTPut OFF command). |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<source> |
Discrete |
INTernal|EXTernal |
INTernal |
Return |
The query command returns 0 if the internal sense is selected, and 1 if the remote (external) sense is selected. |
Usage example |
Errors |
-241,"Hardware missing" 312,"Cannot execute when the channels are coupled" |
Related Commands |
*SAV *TST INSTrument:COUPle:TRACking OUTPut:[:STATe] SYSTem:CHANnel[:INFOrmation]:PROGram? |
5.16.56. [SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage:SLEW:FALLing
Not implemented yet
5.16.57. [SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage:SLEW:RISing
Not implemented yet
5.17. STATus
Status register programming lets you determine the operating condition of the instrument at any time.
This subsystem controls the SCPI-defined status-reporting structures. SCPI defines, in addition to those in IEEE 488.2, QUEStionable, OPERation, Instrument SUMmary and INSTrument registers. These registers conform to the IEEE 488.2 specification and each may be comprised of a condition register, an event register, an enable register. The purpose and definition of the SCPI-defined registers is described in "Volume 1: Syntax and Style". SCPI also defines an IEEE 488.2 queue for status. The queue provides a human readable record of instrument events. The application programmer may individually enable events into the queue.
STATus:PRESet enables errors and disables all other events.
SCPI command |
Description |
STATus |
:OPERation |
Returns the value of the Operation Event register |
Returns the value of the Operation Instrument Condition register |
Enables specific bits in the Operation Event register |
:INSTrument[<n>] |
Returns the value of the Operation Instrument Event register |
Returns the value of the Operation Instrument Condition register |
Enables specific bits in the Operation Instrument Event register |
:ISUMmary<n> |
Returns the value of the Operation Instrument Isummary Event register |
Returns the value of the Operation Instrument Isummary Condition register |
Enables specific bits in the Operation Instrument Isummary Event register |
Presets all enable registers to power-on state |
:QUEStionable |
Returns the value of the Questionable Event register |
Returns the value of the Questionable Condition register |
Enables specific bits in the Questionable Event register |
:INSTrument[<n>] |
Returns the value of the Questionable Instrument Event register |
Returns the value of the Questionable Instrument Condition register |
Enables specific bits in the Questionable Instrument Event register |
:ISUMmary<n> |
Returns the value of the Questionable Instrument Isummary Event register |
Returns the value of the Questionable Instrument Isummary Condition register |
Enables specific bits in the Questionable Instrument Isummary Event register |
5.17.1. STATus:OPERation[:EVENt]?
Syntax |
STATus:OPERation[:EVENt]? |
Description |
This query returns the value of the read-only Operation Status Event register The bits are latched and reading the register will clear it. The *CLS command can be also used to clear the register. |
Return |
The value returned is the binary-weighted sum of all bits set in the register. For example, if bit 9 (decimal value = 512) and bit 13 (decimal value = 8192) are set, this command will return 8704. See table in the Section 3.3 for bits description. |
Usage example |
If GROUp PARallel (bit 8) is set (next query returns 0 since the first query clears the event register): STAT:OPER? 256 STAT:OPER? 0 |
Related Commands |
*CLS *STB? STATus:OPERation:ENABle |
5.17.2. STATus:OPERation:CONDition?
Syntax |
STATus:OPERation:CONDition? |
Description |
This query returns the value of the read-only Operation Status Condition register. |
Return |
The value returned is the binary-weighted sum of all bits set in the register. For example, if bit 9 (decimal value = 512) and bit 13 (decimal value = 8192) are set, this command will return 8704. See table in the Section 3.3 for bits description. |
Usage example |
If GROUp PARallel (bit 8) is set: STAT:OPER:COND? 256 |
Related Commands |
STATus:OPERation:ENABle |
5.17.3. STATus:OPERation:ENABle
Syntax |
STATus:OPERation:ENABle {<value>} STATus:OPERation:ENABle? |
Description |
This command and its query set and read the value of the Operation Status Enable register. The Enable register is a mask for enabling specific bits from the Operation Event register to set the operation summary bit 7 (OPER) of the Status Byte register. This bit is the logical OR of all the Operational Event register bits that are enabled by the Operation Status Enable register. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<value> |
NR1 |
A decimal value which corresponds to the binary-weighted sum of the bits in the register (see the table in Section 3.3) |
PREset=0 |
Return |
Query the Operation Status Enable register. The BB3 returns a binary-weighted decimal representing the bits set in the enable register. |
Usage example |
Enable ISUM (bit 13): STAT:OPER:ENAB 8192 |
Related Commands |
*CLS *STB? STATus:OPERation[:EVENt]? |
5.17.4. STATus:OPERation:INSTrument[:EVENt]?
Syntax |
STATus:OPERation:INSTrument[:EVENt]? |
Description |
This query returns the value of the read-only Instrument Operation Status Event register. The bits are latched and reading the register will clear it. The *CLS command can be also used to clear the register. |
Return |
The value returned is the binary-weighted sum of all bits set in the register. For example, if bit 1 (decimal value = 2) and bit 2 (decimal value = 4) are set, this command will return 6. See table in the Section 3.3.1 for bits description. |
Usage example |
If bit 2 (INST2) is set: STAT:OPER:INST? 4 |
Related Commands |
*CLS STATus:PREset |
5.17.5. STATus:OPERation:INSTrument:CONDition?
Syntax |
STATus:OPERation:INSTrument:CONDition? |
Description |
This query returns the value of the read-only Instrument Operation Status Condition register. |
Return |
The value returned is the binary-weighted sum of all bits set in the register. For example, if bit 1 (decimal value = 2) and bit 2 (decimal value = 4) are set, this command will return 6. See table in the Section 3.3.1 for bits description. |
Usage example |
If bit 2 (INST2) is set: STAT:OPER:INST:COND? 4 |
Related Commands |
STATus:PREset |
5.17.6. STATus:OPERation:INSTrument:ENABle
Syntax |
STATus:OPERation:INSTrument:ENABle {<value>} STATus:OPERation:INSTrument:ENABle? |
Description |
Enable bits in the Instrument Operation Status Enable register. The selected bits are then reported to the Operation Status Event register. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<value> |
NR1 |
A decimal value which corresponds to the binary-weighted sum of the bits in the register (see the table in Section 3.3.1) |
PREset=0 |
Return |
Query the Instrument Operation Status Enable register. The BB3 returns a binary-weighted decimal representing the bits set in the enable register. |
Usage example |
Enable INST1 (bit 1) and INST2 (bit 2): STAT:OPER:INST:ENAB 6 |
Related Commands |
*CLS STATus:PREset |
5.17.7. STATus:OPERation:INSTrument:ISUMmary[<n>][:EVENt]?
Syntax |
STATus:OPERation:INSTrument:ISUMmary[<n>][:EVENt]? |
Description |
This query returns the value of the read-only Instrument Isummary Operation Status Event register for a specific channel of the BB3 represented by numeric value [<n>]. When [<n>] is omitted, the system queries the Instrument Isummary Operation Status Event register of the current channel. The bits are latched and reading the register will clear it. The *CLS command can be also used to clear the register. |
Return |
The value returned is the binary-weighted sum of all bits set in the register. See table in the Section 3.3.2 for bits description. |
Usage example |
If bit 8 (CV1) and bit 10 (OE1) on the channel 1 are set (256 + 1024 = 1280): STAT:OPER:INST:ISUM1? 1280 |
Related Commands |
5.17.8. STATus:OPERation:INSTrument:ISUMmary[<n>]:CONDition?
Syntax |
STATus:OPERation:INSTrument:ISUMmary[<n>]:CONDition? |
Description |
This query returns the value of the read-only Instrument Isummary Operation Status Condition register for a specific channel of the BB3 represented by numeric value [<n>]. When [<n>] is omitted, the system queries the Instrument Isummary Operation Status Condition register of the current channel. |
Return |
The value returned is the binary-weighted sum of all bits set in the register. See table in the Section 3.3.2 for bits description. |
Usage example |
If bit 8 (CV1) and bit 10 (OE1) on the channel 1 are set (256 + 1024 = 1280): STAT:OPER:INST:ISUM1:COND? 1280 |
Related Commands |
5.17.9. STATus:OPERation:INSTrument:ISUMmary<n>:ENABle
Syntax |
STATus:OPERation:INSTrument:ISUMmary[<n>]:ENABle {<value>} STATus:OPERation:INSTrument:ISUMmary[<n>]:ENABle? |
Description |
Enable bits in the Instrument Isummary Operation Status Enable register for a specific channel of the BB3 represented by numeric value [<n>]. When [<n>] is omitted, the system queries the Instrument Isummary Operation Status Enable register of the current channel. The selected bits are then reported to the Status Byte.
This command and its query set and read the value of the Operation Status Enable register. The Enable register is a mask for enabling specific bits from the Operation Event register to set the operation summary bit (OPER) of the Status Byte register. This bit (bit 7) is the logical OR of all the Operational Event register bits that are enabled by the Operation Status Enable register. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<value> |
NR1 |
A decimal value which corresponds to the binary-weighted sum of the bits in the register (see the table in Section 3.3.2) |
PREset=0 |
Return |
Query the Instrument Isummary Operation Status Enable register. The BB3 returns a binary-weighted decimal representing the bits set in the enable register. |
Usage example |
The query returns that VOLT1 (bit 0), CURR1 (bit 1) and TEMP1 (bit 4) are set (1 + 2 + 16 = 19): INST? CH2 INST CH1 STAT:OPER:INST:ISUM:ENABLE? 19 |
Related Commands |
*CLS STATus:PREset |
5.17.10. STATus:PREset
Syntax |
STATus:PREset |
Description |
This command clears all bits in the Enable registers. |
Return |
None |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
*CLS |
5.17.11. STATus:QUEStionable[:EVENt]?
Syntax |
STATus:QUEStionable[:EVENt]? |
Description |
Query the Questionable Status event register. The bits are latched and reading the register will clear it. The *CLS command can be also used to clear the register. |
Return |
The BB3 returns a decimal value which corresponds to the binary-weighted sum of all bits in the register. See table in the Section 3.4 for bits description. |
Usage example |
If the error is detected in RTC (Real-time clock) circuit, the bit 3 (TIME) is set and this command returns 8: STAT:QUES? 8 |
Related Commands |
*CLS |
5.17.12. STATus:QUEStionable:CONDition?
Syntax |
STATus:QUEStionable:CONDition? |
Description |
Query the Questionable Status condition register. |
Return |
The BB3 returns a decimal value which corresponds to the binary-weighted sum of all bits in the register. See table in the Section 3.4 for bits description. |
Usage example |
If the error is detected in RTC (Real-time clock) circuit, the bit 3 (TIME) is set and this command returns 8: STAT:QUES:COND? 8 |
5.17.13. STATus:QUEStionable:ENABle
Syntax |
STATus:QUEStionable:ENABle {<value>} STATus:QUEStionable:ENABle? |
Description |
Enable bits in the Questionable Status Enable register. The selected bits are then reported to the Status Byte. When <enable value> is set to 0, executing this command will clear the Questionable Status Enable register. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<value> |
NR1 |
A decimal value which corresponds to the binary-weighted sum of the bits in the register (see table in Section 3.4) |
PREset=0 |
Return |
Query the Questionable Status Enable register. The BB3 returns a binary-weighted decimal representing the bits set in the enable register. |
Usage example |
The query returns that TIME (bit 3), TEMPerature (bit 4) and ISUM (bit 13) are enabled (8 + 16 + 8192 = 8216): STAT:QUES:ENAB? 8216 |
Related Commands |
*CLS STATus:PREset |
5.17.14. STATus:QUEStionable:INSTrument[:EVENt]?
Syntax |
STATus:QUEStionable:INSTrument[:EVENt]? |
Description |
Query the questionable instrument event register. The bits are latched and reading the register will clear it. The *CLS command can be also used to clear the register. |
Return |
The BB3 returns a decimal value which corresponds to the binary-weighted sum of all bits in the register and clears the register. See table in the Section 3.4.1 for bits description. |
Usage example |
Result of the query when INST1 (bit 1) and INST2 (bit 2) are set (2 + 4 = 6): STAT:QUES:INST? 6 |
Related Commands |
*CLS |
5.17.15. STATus:QUEStionable:INSTrument:CONDition?
Syntax |
STATus:QUEStionable:INSTrument:CONDition? |
Description |
Query the questionable instrument condition register. |
Return |
The BB3 returns a decimal value which corresponds to the binary-weighted sum of all bits in the register and clears the register. See table in the Section 3.4.1 for bits description. |
Usage example |
Result of the query when INST1 (bit 1) and INST2 (bit 2) are set (2 + 4 = 6): STAT:QUES:INST:COND? 6 |
5.17.16. STATus:QUEStionable:INSTrument:ENABle
Syntax |
STATus:QUEStionable:INSTrument:ENABle {<value>} STATus:QUEStionable:INSTrument:ENABle? |
Description |
Set the value of the questionable instrument enable register. This register is a mask for enabling specific bits from the questionable instrument event register to set the instrument summary bit 13 (ISUM) of the Questionable Status register. The ISUM bit of the Questionable Status register is the logical OR of all the questionable instrument event register bits that are enabled by the questionable instrument enable register. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<value> |
NR1 |
A decimal value which corresponds to the binary-weighted sum of the bits in the register (see table in Section 3.4.1) |
PREset=0 |
Return |
Query the Questionable Instrument Enable register. The BB3 returns a binary-weighted decimal representing the bits set in the enable register. |
Usage example |
Set INST1 (bit 1) and INST2 (bit 2): STAT:QUES:INST:ENAB 6 |
Related Commands |
*CLS |
5.17.17. STATus:QUEStionable:INSTrument:ISUMmary[<n>][:EVENt]?
Syntax |
STATus:QUEStionable:INSTrument:ISUMmary[<n>][:EVENt]? |
Description |
Return the value of the Questionable Instrument Isummary Event register for a specific channel of the BB3 represented by numeric value [<n>]. When [<n>] is omitted, the system queries the questionable instrument Isummary enable register of the current channel. The event register is a read-only register which holds (latches) all events. Reading the Questionable Instrument Isummary Event register clears it. The *CLS command can be also used to clear the register.
When the power module is operating as a voltage source, bit 1 (CURRent) is set. When the power module is operating as a current source, bit 0 (VOLTage) is set. When the output is unregulated (UR), both bits are set (for example, while the output is changing to a new programmed value or when the power module is sinking instead of sourcing because down-programmer is active with battery with higher voltage then set output is connected). |
Return |
The BB3 returns a binary-weighted decimal representing the bits set in the enable register. See table in the Section 3.4.2 for bits description. |
Usage example |
Result of the query when over-current protection (OCP) condition is detected (bit 9): STAT:QUES:INST:ISUM1? 512 |
Related Commands |
*CLS |
5.17.18. STATus:QUEStionable:INSTrument:ISUMmary[<n>]:CONDition?
Syntax |
STATus:QUEStionable:INSTrument:ISUMmary[<n>]:CONDition? |
Description |
Return the value of the Questionable Instrument Isummary Condition register for a specific channel of the BB3 represented by numeric value [<n>]. When [<n>] is omitted, the system queries the questionable instrument Isummary enable register of the current channel.
When the power module is operating as a voltage source, bit 1 (CURRent) is set. When the power module is operating as a current source, bit 0 (VOLTage) is set. When the output is unregulated (UR), both bits are set (for example, while the output is changing to a new programmed value or when the power module is sinking instead of sourcing because down-programmer is active with battery with higher voltage then set output is connected). |
Return |
The BB3 returns a binary-weighted decimal representing the bits set in the enable register. See table in the Section 3.4.2 for bits description. |
Usage example |
Result of the query when over-current protection (OCP) condition is detected (bit 9): STAT:QUES:INST:ISUM1:COND? 512 |
5.17.19. STATus:QUEStionable:INSTrument:ISUMmary[<n>]:ENABle
Syntax |
STATus:QUEStionable:INSTrument:ISUMmary[<n>]:ENABle {<value>} STATus:QUEStionable:INSTrument:ISUMmary[<n>]:ENABle? |
Description |
Set the value of the Questionable Instrument Isummary Enable register for a specific channel of the BB3 represented by numeric value [<n>]. When [<n>] is omitted, the system queries the Questionable Instrument Isummary Enable register of the current channel. The *CLS command can be used to clear the register.
This register is a mask for enabling specific bits from the Questionable Instrument Isummary Event register to set the Instrument Summary bit (bits 1 and 2) of the Questionable Instrument register. These bits are the logical OR of all the Questionable Instrument Isummary Event register bits that are enabled by the Questionable Instrument Isummary Enable register. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<value> |
NR1 |
A decimal value which corresponds to the binary-weighted sum of the bits in the register (see table in Section 3.4.2) |
PREset=0 |
Return |
Query the value of the Questionable Instrument Isummary Enable register. |
Usage example |
Enable bits for all events on channel 2 – VOLT2 (bit 0, value=1), CURR (bit 1, decimal value=2), TEMP2 (bit 4, value 16), OVP1 (bit 8, value=256), OCP2 (bit 9, value=512), OPP2 (bit 10, value=1024), therefore the enable value is 1 + 2 + 16 + 256 + 512 + 1024 = 1811: STAT:QUES:INST:ISUM2:ENAB 1811 |
Related Commands |
*CLS STATus:PREset |
5.18. SYSTem
System commands control system functions that are not directly related to output control, measurement, or status functions.
SCPI command |
Description |
SYSTem |
Issues a single beep immediately |
:KEY |
Enables click tone for local control |
Enables beeper function |
Returns an <instrument_specifier> |
:CHANnel |
Sets channel color |
Returns the number of output channels |
:INFOrmation |
Returns output current capability |
:ONTime |
Returns time passed after last output enable |
Returns channel’s total active time |
Returns output power capability |
Returns output voltage capability |
Sets channel label name |
Returns the channel model and version name |
Returns names of all channel resources |
:PIN |
Sets module pin label name |
Returns the channel slot number |
Returns the channel version number |
:COMMunicate |
Enables the remote interface |
:ETHernet |
Sets the static LAN (IP) address |
:CONTrol? |
Returns the control connection port |
Enables the use of the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) |
Sets the IP address of the DNS server. |
Sets the IP address of the default gateway |
Sets the Ethernet communication host name |
Returns the MAC address |
Sets the port number |
Sets the static subnet mask |
Sets NTP service server address |
Sets the frequency of connection to the NTP service |
Sets MQTT connection parameters |
Returns MQTT connection status |
Sets UART speed in bits per second |
Sets UART data size in bits |
Sets UART operation mode |
Sets UART partity check |
Receive string via UART |
Sets UART number of stop bits |
Sends string via UART |
:USB |
Sets USB class |
Sets USB mode |
Places the instrument in remote or local mode |
:CPU |
Returns BB3 firmware version |
:INFOrmation |
:ONtime |
Returns time passed after last power on |
Returns the BB3 total active time |
Returns the control board model name |
:SNO? |
Returns the BB3 serial number |
Returns the BB3 version number |
Sets the date of the system clock |
Sets a pause in SCPI execution |
:DIGital |
Reads the state of the digital port pins |
Sets the state of the digital port pins |
:PWM |
Sets square wave generator duty cycle |
Sets square wave generator frequency |
:PIN<n> |
Sets the selected pin’s function |
Sets the selected pin’s polarity |
:ERRor |
Queries and clears errors from the error queue |
Queries the error/event queue for the number of unread items |
:FAN |
Returns speed of the cooling fan |
Returns status of the cooling fan |
:FORMat |
Sets format for displaying date |
Sets 12h or 24h clock format |
Queries system inhibit state |
:KEY |
Disables front panel [lock/unlock] icon |
Sets the AC mains frequency |
Places the BB3 in the local mode |
:MEASure |
[:SCALar] |
:TEMPerature |
Takes a measurement; returns the average temperature |
[:VOLTage] |
Takes a voltage measurement of the RTC battery |
:PASSword |
:CALibration |
Resets the calibration password to initial value |
:FPANel |
Resets the front panel lock password to initial value |
Changes system password |
Sets output state on power up |
Enters the BB3 into the standby mode |
Enters the BB3 into the standby mode in case of protection trip |
Returns the cycle count on the specified channels |
Places the BB3 in the remote mode |
Initiate low-level (hardware) reset |
Places the BB3 in the remote mode and disables front panel [lock/unlock] icon |
Returns the number of available slots |
Sets module color |
Returns module firmware version |
Sets module label name |
Returns the module model name |
Sets and returns the module serial number |
Enables/disables module on selected slot |
Returns module version number |
:TEMPerature |
:PROTection |
[:HIGH] |
Sets the OTP value |
Clears the latched protection status of the over-temperature protection (OTP) |
:DELay |
Sets the OTP programming delay |
Enables/disables OTP on the selected temperature sensor |
Returns status of OTP activation |
Sets the time of the system clock |
Defines daylight saving time (DST) rules |
Defines time zone |
Returns the SCPI version number |
5.18.1. SYSTem:BEEPer
Syntax |
SYSTem:BEEPer[:IMMediate] |
Description |
This command issues a single beep immediately. |
Usage example |
5.18.2. SYSTem:BEEPer:KEY:STATe
Syntax |
Description |
Use this command to enable or disable generation of audible “click” sound when front panel option is selected. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<bool> |
Boolean |
ON|OFF|0|1 |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
SYSTem:BEEPer[:IMMediate] SYSTem:BEEPer:STATe |
5.18.3. SYSTem:BEEPer:STATe
Syntax |
SYSTem:BEEPer:STATe {<bool>} SYSTem:BEEPer:STATe? |
Description |
When the beeper is enabled, the BB3 generates audible sound in any of the following situations:
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<bool> |
Boolean |
ON|OFF|0|1 |
ON |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
SYSTem:BEEPer[:IMMediate] SYSTem:POWer |
5.18.4. SYSTem:CAPability?
Syntax |
SYSTem:CAPability? |
Description |
This query returns the BB3’s capabilities and outputs the appropriate specifiers. See also SCPI Volume 4: Section 7.1, 1.4.1, 7.2.1, 7.2.2, and 7.2.3 |
Usage example |
5.18.5. SYSTem:CHANnel:COLor
Syntax |
SYSTem:CHANnel:COLor {<channel>}, {<color>} SYSTem:CHANnel:COLor? [<channel>] |
Modules |
Description |
Use this command to set channel header and frame color as defined with <color> value between 0 and 24. Use 0 to reset channel color to the default value. Default color number coresponds to the channel number. Available colors and its RGB values is listed below.
This command is only applicable to modules that have discrete channel numbers (CH1, CH2 …). If used on other modules, e.g. SMX or PREL, it may generate -241,"Hardware missing" execution error.
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
17 |
18 |
19 |
20 |
21 |
22 |
23 |
24 |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<channel> |
Channel |
CH1|CH2|CH3|CH4|CH5|CH6 |
– |
<color> |
NR1 |
0 – 24 |
0 |
Return |
Query the color number of the specified channel. |
Errors |
-222,"Data out of range" -241,"Hardware missing" |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
5.18.6. SYSTem:CHANnel[:COUNt]?
Syntax |
SYSTem:CHANnel[:COUNt]? |
Description |
This query returns the number of output channels in a mainframe. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
INSTrument[:SELect] INSTrument:NSELect |
5.18.7. SYSTem:CHANnel:INFOrmation:CURRent?
Syntax |
SYSTem:CHANnel:INFOrmation:CURRent? [<channel>] |
Description |
Use this query to get currently selected channel output current capability. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<channel> |
Channel |
CH1|CH2|CH3|CH4|CH5|CH6 |
– |
Usage example |
5.18.8. SYSTem:CHANnel:INFOrmation:ONTime:LAST?
Syntax |
SYSTem:CHANnel:INFOrmation:ONTime:LAST? [<channel>] |
Description |
This query returns time passed after last activation of the currently selected channel. Resolution is 1 minute and this information is stored every 10 minutes in non-volatile memory. Therefore it’s possible that up to 10 minutes is lost after restart caused with power outage or system reset. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<channel> |
Channel |
CH1|CH2|CH3|CH4|CH5|CH6 |
– |
Usage example |
5.18.9. SYSTem:CHANnel:INFOrmation:ONTime:TOTal?
Syntax |
SYSTem:CHANnel:INFOrmation:ONTime:TOTal? [<channel>] |
Description |
This query returns total active time of the currently selected channel. Resolution is 1 minute and this information is stored every 10 minutes in non-volatile memory. Therefore it’s possible that up to 10 minutes is lost after restart caused with power outage or system reset. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<channel> |
Channel |
CH1|CH2|CH3|CH4|CH5|CH6 |
– |
Usage example |
5.18.10. SYSTem:CHANnel:INFOrmation:POWer?
Syntax |
SYSTem:CHANnel:INFOrmation:POWer? [<channel>] |
Description |
Use this query to get currently selected channel output power capability. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<channel> |
Channel |
CH1|CH2|CH3|CH4|CH5|CH6 |
– |
Usage example |
5.18.11. SYSTem:CHANnel:INFOrmation:VOLTage?
Syntax |
SYSTem:CHANnel:INFOrmation:VOLTage? [<channel>] |
Description |
Use this query to get currently selected channel output voltage capability. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<channel> |
Channel |
CH1|CH2|CH3|CH4|CH5|CH6 |
– |
Usage example |
5.18.12. SYSTem:CHANnel:LABel
Syntax |
SYSTem:CHANnel:LABel {<channel>}, {<label>} SYSTem:CHANnel:LABel? {<channel>} |
Description |
Use this command to define the label of selected <channel>. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<channel> |
Channel |
CH1|CH2|CH3|CH4|CH5|CH6 |
– |
<label> |
Quoted string |
1 – 10 characters |
– |
Return |
Returns the label of the channel queried as a quoted string. |
Errors |
-241,"Hardware missing" |
Usage example |
SYST:CHAN:LAB CH1,"Heater" |
Related Commands |
5.18.13. SYSTem:CHANnel:MODel?
Syntax |
SYSTem:CHANnel:MODel? [<channel>] |
Description |
This query returns the model name and version of the specified channel. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<channel> |
Channel |
CH1|CH2|CH3|CH4|CH5|CH6 |
– |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
5.18.14. SYSTem:CHANnel:OPTion?
Syntax |
SYSTem:CHANnel:OPTion? [<channel>] |
Description |
This query returns names of all selected channel resources that can be controlled by firmware. Depending of the board model (see the SYSTem:CHANnel:MODel? query) various combination of the following features can be returned:
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<channel> |
Channel |
CH1|CH2|CH3|CH4|CH5|CH6 |
– |
Usage example |
Reported resources for channel 1 on the DCP405 module: SYST:CHAN:OPT? CH1 "Volt", "Current", "Power", "OE", "DProg", "Rprog", "Coupled"
Reported resources for channel 3 on the DCM220 module: SYST:CHAN:OPT? CH1 "Volt", "Current", "Power", "OE" |
Related Commands |
APPLy OUTPut:DPRog OUTPut:MODE? OUTPut[:STATe] OUTPut:TRACk[:STATe] {<chanlist>} [SOURce[<n>]]:CURRent [SOURce[<n>]]:POWer:LIMit [SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage [SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage:PROGram[:SOURce]) SYSTem:CHANnel:MODel? |
5.18.15. SYSTem:CHANnel:PIN:LABel
Syntax |
SYSTem:CHANnel:PIN:LABel {<channel>}, {<pin>}, {<label>} SYSTem:CHANnel:PIN:LABel? {<channel>}, {<pin>} |
Modules |
Description |
Use this command to define the pin label specified by <label> on selected <channel>. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<channel> |
Channel |
(@n01 or @n02) where n is the slot number |
– |
<pin> |
NR1 |
1 – 8 |
– |
<label> |
Quoted string |
1 – 5 characters |
– |
Return |
Returns the label of the pin queried as a quoted string. |
Errors |
-241,"Hardware missing" |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
5.18.16. SYSTem:CHANnel:SLOT?
Syntax |
SYSTem:CHANnel:SLOT? [<channel>] |
Description |
This query returns the DIB backplane slot number of the specified channel. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<channel> |
Channel |
CH1|CH2|CH3|CH4|CH5|CH6 |
– |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
5.18.17. SYSTem:CHANnel:VERSion?
Syntax |
SYSTem:CHANnel:VERSion? [<channel>] |
Description |
This query returns the version number of the specified channel. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<channel> |
Channel |
CH1|CH2|CH3|CH4|CH5|CH6 |
– |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
5.18.18. SYSTem:COMMunicate:ENABle
Syntax |
SYSTem:COMMunicate:ENABle {<bool>}, {<interface>} SYSTem:COMMunicate:ENABle? {<interface>} |
Description |
Enables or disables USB, Ethernet, MQTT, NTP service, or the remote service Sockets. The setting is effective after rebooting the BB3. This command setting is not changed by power off or the *RST command.
Enabling the Ethernet interface (SYSTem:COMMunicate:ENABle 1, ETH) will have no effect until a restart is performed using the SYSTem:REStart command.
Remote service Sockets is not supported yet |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<bool> |
Boolean |
ON|OFF|0|1 |
– |
<interface> |
Discrete |
– |
Return |
This query returns the status of the selected interface that could be 0 (OFF) or 1 (ON). |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
SYSTem:REStart |
5.18.19. SYSTem:COMMunicate:ETHernet:ADDRess
Syntax |
SYSTem:COMMunicate:ETHernet:ADDRess {<ip_address>} SYSTem:COMMunicate:ETHernet:ADDRess? |
Description |
Set the IP address of the BB3 manually if the DHCP mode is not enabled. If the DHCP mode is enabled setting the IP address using this command will be ignored. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<ip_address> |
Quoted string |
15 characters max. formatted as four groups of up to 3 digits (range 0–255), separated by “.” |
– |
Return |
The query returns the current IP address sets manually or assigned by the DHCP server. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
SYSTem:COMMunicate:ETHernet:DHCP |
5.18.20. SYSTem:COMMunicate:ETHernet:DHCP
Syntax |
SYSTem:COMMunicate:ETHernet:DHCP {<bool>} SYSTem:COMMunicate:ETHernet:DHCP? |
Description |
Enable or disable the DHCP mode. In DHCP mode, the DHCP server in the current network assigns network parameters (IP ADdress, DNS address, GATEway address and the Subnet MASk) for the BB3. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<bool> |
Boolean |
ON|OFF|0|1 |
ON |
Return |
Query the status of the DHCP mode. |
Usage example |
5.18.21. SYSTem:COMMunicate:ETHernet:DNS
Syntax |
SYSTem:COMMunicate:ETHernet:DNS {<ip_address>} SYSTem:COMMunicate:ETHernet:DNS? |
Description |
Set the DNS (Domain Name Service) address if the DHCP mode is not enabled. If the DHCP mode is enabled setting the DNS address using this command will be ignored. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<ip_address> |
Quoted string |
15 characters max. formatted as four groups of up to 3 digits (range 0–255), separated by “.” |
– |
Return |
The query returns the DNS address sets manually or assigned by the DHCP server. If DHCP is used query will return “unknown”. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
SYSTem:COMMunicate:ETHernet:DHCP |
5.18.22. SYSTem:COMMunicate:ETHernet:GATEway
Syntax |
SYSTem:COMMunicate:ETHernet:GATEway {<ip_address>} SYSTem:COMMunicate:ETHernet:GATEway? |
Description |
Set the network gateway address if the DHCP mode is not enabled. If the DHCP mode is enabled setting the network gateway address using this command will be ignored. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<ip_address> |
Quoted string |
15 characters max. formatted as four groups of up to 3 digits (range 0–255), separated by “.” |
– |
Return |
The query returns the network gateway address sets manually or assigned by the DHCP server. If DHCP is used query will return “unknown”. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
SYSTem:COMMunicate:ETHernet:DHCP |
5.18.23. SYSTem:COMMunicate:ETHernet:HOSTname
Syntax |
SYSTem:COMMunicate:ETHernet:HOSTname {<hostname>} SYSTem:COMMunicate:ETHernet:HOSTname? |
Description |
This command sets the BB3 local area network (LAN) connection hostname. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<hostname> |
Quoted string |
1 – 63 characters |
Return |
The query returns the BB3 local area network (LAN) connection hostname as a quoted string. |
Usage example |
SYST:COMM:ETH:HOST? "bb3-test" |
Related Commands |
SYSTem:COMMunicate:ETHernet:ADDRess SYSTem:COMMunicate:ETHernet:DHCP |
5.18.24. SYSTem:COMMunicate:ETHernet:MAC
Syntax |
SYSTem:COMMunicate:ETHernet:MAC {<mac_address>} SYSTem:COMMunicate:ETHernet:MAC? |
Description |
Use this command to set Ethernet communication port MAC address. You can set any combination of six hexadecimal values separated by “-”. The Ethernet connection will work as long as two different machine in the LAN don’t have the same MAC address. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<mac_address> |
Quoted string |
17 characters formatted as six groups of 2 digits separated by “-” |
74-69-69-2D-30-00 |
Return |
The query returns the MAC address as a quoted string (six hexadecimal values separated by “-”). |
Usage example |
SYST:COMM:ETH:MAC? "70-60-50-40-30-20" |
5.18.25. SYSTem:COMMunicate:ETHernet:PORT
Syntax |
SYSTem:COMMunicate:ETHernet:PORT {<number>} SYSTem:COMMunicate:ETHernet:PORT? |
Description |
Use this command to change default (5025) Ethernet communication port for SCPI. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<number> |
NR1 |
1-65535 |
5025 |
Return |
The query returns the Ethernet communication port number. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
SYSTem:COMMunicate:ENABle SYSTem:COMMunicate:ETHernet:CONTrol? |
5.18.26. SYSTem:COMMunicate:ETHernet:SMASk
Syntax |
SYSTem:COMMunicate:ETHernet:SMASk {<mask>} SYSTem:COMMunicate:ETHernet:SMASk? |
Description |
Set the subnet mask if the DHCP mode is not enabled. If the DHCP mode is enabled setting the network gateway address using this command will be ignored. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<mask> |
Quoted string |
15 characters max. formatted as four groups of up to 3 digits (range 0–255), separated by “.” |
– |
Return |
The query returns the subnet mask sets manually or assigned by the DHCP server. If DHCP is used query will return “unknown”. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
SYSTem:COMMunicate:ETHernet:DHCP |
5.18.27. SYSTem:COMMunicate:MQTT:SETTings
Syntax |
SYSTem:COMMunicate:MQTT:SETTings {<address>}, {<port>}, {<user>}, {<password>}, {<period>} |
Description |
MQTT (MQ Telemetry Transport) is an open OASIS and ISO standard (ISO/IEC PRF 20922) lightweight, publish-subscribe network protocol that transports messages between devices (i.e. clients). The EEZ BB3 becomes a MQTT client (or node) by establishing connection with this command to the MQTT broker. A broker is a server that receives all messages from the clients and then routes the messages to the appropriate destination clients. It acts as a post office, MQTT doesn’t use the address of the intended recipient but uses the subject line called “Topic”, and anyone who wants a copy of that message will subscribe to that topic. EEZ The BB3 can produce and receive data by both publishing and subscribing. MQTT connection is initiated by sending a sequence of five comma separated connection parameters. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<address> |
Quoted string |
Max. 64 characters |
– |
<port> |
NR1 |
1 – 99999 |
– |
<user> |
Quoted string |
Max. 32 characters |
– |
<password> |
Quoted string |
Max. 32 characters |
– |
<period> |
NR2 |
0.1 – 120 |
1 |
Usage example |
SYST:COMM:MQTT:CONN "farmer.cloudmqtt.com", 1883, "user", "password", 10 |
Errors |
-104,"Data type error" |
Related Commands |
SYSTem:COMMunicate:ENABle SYSTem:COMMunicate:MQTT:STATe |
5.18.28. SYSTem:COMMunicate:MQTT:STATe
Syntax |
SYSTem:COMMunicate:MQTT:STATe? |
Description |
This query returns the current status of the MQTT connection. |
Return |
Returns -1 if an error occurred, 0 if connection is not established, 1 if connection is established. Return codes greater then 1 indicates various transient states. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
SYSTem:COMMunicate:ENABle SYSTem:COMMunicate:MQTT:SETTings |
5.18.29. SYSTem:COMMunicate:NTP
Syntax |
SYSTem:COMMunicate:NTP {<server>} SYSTem:COMMunicate:NTP? |
Description |
Use this command to set the NTP service server network address. The BB3 will try to establish connection with selected NTP service on each power up (hard reset), when *RST is issued or periodically as defined with the SYSTem:COMMunicate:NTP:FREQuency commad. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<server> |
Quoted string |
IP address or NTP server host name up to 32 characters |
europe.pool.ntp.org |
Return |
The query command returns the NTP service server network address. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
5.18.30. SYSTem:COMMunicate:NTP:FREQuency
Syntax |
SYSTem:COMMunicate:NTP:FREQuency {<frequency>} SYSTem:COMMunicate:NTP:FREQuency? |
Description |
Use this command to set the time in minutes between two connection attempts to the defined NTP service. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<frequency> |
NR1 |
15 – 14400 |
720 |
Return |
The query command returns the period in minutes between two connection attempts to the NTP service. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
5.18.31. SYSTem:COMMunicate:UART:BAUD
Syntax |
SYSTem:COMMunicate:UART:BAUD {<baud>} SYSTem:COMMunicate:UART:BAUD? |
Description |
This command sets one of predefined communication speed in bits per second (baud) if UART is configured on DIN1/DIN2. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<baud> |
Discrete |
9600|14400|19200|38400|57600|115200 |
– |
Return |
The query command returns the set UART communication speed. |
Usage example |
Errors |
-222,"Data out of range" |
Related Commands |
SYSTem:COMMunicate:UART:MODE SYSTem:COMMunicate:UART:RECeive SYSTem:COMMunicate:UART:TRANsmit |
5.18.32. SYSTem:COMMunicate:UART:DATA
Syntax |
SYSTem:COMMunicate:UART:DATA {<data>} SYSTem:COMMunicate:UART:DATA? |
Description |
Use this command to set the data size in bits of UART communication. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<data> |
NR1 |
6 – 8 |
– |
Return |
The query command returns the set UART communication data size in bits. |
Usage example |
Errors |
-222,"Data out of range" |
Related Commands |
SYSTem:COMMunicate:UART:MODE SYSTem:COMMunicate:UART:RECeive SYSTem:COMMunicate:UART:TRANsmit |
5.18.33. SYSTem:COMMunicate:UART:MODE
Syntax |
SYSTem:COMMunicate:UART:MODE {<uart_mode>} SYSTem:COMMunicate:UART:MODE? |
Description |
Use this command to set UART mode of operation define with <uart_mode> as follows:
Use the SYSTem:DIGital:PIN<n>:FUNCtion command to activate UART. Changing DIN1 function to UART will automatically set DOUT1 to UART and vice versa. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<uart_mode> |
Discrete |
– |
Return |
Returns the UART mode as a quoted string. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
*RST SENSe:DLOG:TRACe:BOOKmark SYSTem:COMMunicate:ENABle SYSTem:COMMunicate:UART:RECeive SYSTem:COMMunicate:UART:TRANsmit SYSTem:DIGital:PIN<n>:FUNCtion |
5.18.34. SYSTem:COMMunicate:UART:PARIty
Syntax |
SYSTem:COMMunicate:UART:PARIty {<parity>} SYSTem:COMMunicate:UART:PARIty? |
Description |
Use this command to set the parity check of UART communication. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<parity> |
Discrete |
– |
Return |
The query command returns the set UART communication parity check. |
Usage example |
Errors |
-224,"Illegal parameter value" |
Related Commands |
SYSTem:COMMunicate:UART:MODE SYSTem:COMMunicate:UART:RECeive SYSTem:COMMunicate:UART:TRANsmit |
5.18.35. SYSTem:COMMunicate:UART:RECeive
Syntax |
SYSTem:COMMunicate:UART:RECeive? |
Description |
Returns quoted string with the contents of the input buffer when UART {mode} is set to BUFFer. Use this query multiple times until input buffer is emptied (in which case it returns an empty string ‘""’) to get the whole contents of the buffer. |
Usage example |
SYST:COMM:UART:REC? Test string |
Related Commands |
5.18.36. SYSTem:COMMunicate:UART:STOP
Syntax |
SYSTem:COMMunicate:UART:STOP {<stop>} SYSTem:COMMunicate:UART:STOP? |
Description |
Use this command to set the number of stop bits for UART communication. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<stop> |
NR1 |
1 – 2 |
– |
Return |
The query command returns the set numbe of stop bits for UART communication. |
Usage example |
Errors |
-222,"Data out of range" |
Related Commands |
SYSTem:COMMunicate:UART:MODE SYSTem:COMMunicate:UART:RECeive SYSTem:COMMunicate:UART:TRANsmit |
5.18.37. SYSTem:COMMunicate:UART:TRANsmit
Syntax |
SYSTem:COMMunicate:UART:TRANsmit {<string>} |
Description |
Use this command to transmit {string} over UART. The new line character (\n) is always appended. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<string> |
Quoted string |
1 to 4096 characters |
– |
Usage example |
SYST:COMM:UART:TRAN "Hello World!" |
Related Commands |
5.18.38. SYSTem:COMMunicate:USB:CLAss
Syntax |
SYSTem:COMMunicate:USB:CLAss {<usb_class>} SYSTem:COMMunicate:USB:CLAss? |
Description |
Use this command to set the USB interface class. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<usb_class> |
Discrete |
– |
Return |
The query command returns the USB interface class. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
*RST SYSTem:COMMunicate:ENABle SYSTem:COMMunicate:USB:MODE |
5.18.39. SYSTem:COMMunicate:USB:MODE
Syntax |
SYSTem:COMMunicate:USB:MODE {<usb_mode>} SYSTem:COMMunicate:USB:MODE? |
Description |
Use this command to set the USB interface mode that could be one of the following:
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<usb_mode> |
Discrete |
– |
Return |
The query command returns the USB interface mode. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
*RST SYSTem:COMMunicate:ENABle SYSTem:COMMunicate:USB:CLAss |
5.18.40. SYSTem:COMMunicate:RLSTate
Syntax |
SYSTem:COMMunicate:RLSTate {<state>} SYSTem:COMMunicate:RLSTate? |
Description |
This command configures the remote/local state of the BB3 according to the following settings:
The LOCal parameter is the same as SYSTem:LOCal, the REMote parameter is the same as SYSTem:REMote, and the RWLock parameter is the same as SYSTem:RWLock.
The remote/local state is unaffected by *RST or any SCPI commands other than SYSTem:COMMunicate:RLState. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<state> |
Discrete |
LOCal|REMote|RWLock |
LOCal |
Return |
The query command returns control state of the BB3 that could be LOC, REM, or RWL. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
5.18.41. SYSTem:CPU:FIRMware?
Syntax |
SYSTem:CPU:FIRMware? |
Description |
This query returns BB3 (master) firmware version. |
Usage example |
SYST:CPU:FIRM? "1.0" |
5.18.42. SYSTem:CPU:INFOrmation:ONTime:LAST?
Syntax |
SYSTem:CPU:INFOrmation:ONTime:LAST? |
Description |
This query returns time passed after last activation of the BB3. Resolution is 1 minute and this information is stored every 10 minutes in non-volatile memory. Therefore it’s possible that up to 10 minutes is lost after restart caused with power outage or system reset. |
Usage example |
5.18.43. SYSTem:CPU:INFOrmation:ONTime:TOTal?
Syntax |
SYSTem:CPU:INFOrmation:ONTime:TOTal? |
Description |
This query returns total active time of the BB3. Resolution is 1 minute and this information is stored every 10 minutes in non-volatile memory. Therefore it’s possible that up to 10 minutes is lost after restart caused with power outage or system reset. |
Usage example |
5.18.44. SYSTem:CPU:MODel?
Syntax |
Description |
This query returns the model name and version of the MCU board. If simulator is used it returns “Simulator”. |
Usage example |
SYST:CPU:MOD? "STM32F7, M1 0.3" |
Related Commands |
SYSTem:CPU:INFOrmation:ONTime:LAST? SYSTem:CPU:INFOrmation:ONTime:TOTal? |
5.18.45. SYSTem:CPU:SNO?
Syntax |
Description |
This query returns the BB3 serial number. |
Usage example |
SYST:CPU:SNO? "992A003D3338510738323535" |
Related Commands |
*IDN? |
5.18.46. SYSTem:CPU:VERSion?
Syntax |
Description |
This query returns the BB3 version number. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
*IDN? |
5.18.47. SYSTem:DATE
Syntax |
SYSTem:DATE {<year>}, {<month>}, {<day>} SYSTem:DATE? |
Description |
Sets the date of the system clock (RTC). Specify the year, month, and day. The self-test procedure compare date and time stored in RTC registers with values stored in the non-volatile memory (EEPROM). When the later is greater then former or any of them lost integrity (i.e. any of value is outside allowed range: for example seconds are higher then 60 or months are higher then 12, etc.) self-test will failed. The *TST? will return 1 and detailed report could be queried using the DIAGnostic:TEST? command.
The bit 3 (TIME) of the Questionable Status register will be set (see Section 3.4) if datetime self-test failed or datetime was never set. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<year> |
NR1 |
2000 – 2099 |
– |
<month> |
NR1 |
1 – 12 |
– |
<day> |
NR1 |
1 – 31 |
– |
Return |
Query the current date of the system clock in YYYY, MM, DD format. |
Usage example |
SYST:DATE? 2015, 10, 24 |
Related Commands |
5.18.48. SYSTem:DELay
Syntax |
SYSTem:DELay {<time>} |
Description |
This command inserts pause in parsing and executing SCPI commands. Execution of the next SCPI command will start only when the set delay expires. The programmed value can be up to 10 seconds (set in milliseconds). |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<time> |
NR1 |
1 – 10000 |
– |
Usage example |
SYST:DEL 1500 |
5.18.49. SYSTem:DIGital:INPut:DATA
Syntax |
SYSTem:DIGital:INPut:DATA? {<pin>} |
Description |
This query reads the state of the digital control port. Applies only to pin 1. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<pin> |
NR1 |
1 |
1 |
Return |
The query returns the value of the state of input pin. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
SYSTem:DIGital:PIN<n>:FUNCtion SYSTem:DIGital:PIN<n>:POLarity |
5.18.50. SYSTem:DIGital:OUTPut:DATA
Syntax |
SYSTem:DIGital:OUTPut:DATA {<pin>}, {<state>} SYSTem:DIGital:OUTPut:DATA? {<pin>} |
Description |
This command sets the output data on the digital output pin. Applies only to pin 3 and 4. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<pin> |
NR1 |
3 – 4 |
– |
<state> |
Discrete |
ON|OFF|0|1 |
– |
Return |
The query returns the last programmed value on the selected pin. |
Usage example |
Errors |
-114,"Header suffix out of range" |
Related Commands |
SYSTem:DIGital:PIN<n>:FUNCtion SYSTem:DIGital:PIN<n>:POLarity |
5.18.51. SYSTem:DIGital:OUTPut:PWM:DUTY
Syntax |
SYSTem:DIGital:OUTPut:PWM:DUTY {<pin>}, {<duty>} SYSTem:DIGital:OUTPut:PWM:DUTY? {<pin>} |
Description |
Use this command to set duty cycle of the output pin defined as PWM (see the SYSTem:DIGital:PIN<n>:FUNCtion command). Applies only to pin 4. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<pin> |
NR1 |
4 |
– |
<duty> |
NR3 |
0 – 100 |
50 |
Return |
The query returns the square ware generator duty cycle for the specified output pin. |
Usage example |
Errors |
-224,"Illegal parameter value" -230,"Digital pin function mismatch" |
Related Commands |
SYSTem:DIGital:OUTPut:PWM:FREQuency SYSTem:DIGital:PIN<n>:FUNCtion |
5.18.52. SYSTem:DIGital:OUTPut:PWM:FREQuency
Syntax |
SYSTem:DIGital:OUTPut:PWM:FREQuency {<pin>}, {<frequency>} SYSTem:DIGital:OUTPut:PWM:FREQuency? {<pin>} |
Description |
Use this command to set frequency of the output pin defined as PWM (see the SYSTem:DIGital:PIN<n>:FUNCtion command). Applies only to pin 4. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<pin> |
NR1 |
4 |
– |
<frequency> |
NR3 |
0.03 – 5000000 |
0 |
Return |
The query returns the square ware generator frequency for the specified output pin. |
Usage example |
Errors |
-224,"Illegal parameter value" -230,"Digital pin function mismatch" |
Related Commands |
5.18.53. SYSTem:DIGital:PIN<n>:FUNCtion
Syntax |
SYSTem:DIGital:PIN<n>:FUNCtion {<function>} SYSTem:DIGital:PIN<n>:FUNCtion? |
Description |
Use this command to set function of the selected digital port pin. The pin function is saved in non-volatile memory.
All input functions applies only to pin 1 and 2 and all output functions applies only to pin 3 and pin 4.
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<function> |
Discrete |
– |
Return |
The query command returns the set pin function. |
Usage example |
Errors |
-114,"Header suffix out of range" |
Related Commands |
5.18.54. SYSTem:DIGital:PIN<n>:POLarity
Syntax |
SYSTem:DIGital:PIN<n>:POLarity {<polarity>} SYSTem:DIGital:PIN<n>:POLarity? |
Description |
This command sets the polarity of the selected digital port pin. The pin polarity is saved in non-volatile memory.
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<polarity> |
Discrete |
POSitive|NEGative |
– |
Return |
The query command returns POS or NEG. |
Usage example |
Errors |
-114,"Header suffix out of range" |
Related Commands |
TRIGger[:SEQuence]:SOURce SYSTem:DIGital:INPut:DATA SYSTem:DIGital:OUTPut:DATA |
5.18.55. SYSTem:ERRor
Syntax |
SYSTem:ERRor[:NEXT]? |
Description |
This query command reads and clear errors from the error queue. A record of up to 20 errors can be stored in the BB3’s error queue. See also “Error Messages” in Section 7. Errors are retrieved in first-in-first-out (FIFO) order. The first error returned is the first error that was stored. The BB3 beeps once each time an error is generated. The error queue is cleared when power has been off or after a *CLS command. |
Return |
SYSTem:ERRor[:NEXT]? queries and clears the error messages in the error queue. The query returns the number and content of the error message. |
Usage example |
SYST:ERR? -113,"Undefined header" |
Errors |
If more than 20 errors have occurred, the last error stored in the queue (the most recent error) is replaced with: -350,"Queue overflow" No additional errors are stored until you remove errors from the queue. |
Related Commands |
5.18.56. SYSTem:ERRor:COUNt?
Syntax |
Description |
This query command queries the error/event queue for the number of unread items. As errors and events may occur at any time, more items may be present in the queue at the time it is actually read. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
5.18.57. SYSTem:FAN:SPEed?
Syntax |
Description |
Use this query to obtain cooling fan speed in rpm. |
Usage example |
SYST:FAN:SPE? 1450 |
Related Commands |
5.18.58. SYSTem:FAN:STATus?
Syntax |
Description |
Use this query to obtain information about cooling fan state. Cooling fan is periodically tested while it’s working (that depends of measured channel’s temperature sensor value). When it does not passed the test, programmed output current is automatically limited to 2 A. |
Return |
Returns numerical status of the cooling fan:
Usage example |
Related Commands |
5.18.59. SYSTem:FORMat:DATE
Syntax |
SYSTem:FORMat:DATE {<format>} SYSTem:FORMat:DATE? |
Description |
Set format that will be used for displaying date. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<format> |
Discrete |
– |
Return |
The query command returns “DMY” or “MDY”. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
5.18.60. SYSTem:FORMat:TIME
Syntax |
SYSTem:FORMat:TIME {<format>} SYSTem:FORMat:TIME? |
Description |
Set clock format that will be used for displaying time. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<format> |
NR1 |
12|24 |
– |
Return |
The query command returns 12 or 24 clock format. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
5.18.61. SYSTem:INHibit?
Syntax |
SYSTem:INHibit? |
Description |
Use this command to query BB3’s inhibit state that is controlled with digital input (see [SOURce]:DIGital:PIN<n>:FUNCtion command). When BB3 is in inhibited state, all channel’s output will be disabled (OFF) and triggered action (e.g. LIST) will be paused.
Channel output state command (OUTPut[:STATe]) can be used when BB3 is in inhibited mode but it will not affect output (i.e. change it to enable state). |
Return |
Returns 0 if inhibit is not active or 1 if inhibit is active. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
OUTPut[:STATe] {<bool>} [, <channel>] [SOURce]:DIGital:PIN<n>:FUNCtion |
5.18.62. SYSTem:KLOCk
Syntax |
Description |
This command similar to the SYSTem:REMote command disables all front-panel options except for [Lock/Unlock] icon. You can push and hold the [Lock/Unlock] for a few seconds to unlock the front panel. The system password may be needed if it is set. Lock state is saved in non-volatile memory. Therefore, the front panel remains locked even after AC power is cycled. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
SYSTem:COMMunicate:RLSTate SYSTem:REMote |
5.18.63. SYSTem:LFRequency
Syntax |
SYSTem:LFRequency {<frequency>} SYSTem:LFRequency? |
Description |
Use this command to set the AC mains frequency. This parameter determines the PLC (power line cycle) used for A/D conversion in modules such as MIO168 (default value is 50 Hz). |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<frequency> |
NR1 |
50|60 |
50 |
Return |
The query returns the set AC mains frequency. |
Usage example |
SYST:LFR? 50 |
Related Commands |
SENSe:NPLCycles |
5.18.64. SYSTem:LOCal
Syntax |
SYSTem:LOCal |
Description |
This command places the BB3 in the local mode during remote operation. All options on the front panel are fully functional. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
SYSTem:COMMunicate:RLSTate SYSTem:REMote SYSTem:RWLock |
5.18.65. SYSTem:MEASure[:SCALar]:TEMPerature[:THERmistor][:DC]
Syntax |
SYSTem:MEASure[:SCALar]:TEMPerature[:THERmistor][:DC]? {<sensor>} |
Description |
Query the temperature measured using the specified temperature sensors as follows:
All installed sensors are periodically tested. When sensor does not passed the test, programmed output current is automatically limited to 2 A. If load that draws more current then 2 A output current will be set to zero. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<sensor> |
Discrete |
Return |
Returns the average temperature value in degrees Celsius (oC) as decimal number (NR2). If self-test detect selected temperature sensor failure or sensor is not installed a -240 or -241 error will be generated. |
Usage example |
Errors |
-240,"Hardware error" -241,"Hardware missing" |
Related Commands |
DIAGnostic[:INFOrmation]:FAN? MEASure[:SCALar]:TEMPerature[:THERmistor][:DC] SYSTem:CPU:OPTion? SYSTem:TEMPerature:PROTection[:HIGH][:LEVel] SYSTem:TEMPerature:PROTection[:HIGH]:DELay[:TIME] SYSTem:TEMPerature:PROTection[:HIGH]:STATe SYSTem:TEMPerature:PROTection[:HIGH]:TRIPped? |
5.18.66. SYSTem:MEASure[:SCALar][:VOLTage][:DC]?
Syntax |
SYSTem:MEASure[:SCALar][:VOLTage][:DC]? {<device>} |
Description |
Returns voltage of the RTC (Real-time-clock) backup battery. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<device> |
Discrete |
Usage example |
5.18.67. SYSTem:PASSword:CALibration:RESet
Syntax |
SYSTem:PASSword:CALibration:RESet |
Description |
This command resets the calibration password to the firmware default setting, which is “eezbb3”. This command does not reset the system password. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
CALibration[:MODE] CALibration:PASSword:NEW |
5.18.68. SYSTem:PASSword:FPANel:RESet
Syntax |
SYSTem:PASSword:FPANel:RESet |
Description |
This command resets the front panel lockout password to the firmware default setting, which is empty space (“”). This command does not reset the calibration password. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
5.18.69. SYSTem:PASSword:NEW
Syntax |
SYSTem:PASSword:NEW {<old>}, {<new>} |
Description |
Enter a new system password. To change the password, first unsecure the BB3 using the old password. Then, the new code has to be entered. The calibration code may contain up to 16 characters over the remote interface. Minimum length is 4 characters. The new password is automatically stored in non-volatile memory |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<old> |
Quoted string |
0 to 16 characters |
– |
<new> |
Quoted string |
4 to 16 characters |
– |
Usage example |
SYST:PASS:NEW "","mypass2016" |
Errors |
122,"Invalid sys password" 125,"Sys password too long" 126,"Sys password too short" |
Related Commands |
5.18.70. SYSTem:PON:OUTPut:DISable
Syntax |
SYSTem:PON:OUTPut:DISable {<bool>} SYSTem:PON:OUTPut:DISable? |
Description |
This command controls status off all channel outputs on power up. If enabled (ON), all outputs will be disabled regardless of what is stored in user profile selected for auto recall. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<bool> |
Boolean |
ON|OFF|0|1 |
Return |
Query returns status of forced output disabling on power up. |
Usage example |
OUTP? 1 SYST:PON:OUTP:DIS 1 (Restart) OUTP? 0 |
Related Commands |
5.18.71. SYSTem:POWer
Syntax |
SYSTem:POWer {<bool>} SYSTem:POWer? |
Description |
This command controls powering down and powering up sequence of the AC power inputs. The “Standby” indicator will be switched on when the BB3 enters the standby mode. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<bool> |
Boolean |
ON|OFF|0|1 |
Return |
Query returns BB3 power standby status. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
5.18.72. SYSTem:POWer:PROTection:TRIP
Syntax |
SYSTem:POWer:PROTection:TRIP {<bool>} SYSTem:POWer:PROTection:TRIP? |
Description |
Use this command to shut down (set to standby mode) the BB3 when any of channel’s protection tripped. The SYSTem:POWer command has to be used to power the BB3 on again. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<bool> |
Boolean |
ON|OFF|0|1 |
Return |
Query returns status of shutdown when tripped mode. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
SYSTem:POWer |
5.18.73. SYSTem:RELay:CYCLes?
Syntax |
SYSTem:RELay:CYCLes? {<chanlist>} |
Modules |
Description |
This query returns the cycle count on the specified channels. The SMX46 module channels are mapped in the following way (n is slot number):
When list of channels separated with comma is specified no space is allowed. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<chanlist> |
ChannelList |
See channels mapping described above |
– |
Usage example |
Query cycle count of power relay on the SMX46 installed in slot 2: SYST:REL:CYCL? (@203) 44 Query cycle count of multiple signal relays on the SMX46 installed in slot 3: SYST:REL:CYCL? (@311,312,313) 13,44,1023 |
Related Commands |
5.18.74. SYSTem:REMote
Syntax |
SYSTem:REMote |
Description |
Use this command to place the BB3 into remote mode for USB (Virtual COM) or Ethernet remote control. All front-panel options are disabled except for [Lock/Unlock] icon. You can push and hold the [Lock/Unlock] for a few seconds to unlock the front panel. The system password may be needed if it is set. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
SYSTem:COMMunicate:RLSTate SYSTem:LOCal SYSTem:RWLock |
5.18.75. SYSTem:REStart
Syntax |
SYSTem:REStart |
Description |
Use this command to initiate low-level (hardware) reset. When executed the power up procedure will start and currently active SCPI session will be lost. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
*RST |
5.18.76. SYSTem:RWLock
Syntax |
SYSTem:RWLock |
Description |
Places the BB3 in the remote mode for USB (Virtual COM) or Ethernet remote control. This command is the same as SYSTem:REMote, except that all front panel options are disabled, including the [Lock/Unlock] icon. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
SYSTem:COMMunicate:RLSTate SYSTem:LOCal SYSTem:REMote |
5.18.77. SYSTem:SLOT[:COUNt]?
Syntax |
Description |
This query returns the number of available slots in BB3 enclosure. That number is always 3. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
5.18.78. SYSTem:SLOT:COLor
Syntax |
SYSTem:SLOT:COLor {<slot>}, {<color>} SYSTem:SLOT:COLor? [<slot>] |
Modules |
Description |
Use this command to set module header and frame color as defined with <color> value. Use 0 to reset module color to the default value. Default module color coresponds to the module slot number. Available colors and its RGB values can be found in the SYSTem:CHANnel:COLor command description.
This command is only applicable to modules that do not have discrete channel numbers (CH1, CH2 …), otherwise it may generate -241,"Hardware missing" execution error. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<slot> |
NR1 |
1 – 3 |
– |
<color> |
NR1 |
0 – 24 |
0 |
Return |
Query the status of module on the selected BB3 slot. |
Errors |
-222,"Data out of range" -241,"Hardware missing" |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
SYSTem:CHANnel:COLor |
5.18.79. SYSTem:SLOT:FIRMware?
Syntax |
SYSTem:SLOT:FIRMware? {<slot>} |
Modules |
Description |
This query returns the firmware version number of the module installed into specified slot. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<slot> |
NR1 |
1 – 3 |
– |
Usage example |
SYST:SLOT:FIRM? 3 "0.9" |
Related Commands |
5.18.80. SYSTem:SLOT:LABel
Syntax |
SYSTem:SLOT:LABel {<slot>}, {<label>} SYSTem:SLOT:LABel? {<slot>} |
Description |
Use this command to define the module label on selected <slot>.
This command is only applicable to modules that do not have discrete channel numbers (CH1, CH2 …), otherwise it may generate -241,"Hardware missing" execution error. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<slot> |
NR1 |
1 – 3 |
– |
<label> |
Quoted string |
1 – 10 characters |
– |
Return |
Returns the label of the module queried as a quoted string. |
Errors |
-241,"Hardware missing" |
Usage example |
SYST:SLOT:LAB 1,"Cooler" |
Related Commands |
5.18.81. SYSTem:SLOT:MODel?
Syntax |
SYSTem:SLOT:MODel? {<slot>} |
Description |
This query returns the model name of the module installed into specified slot. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<slot> |
NR1 |
1 – 3 |
– |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
5.18.82. SYSTem:SLOT:SNO
Syntax |
SYSTem:SLOT:SNO {<slot>}, {<sno>} SYSTem:SLOT:SNO? {<slot>} |
Description |
Use this command to set serial number of module without on-board MCU like DCP405. Serial number has to be exactly 24 characters long and could contains only hexadecimal symbols, i.e. 0 to 9 and A to F otherwise a -224,"Illegal parameter value" error will be generated. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<slot> |
NR1 |
1 – 3 |
– |
<sno> |
Quoted string |
24 characters |
– |
Return |
This query returns the serial number as qouted string of the module installed into specified slot. |
Errors |
-224,"Illegal parameter value" |
Usage example |
SYST:SLOT:SNO? 1 "99280045953510720393737" |
Related Commands |
5.18.83. SYSTem:SLOT:STATe
Syntax |
SYSTem:SLOT:STATe {<slot>}, {<bool>} SYSTem:SLOT:STATe? [<slot>] |
Description |
Use this command to enable or disable module installed into specified slot. When disabled an attempt to communicate with module will generate an execution error. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<slot> |
NR1 |
1 – 3 |
– |
<bool> |
Boolean |
ON|OFF|0|1 |
– |
Return |
Query the status of module on the selected BB3 slot. |
Errors |
-200,"Execution error" |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
5.18.84. SYSTem:SLOT:VERSion?
Syntax |
SYSTem:SLOT:VERSion? {<slot>} |
Description |
This query returns the version number of the module installed into specified slot. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<slot> |
NR1 |
1 – 3 |
– |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
*RST DIAGnostic[:INFOrmation]:TEST? SYSTem:CHANnel[:COUNt]? |
5.18.85. SYSTem:TEMPerature:PROTection[:HIGH][:LEVel]
Syntax |
SYSTem:TEMPerature:PROTection[:HIGH][:LEVel] {<temperature>} [, <sensor>] SYSTem:TEMPerature:PROTection[:HIGH][:LEVel]? [<sensor>] |
Description |
Set the over-temperature protection (OTP) value in degrees Celsius (oC) of the selected temperature sensor. When the over-temperature protection function of the specified temperature sensor is enabled (SYSTem:TEMPerature:PROTection[:HIGH]:STATe), one of the following action will be performed when the temperature exceeds the over-temperature protection value currently set:
If any of above mentioned temperature sensors cause over-temperature condition an error tone will also follow if beeper is enabled (see SYSTem:BEEPer:STATe). SYSTem:TEMPerature:PROTection[:HIGH]:TRIPped? command can be used to query whether over-temperature protection occurred on the selected temperature sensor. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<temperature> |
NR2 |
10 – 100 |
70 for CH1 to CH2, and 50 for AUX |
<sensor> |
Discrete |
Return |
Query the over-temperature protection (OTP) value of the selected temperature sensor. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
*RST SYSTem:TEMPerature:PROTection[:HIGH]:STATe SYSTem:TEMPerature:PROTection[:HIGH]:TRIPped? |
5.18.86. SYSTem:TEMPerature:PROTection[:HIGH]:CLEar
Syntax |
SYSTem:TEMPerature:PROTection[:HIGH]:CLEar [<sensor>] |
Description |
This command clears the latched protection status when an over-temperature is detected. All conditions that generate the fault must be removed before the latched status can be cleared. The output is restored to the state it was in before the fault condition occurred. |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<sensor> |
Discrete |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
SYSTem:TEMPerature:PROTection[:HIGH]:TRIPped |
5.18.87. SYSTem:TEMPerature:PROTection[:HIGH]:DELay[:TIME]
Syntax |
SYSTem:TEMPerature:PROTection[:HIGH]:DELay[:TIME] {<delay>} [, <sensor>] SYSTem:TEMPerature:PROTection[:HIGH]:DELay[:TIME]? [<sensor>] |
Description |
This command sets the over-temperature protection delay. The over-temperature protection function will not be triggered during the delay time. After the delay time has expired, the over-temperature protection function will be active. Programmed values can range from 0 to 300 seconds. See also Section 8.1 |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<delay> |
NR1 |
0 – 300 seconds |
10 |
<sensor> |
Discrete |
Return |
The query returns programmed over-temperature protection delay. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
*RST SYSTem:TEMPerature:PROTection[:HIGH][:LEVel] |
5.18.88. SYSTem:TEMPerature:PROTection[:HIGH]:STATe
Syntax |
SYSTem:TEMPerature:PROTection[:HIGH]:STATe {<bool>} [, <sensor>] SYSTem:TEMPerature:PROTection[:HIGH]:STATe? [<sensor>] |
Description |
This command enables or disables the over-temperature protection (OTP) function. The enabled state is ON (1); the disabled state is OFF (0). If the over-temperature protection function is enabled and the measured output power reach value set by [SOURce[<n>]]:POWer:PROTection[:LEVel] the output is disabled and the Questionable Condition status register OPP bit 10 is set. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<bool> |
Boolean |
ON|OFF|0|1 |
<sensor> |
Discrete |
Return |
The query command returns 0 if the current protection state is OFF, and 1 if the current protection state is ON. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
*RST SYSTem:TEMPerature:PROTection[:HIGH]:CLEar |
5.18.89. SYSTem:TEMPerature:PROTection[:HIGH]:TRIPped?
Syntax |
SYSTem:TEMPerature:PROTection[:HIGH]:TRIPped? [<sensor>] |
Description |
Query whether OTP occurred on the selected temperature sensor. When protection is tripped bit 4 (TEMPerature) of the Questionable Status register will be set (see Section 3.4). The SYSTem:TEMPerature:PROTection[:HIGH]:CLEar command can be send to clear OTP condition caused by the selected temperature sensor. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<sensor> |
Discrete |
Return |
This query returns a 1 if the protection circuit is tripped and a 0 if it is untripped. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
SYSTem:TEMPerature:PROTection[:HIGH]:CLEar SYSTem:TEMPerature:PROTection[:HIGH]:STATe |
5.18.90. SYSTem:TIME
Syntax |
SYSTem:TIME {<hours>}, {<minutes>}, {<seconds>} SYSTem:TIME? |
Description |
Sets the time of the system clock (RTC). Specify the hours, minutes, and seconds. The self-test procedure compare date and time stored in RTC registers with values stored in the non-volatile memory (EEPROM). When the later is greater then former or any of them lost integrity (i.e. any of value is outside allowed range: for example seconds are higher then 60 or months are higher then 12, etc.) self-test will failed. The *TST? will return 1 and detailed report could be queried using the DIAGnostic:TEST? command.
The bit 3 (TIME) of the Questionable Status register will be set (see Section 3.4) if datetime self-test failed or datetime was never set. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<hours> |
NR1 |
0 – 23 |
– |
<minutes> |
NR1 |
0 – 59 |
– |
<seconds> |
NR1 |
0 – 59 |
– |
Return |
Query the current time of the system clock in HH, MM, SS format. |
Usage example |
SYST:TIME? 15, 10, 33 |
Related Commands |
5.18.91. SYSTem:TIME:DST
Syntax |
SYSTem:TIME:DST {<rules>} SYSTem:TIME:DST? |
Description |
Use this command to define daylight saving time (DST) rules used in your region.
Firmware v1.0 support limited number of region: Europe, US/Canada and Australia/New Zealand. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<rules> |
Discrete |
Return |
Query the DTS rule name used for adjust time. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
SYSTem:COMMunicate:ENABle SYSTem:COMMunicate:NTP SYSTem:TIME |
5.18.92. SYSTem:TIME:ZONE
Syntax |
Description |
Use this command to define time zone as offset from GMT. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<zone> |
Quoted string |
-12:00 to 14:00 |
– |
Return |
Query the time zone as offset from GMT in the following format: “[sign]hh:mm GMT” |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
SYSTem:COMMunicate:ENABle SYSTem:COMMunicate:NTP SYSTem:TIME |
5.18.93. SYSTem:VERSion?
Syntax |
SYSTem:VERSion? |
Description |
This command returns the version of the SCPI (Standard Commands for Programmable Instruments) standard with which the instrument is in compliance |
Return |
The command returns a string in the form “YYYY.V”, where YYYY represents the year of the version and V represents a version for that year. |
Usage example |
SYST:VERS? 1999.0 |
5.19. TRIGger
The BB3’s triggering system allows a change in output voltage, current or start internal data logging when receiving a trigger from selected source. Triggering the BB3 is a multi-step process and consists of the following steps:
- An output has to be selected (the INSTrument:SELect command) following by configuring the BB3 for the triggered output level by using CURRent:TRIGgered and VOLTage:TRIGgered commands.
- The source from which the BB3 will accept the trigger must be specified. The BB3 could accept e.g. a BUS (software) trigger or an IMMediate trigger from the remote interface.
- The time delay between the detection of the trigger on the specified trigger source and the start of any corresponding output change can be programmed if needed. Such time delay is valid only for the BUS trigger source.
- Trigger programming is completed by providing an INITiate[:IMMediate] command. If the IMMediate source is selected, the selected output is set to the triggered level immediately. But if the trigger source is the BUS, the BB3 is set to the triggered level after receiving the *TRG command.
SCPI command |
Description |
TRIGger |
[:SEQuence] |
Starts the trigger immediately |
Sets the time delay between the detection of a trigger event and the start of any corresponding trigger action |
Sets channels condition when LIST execution stopped |
Sets the trigger source |
Sets the internal data logger trigger source |
5.19.1. TRIGger[:SEQuence][:IMMediate]
Syntax |
TRIGger[:SEQuence][:IMMediate] |
Description |
This event command causes a defined LIST to immediately start without the selected trigger occurring. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
*TRG |
5.19.2. TRIGger[:SEQuence]:DELay
Syntax |
TRIGger[:SEQuence]:DELay {<delay>} TRIGger[:SEQuence]:DELay? |
Description |
This command sets the time delay between the detection of an event on the specified trigger source and the start of any corresponding trigger action on the peripheral module output. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<delay> |
NR1|Discrete |
0 – 3600|MIN|MAX |
Return |
The query command returns the programmed delay in seconds. |
Usage example |
5.19.3. TRIGger[:SEQuence]:EXIT:CONDition
Syntax |
TRIGger[:SEQuence]:EXIT:CONDition {<condition>} TRIGger[:SEQuence]:EXIT:CONDition? |
Description |
This command sets channels condition when LIST execution is not prematurely stopped (e.g. with ABORt command or by user action). Use [SOURce[<n>]]:LIST:COUNt to set finite number of LIST loops. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<condition> |
Discrete |
Return |
The query command returns the programmed exit condition. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
ABORt INITiate [SOURce[<n>]]:LIST:COUNt [SOURce[<n>]]:CURRent:MODE [SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage:MODE |
5.19.4. TRIGger[:SEQuence]:SOURce
Syntax |
TRIGger[:SEQuence]:SOURce {<source>} TRIGger[:SEQuence]:SOURce? |
Description |
This command selects the source from which the BB3 will accept a trigger.
When the trigger source is set to BUS, the *WAI command can ensure the synchronization. After executing the *WAI command, the BB3 will only execute new command when all the pending operations are completed. Also when the trigger source is set to BUS, you can use the *OPC command to report that the operation is completed. The *OPC? command will return “1” to the output buffer and the *OPC command will set the bit 0 (OPC bit, operation complete) in the standard event register when the operation is finished.
The wait for the BUS, EXTernal, or KEY trigger can be bypassed by sending the TRIGger[:SEQuence][:IMMediate] command.
The APPLy command automatically sets the source to IMMediate. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<source> |
Discrete |
– |
Return |
The query command returns the programmed trigger subsystem source. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
*OPC *RST *TRG *WAI ABORt APPLy INITialize TRIGger[:SEQuence][:IMMediate] |
5.19.5. TRIGger:DLOG[:IMMediate]
Syntax |
TRIGger:DLOG[:IMMediate] |
Description |
The command sends an immediate trigger signal to the data logger. This will trigger the internal data log session regardless of the selected trigger source. You must initiate (see the INIT:DLOG command) the data logger before you trigger it. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
*TRG INITialize:DLOG |
5.19.6. TRIGger:DLOG:SOURce
Syntax |
TRIGger:DLOG:SOURce {<source>} TRIGger:DLOG:SOURce? |
Description |
The command selects the trigger source for the data logger in the same fashion as the TRIGger[:SEQuence]:SOURce command. |
Parameters |
Name |
Type |
Range |
Default |
<source> |
Discrete |
– |
Return |
The query command returns the programmed trigger subsystem source. |
Usage example |
Related Commands |
INITialize TRIGger[:SEQuence]:SOURce TRIGger:DLOG[:IMMediate] |