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7. Error messages

The system-defined error/event numbers are chosen on an enumerated (“1 of N”) basis. The SCPI-defined error/event numbers and the <error/event_description> portions of the full queue item are listed here. The first error/event described in each class (for example, -100, -200, -300, -400) is a “generic” error.

7.1. Command Error [-199, -100]

An <error/event number> in the range [-199, -100] indicates that a syntax error has been detected by the BB3’s SCPI command parser. The occurrence of an error in this class cause the command error bit (CME, bit 5) in the Standard Event Status Register (see Section 3.1) to be set.


Return string


0,"No error"

The queue is completely empty. Every error/event in the queue has been read, or the queue was purposely cleared by a power-on event, *CLS, etc.

−100,"Command error"

Generic syntax error.

-101,"Invalid character"

An invalid character was found in the command string. There may be a character such as #, $, or % in the command keyword or within a parameter.




-103,"Invalid separator"

An invalid separator was found in the command string. There may be a comma instead of a colon, semicolon, or blank space, or a blank space instead of a comma.




-104,"Data type error"

The wrong parameter type was found in the command string. A string might have been sent when a string was expected, or vice versa.


Example (the password must be a quoted string):

CAL ON, 123

-108,"Parameter not allowed"

More parameters were received than expected for the command. There may be an extra parameter, or parameter added to a command that does not accept a parameter.




-109,"Missing parameter"

Fewer parameters were received than expected for the command. One or more parameters that are required for this command was not received.




-113,"Undefined header"

A command was received that is not valid for the BB3. The command may have been misspelled, or it may not be a valid command. Short forms of commands, may contain up to four letters.




-114,"Header suffix out of range"

The numeric suffix attached to a command header is not one of the allowable values.




-131,"Invalid suffix"

A suffix was incorrectly specified for a numeric parameter. It may have been misspelled.


Example (use A instead of V):


-138,"Suffix not allowed"

A suffix was received following a numeric parameter which does not accept a suffix.


Example (SEC is not a valid suffix):


-151,"Invalid string data"

An invalid character string was received. Check to see if you have enclosed the character string in single or double quotes.




7.2. Execution Error [-299, -200]

An <error/event number> in the range [-299, -200] indicates an error has been detected by the BB3’s execution control block. The occurrence of any error in this class sets the execution error bit (EXE, bit 4) in the Standard Event Status Register (see Section 3.1). One of the following events has occurred:

  • A <PROGRAM DATA> element following a header was evaluated by the BB3 as outside of its legal input range, or as otherwise inconsistent with the BB3’s capabilities.
  • A valid program message could not be properly executed. Probably due to some BB3 condition.

Execution errors will be reported by the BB3 after rounding and expression evaluation has taken place. Rounding a numeric data element, for example, will not be reported as an execution error. Events that generate execution errors will not generate Command Errors, device-specific errors, or Query Errors; see the other error definitions in this section.


Return string


-200,"Execution error"

This is the generic execution error when more specific error is not assigned in the case that command execution failed.

-221,"Settings conflict"

Indicates that a legal program data element was parsed but could not be executed due to the current device state.

-222,"Data out of range"

A numeric parameter value is outside the valid range for the command.



VOLT 166

-223,"Too much data"

A character string was received but could not be executed because the string length was more than 32 characters. This error can be generated by the CALibration:REMark command.

-224,"Illegal parameter value"

A discrete parameter was received which was not a valid choice for the command. You may have used an invalid parameter choice.




-230,"Digital pin function mismatch"

Operation with digital pin is not possible due to incorrect function definition.





-240,"Hardware error"

Command or query could not be executed because failure is detected during power-up self-test. Use the *TST? command to query self-test results. See also Section 7.3.1

-241,"Hardware missing"

Command or query could not be executed because of missing BB3 hardware.


Example (remote sense cannot be activated on the DCM220 power module):


-250,"Mass storage error"

Indicates that a SD card error occurred. This error message is generated when the firmware cannot detect the more specific errors described for errors -252 through -258.

-252,"Missing media"

Command or query could not be executed because of a missing SD card.

-256,"File name not found"

Command or query could not be executed because the file name on the device media was not found; for example, an attempt was made to read or copy a nonexistent file.

-257,"File name error"

Command or query could not be executed because the file name on the device media was in error; for example, an attempt was made to copy to a duplicate file name.

-258,"Media protected"

Command or query could not be executed because the SD card access is locked (MMEMory:LOCK command).

-259,"File transfer aborted"

Command or query for file transfer is aborted before transfer is completed.

-260,"CH1 fault detected"

A POWERGOOD signal failure has been detected on Channel 1. If such a condition has happened, BB3 firmware will be immediately put into the standby mode.

-261,"CH2 fault detected"

A POWERGOOD signal failure has been detected on CH2. If such a condition has happened, BB3 firmware will be immediately put into the standby mode.

-262,"CH3 fault detected"

A POWERGOOD signal failure has been detected on CH3. If such a condition has happened, BB3 firmware will be immediately put into the standby mode.

-263,"CH4 fault detected"

A POWERGOOD signal failure has been detected on CH4. If such a condition has happened, BB3 firmware will be immediately put into the standby mode.

-264,"CH5 fault detected"

A POWERGOOD signal failure has been detected on CH5. If such a condition has happened, BB3 firmware will be immediately put into the standby mode.

-265,"CH6 fault detected"

A POWERGOOD signal failure has been detected on CH6. If such a condition has happened, BB3 firmware will be immediately put into the standby mode.

-270,"CH1 output fault detected"

A prohibited state has been detected on the Channel 1 output (e.g., negative power is measured for extended period of time). The Channel 1 output will be turned off.

-271,"CH2 output fault detected"

A prohibited state has been detected on the CH2 output (e.g., negative power is measured for extended period of time). The Channel 2 output will be turned off.

-272,"CH3 output fault detected"

A prohibited state has been detected on the CH3 output (e.g., negative power is measured for extended period of time). The Channel 3 output will be turned off.

-273,"CH4 output fault detected"

A prohibited state has been detected on the CH4 output (e.g., negative power is measured for extended period of time). The Channel 4 output will be turned off.

-274,"CH5 output fault detected"

A prohibited state has been detected on the CH5 output (e.g., negative power is measured for extended period of time). The Channel 5 output will be turned off.

-275,"CH6 output fault detected"

A prohibited state has been detected on the CH6 output (e.g., negative power is measured for extended period of time). The Channel 6 output will be turned off.

7.3. Device-Specific Error [-399, -300], [1, 32767]

An <error/event number> in the range [-399, -300] or [1, 32767] indicates that the BB3 has detected an error which is not a command error, a query error, or an execution error. Most likely, some BB3 operations did not properly complete, possibly due to an abnormal hardware or firmware condition. These codes are also used for self-test response errors. The occurrence of any error in this class sets the device-specific error bit (DDE, bit 3) in the Standard Event Status Register (see Section 3.1).


Events that generate device-specific errors do not generate command errors, execution errors, or query errors; see the other error definitions in this section.


Return string


-211,"Trigger ignored"

A *TRG was received but the trigger was ignored. The trigger source should be set to the BUS and the trigger subsystem should be initiated by the INITiate[:IMMidate] command.

-213,"Init ignored"

An INITiate command was received but could not be executed because a measurement was already in progress.

-310,"System error"

An internal firmware error has been detected.

-330,"Self-test failed"

The BB3’s complete self-test failed from the remote interface (*TST? command). In addition to this error, more specific self-test errors are also reported. See also Section 7.3.1

-350,"Queue overflow"

The error queue is full because more than 16 errors have occurred. No additional errors will be stored until errors have been removed from the queue. The error queue is cleared when power has been turned off, or after a *CLS (clear status) command has been executed.

-363,"Input buffer overrun"

Input buffer overrun. The Serial or Ethernet port input buffer has lost data due to an overflow.

100,"Channel not found"

A non existing channel number has been specified.




101,"Calibration mode is off"

Calibration is not enabled. The BB3 will not accept calibration commands.

102,"Invalid password"

The calibration password is incorrect.

104,"Bad sequence of cal commands"

Calibration commands have not been entered in the proper sequence.

105,"Password too long"

A calibration password was received which contained more than 16 characters.

106,"Password too short"

A calibration password was received which contained less than 4 characters.

107,"Cal value out of range"

The specified calibration value (CALibration:CURRent:DATA or CALibration:VOLTage:DATA) is not valid for the BB3’s present measurement function and range.

108,"Cal output disabled"

The Calibration operation has been aborted by sending the OUTPut OFF command during an output calibration.

109,"Invalid cal data"

One or more calibration data values are impossible or out of range, and will prohibit the calibration parameters calculation.


For example the MID value is lower then MIN, or the MIN value is higher then MAX, or the MID value is so out of accepted tolerance that it cannot be predicted with newly calculated calibration parameters.

110,"Cal params missing or corrupted"

Calibration parameters activation started by the CALibration:STATe ON, "<password>" command failed because calibration has never been conducted or existing parameters are corrupted.

111,"No new cal data exists"

There was an attempt to save calibration data with the CALibration:SAVE command without calibration data.

150,"Power limit exceeded"

The product of voltage and current exceeds channel power limitation.


For example if channel power limit is 155 W and the following sequence is executed:


CURR 4.4

151,"Voltage limit exceeded"

Set voltage exceeds channel capability.




152,"Current limit exceeded"

Set current exceeds channel capability.



CURR 5.5

159, "Module total power limit exceeded"

Set power on module with multiple channels exceeds total power limitation.


Example, an attempt to set 80 W (160 W in total) on both channels while module total power limit is 155 W:


APPL CH1, 20, 4

APPL CH2, 20, 4

201,"Cannot execute before clearing protection"

A command such as OUTP ON cannot be executed on a channel where one or more protections tripped.

202,"Cannot init trigger while Rprog is enabled"

Trigger initialization failed because remote programming option is active on one or more channels (see [SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage:PROGram[:SOURce])

304,"Incompatible transient modes"

For example, VOLTage and CURRent cannot be in both STEP and LIST modes at the same time (see [SOURce[<n>]]:CURRent:MODE and [SOURce[<n>]]:VOLTage:MODE)

306,"Too many list points"

Too many list points have been specified.

307,"List lengths are not equivalent"

One or more lists are not the same length.


For example, number of CURRent steps is not equal to one or number of VOLTage steps

LIST:VOLT 0, 5, 10, 15, 20


308,"Cannot be changed while transient trigger is initiated"

An attempt to change a setting which cannot be changed while the instrument is waiting for or executing a trigger sequence.

309,"Cannot initiate while in fixed mode"

Cannot initiate transient generator. Either the VOLTage or CURRent function is set to FIXed mode.

310,"File not found"

A file cannot be found on the SD card.

311,"List is empty"

A list cannot be started because it’s empty.

312,"Cannot execute when the channels are coupled"

Cannot execute a command when the channel outputs are coupled. Example (an attempt to set remote sensing on the channel that is coupled in series):



313,"Cannot execute in tracking mode"

Cannot execute a command when the tracking mode is active.

314,"Cannot set list value"

List include one or more values that cannot be set on target instrument. For example, DCM220 dual output DC source output current can be set in 20 mA increments. Setting current to 22 mA will generate this error.

320,"Firmware update error"

An attempt to upload firmware via LAN has failed due to communication error, checksum error, etc. (Not implemented yet).

400,"Cannot load empty profile"

An attempt has been made to recall an empty or erased user profile with *RCL command.

401, "Module mismatch in profile"

An attempt has been made to recall user profile that contains different peripheral modules configuration.

410, "No FAT file system on mass media"

Command or query could not be executed because the SD card was not formatted or has filesystem that is not supported.

500,"Sink power limit exceeded on CH1"

The power output of Channel 1 is turned off because the sink power limit has been exceeded.

501,"Sink power limit exceeded on CH2"

The power output of CH2 is turned off because the sink power limit has been exceeded.

502,"Sink power limit exceeded on CH3"

The power output of CH3 is turned off because the sink power limit has been exceeded.

503,"Sink power limit exceeded on CH4"

The power output of CH4 is turned off because the sink power limit has been exceeded.

504,"Sink power limit exceeded on CH5"

The power output of CH5 is turned off because the sink power limit has been exceeded.

510,"External voltage on CH1 detected"

An external voltage has been measured (e.g., from a battery or other power source intentionally or mistakenly left connected) on Channel 1 while output is switched from off to on. (Not implemented yet).

511,"External voltage on CH2 detected"

An external voltage has been measured (e.g., from a battery or other power source intentionally or mistakenly left connected) on CH2 while output is switched from off to on. (Not implemented yet).

512,"External voltage on CH3 detected"

An external voltage has been measured (e.g., from a battery or other power source intentionally or mistakenly left connected) on CH3 while output is switched from off to on. (Not implemented yet).

513,"External voltage on CH4 detected"

An external voltage has been measured (e.g., from a battery or other power source intentionally or mistakenly left connected) on CH4 while output is switched from off to on. (Not implemented yet).

514,"External voltage on CH5 detected"

An external voltage has been measured (e.g., from a battery or other power source intentionally or mistakenly left connected) on CH5 while output is switched from off to on. (Not implemented yet).

615,"MCU EEPROM save failed"

The STM32F7 MCU board non-volatile memory (an EEPROM) is damaged or not responsive.

616,"SLOT1 EEPROM save failed"

The non-volatile memory (an EEPROM) on the peripheral module inserted into slot #1 is damaged or not responsive.

617,"SLOT2 EEPROM save failed"

The non-volatile memory (an EEPROM) on the peripheral module inserted into slot #2 is damaged or not responsive.

618,"SLOT3 EEPROM save failed"

The non-volatile memory (an EEPROM) on the peripheral module inserted into slot #3 is damaged or not responsive.

730,"CH1 is not calibrated"

Cannot complete coupling in series or parallel because Channel 1 is not calibrated

731,"CH2 is not calibrated"

Cannot complete coupling in series or parallel because CH2 is not calibrated

741,"CH1 calibration is not enabled"

Cannot complete coupling in series or parallel because calibration for Channel 1 is not enabled

742,"CH2 calibration is not enabled"

Cannot complete coupling in series or parallel because calibration for CH2 is not enabled

750,"Buffer overflow"

The circular buffer fills up faster than the master MCU can empty it by forwarding data to the SD card.

751,"Module buffer overflow"

The circular buffer on the module fills up faster than the on-board MCU can empty it by forwarding data to the master MCU.

760,"CH1 module fault detected!"

The measured output voltage exceeds 3% of the set voltage at CH1, and the hardware OVP and DP are off. The reason for this may be a fault in the voltage regulation (requires servicing) or an external voltage that is higher than the set one has been applied.

761,"CH2 module fault detected!"

The measured output voltage exceeds 3% of the set voltage at CH2, and the hardware OVP and DP are off. The reason for this may be a fault in the voltage regulation (requires servicing) or an external voltage that is higher than the set one has been applied.

762,"CH3 module fault detected!"

The measured output voltage exceeds 3% of the set voltage at CH3, and the hardware OVP and DP are off. The reason for this may be a fault in the voltage regulation (requires servicing) or an external voltage that is higher than the set one has been applied.

763,"CH4 module fault detected!"

The measured output voltage exceeds 3% of the set voltage at CH4, and the hardware OVP and DP are off. The reason for this may be a fault in the voltage regulation (requires servicing) or an external voltage that is higher than the set one has been applied.

764,"CH5 module fault detected!"

The measured output voltage exceeds 3% of the set voltage at CH5, and the hardware OVP and DP are off. The reason for this may be a fault in the voltage regulation (requires servicing) or an external voltage that is higher than the set one has been applied.

770,"Script engine is already running"

An attempt was made to run the MicroPython script when the previous execution was not completed.

7.3.1. Self-Test Error Messages

During power-up, the BB3 will start self-test sequences when communication with all SPI devices that is marked as installed will be established. The scope of the self-test depends on device capability and it could vary from simply reading device registers, and waiting for expected responses to more complex operations such as setting DAC registers and reading back those values using the ADC (if ADC test passed). Every test failure will be announced by an error beep, and one error message per failed test will be inserted into the error queue. The device-specific error bit (DDE, bit 3) in the Standard Event Status Register (see Section 3.1) will also be set.


Return string


210,"CH1 IOEXP test failed"

Communication with the CH1 I/O expander is not possible. Probably because the I/O expander is not functional.

211,"CH2 IOEXP test failed"

Communication with the CH2 I/O expander is not possible. Probably because the I/O expander is not functional.

212,"CH3 IOEXP test failed"

Communication with the CH3 I/O expander is not possible. Probably because the I/O expander is not functional.

213,"CH4 IOEXP test failed"

Communication with the CH4 I/O expander is not possible. Probably because the I/O expander is not functional.

214,"CH5 IOEXP test failed"

Communication with the CH5 I/O expander is not possible. Probably because the I/O expander is not functional.

220,"CH1 ADC test failed"

Communication with the CH1 ADC is not possible. Probably because values written into various registers are not equal to the returned values.

221,"CH2 ADC test failed"

Communication with the CH2 ADC is not possible. Probably because values written into various registers are not equal to the returned values.

222,"CH3 ADC test failed"

Communication with the CH3 ADC is not possible. Probably because values written into various registers are not equal to the returned values.

223,"CH4 ADC test failed"

Communication with the CH4 ADC is not possible. Probably because values written into various registers are not equal to the returned values.

224,"CH5 ADC test failed"

Communication with the CH5 ADC is not possible. Probably because values written into various registers are not equal to the returned values.

230,"CH1 DAC test failed"

The CH1 DAC is not functional. Possibly because communication has failed, or because there’s a difference between the test voltage data sent to the CH1 DAC and that read back.

231,"CH2 DAC test failed"

The CH2 DAC is not functional. Possibly because communication has failed, or because there’s a difference between the test voltage data sent to the CH2 DAC and that read back.

232,"CH3 DAC test failed"

The CH3 DAC is not functional. Possibly because communication has failed, or because there’s a difference between the test voltage data sent to the CH1 DAC and that read back.

233,"CH4 DAC test failed"

The CH4 DAC is not functional. Possibly because communication has failed, or because there’s a difference between the test voltage data sent to the CH1 DAC and that read back.

234,"CH5 DAC test failed"

The CH5 DAC is not functional. Possibly because communication has failed, or because there’s a difference between the test voltage data sent to the CH1 DAC and that read back.

235,"CH6 DAC test failed"

The CH6 DAC is not functional. Possibly because communication has failed, or because there’s a difference between the test voltage data sent to the CH1 DAC and that read back.

240,"MCU EEPROM test failed"

The non-volatile memory on the STM32F7 MCU board has failed the checksum integrity test.

250,"RTC test failed"

The RTC (real time clock) on the STM32F7 MCU board is not present, or the date or time values returned are not valid, or the last datetime value stored into non-volatile memory is greater then RTC datetime.

260,"Ethernet test failed"

The Ethernet controller on the STM32F7 MCU board test failed.

630,"Fan test failed"

The measured fan speed during the self-test procedure is not within expected range.


For example, if SPI-bus cable is accidentally not connected, or wrongly wired, on CH1 two errors will be generated and placed into the error queue which can be checked using the following command sequence:





210,"CH1 IOEXP test failed"


220,"CH1 ADC test failed"





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